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a high pitched voice called, followed by rapid footsteps and the mingled whispers of the girls behind her.

ah, here they come.

the first girl came rushing at me, an enthusiastic grin plastered on her face. a full body collision ensued, followed by me gasping for air as she wrapped her small arms around my body with surprising strength.

would you like to spend another night studying together again?"

she looked up at me, her eyes filled with lust and desire. i simpered, and with the flick of a switch, my frontage was in full motion.

"my my, i didn't know that you were ready for round two, if that's the case--"

i leaned down to whisper into her ear, feeling her visibly tense up,

"i would've came sooner."

got her.

the five other girls noticed her flustered expression and began lament about how i hadn't given them the "full body oikawa treatment", or so they called it.

with the six girls fawning over me, i slowly became aware of envious glares from my male peers. one in particular stuck out the most; the most familiar one i knew; iwaizumi's infamous scowl.

once i met eyes with him, i knew it was pretty much over. he would spend the rest of the day scolding me for "showing my dick to the world." iwa-chan wouldn't relent until the very next day; rinse and repeat. he usually wasn't the happiest on campus, especially because of my "inappropriate and unacceptable sexual behavior."

iwa-chan was like my mom; but worse.

this time, though, instead of stomping over and shooing all the girls away like flies, he simply walked right past me like i was some sort of stranger; an aura of displeasure resonating from his figure.

i was disappointed.
i was more in the mood for his nonstop nagging than flirting with a bunch of girls.

though i was dissatisfied with the current situation, i had to keep up the show, even if i hated every second of it.

"hey, why don't you bring your friends so we can all study together~?"

i charmingly suggested, making all of their faces brighten up.

"ha, your dick is probably grade f."


the six girls gasped in unison, but i--

i almost felt happy.
i glanced up with a faint spark of interest. my eyes met with those of a girl walking toward me. she maintained eye contact as she neared, not shifting her gaze in embarrassment or shying away from my tall stature.
i looked into her bright blue eyes,
and i saw her.
i saw her anger.
i saw her passion.
i saw her strength.
the scary thing was,
she saw me too.

she violently yanked at my swaying tie, smirking at my startled expression.

"i guess the king is actually a wuss in disguise,"

she hissed, our faces centimeters apart. with a sneer, she released my tie and turned to walk down the hall; hushed snickers following her departure.

"oikawa-san, please give us permission to beat her ass,"

the painfully obvious leader of the pack begged.

i didn't reply. i wasn't listening. my eyes shot to the floor where she had previously stood. there was a student ID card--maybe she dropped it? i bent down, picking it up and turning it over. my gaze shifted to the bold letters next to her picture.

student name: elise takeda

i stood back up, my eyes still focused on the shiny card in my hand. the girls watched in confusion as my lips twisted into a lovestruck grin.

her name is elise.


amy: lil gay alien boi is too straight right now it's killing me

ash: ayyyy babes hmu if u wanna
talk about actual societal issues and world problems

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