Part 6

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Taehyung woke up sweating, breathing heavy and clawing at his neck.

Bogum, who had walked in to wake him, swore before rushing towards him, "Hey, Taehyung, it's alright. It was just a nightmare, they're not here,"

His nightmares were all the same. Not the same exact dream everytime, but all the same idea, the same thing that scared him.

"T-they, Gummie they hurt, they hurt me," Taehyung gasped, clutching onto his shirt.

They had never laid a harmful hand on him in their relationship, ever. Not once. And he didn't think they would, at first.

But he also never thought they would leave him, and break him.

And gradually, his nightmares turned from regular, running from fake monsters bullshit nightmares, to his ex-boyfriends.

To them shouting at him. To them smiling as they called him a whore, a theif, a liar.

To them holding him back as Yoongi wrapped his hands around his neck.

"I'm here Taehyungie, I'm right here," Bogum mumbled, pulling the younger fully into his lap.

He didn't want to be scared of them. He didn't want to think they would hurt him. They never physically hurt him, he didn't want to believe they ever would.

But he couldn't help but think of Yoongi's warning, the one he gave before shoving the younger out into the freezing rain only a week before his birthday.


Yoongi watched as he tripped into the puddle right by the road, scowl ever present.

His eyes were teary, but Taehyung couldn't see that through the rain.

He took a deep breath as Taehyung sat on his knees, clothes soaked thoroughly, "You show your face around me, around any of us, ever again, and I will choke the life out of you. You understand me?"

Taehyung looked at him with wide, confused eyes.

It angered him, "I asked if you understood?" His voice grew deeper, quieter, angrier.

Taehyung had never been on the receiving end of that voice, until now. It broke his already shattered heart.

Yoongi never hurt him, he was always the first one to comfort him.


"Do you understand?"

Taehyung froze when Yoongi squated down next to him, roughly grabbing his chin.

"I asked you a question,"

"Y-yes Yoongi,"


"Gummie Hyung, why?" He sniffled.

"Because they don't think things through,"

"D-do you think they.."

"Regret it? I hope so. I hope they regret it until the day they die. Which may be soon, if I have anything to do with it,"

Taehyung let out a broken sob, "I don't w-want to be scared,"

Bogum sighed, wiping his tears. He didn't know what to say, so he settled on holding Taehyung in silence, trying to calm the younger.

Eventually, Taehyung gently tugged on his shirt sleepily, making him aware of how his eyes drooped and his head lolled back.

"Taehyungie, you have to get up bubs," Bogum whispered, "It's morning, not night,"

Taehyung whined, rolling off Bogum's lap to stuff his puffy face in his pillows.

"You took yesterday off, let's not start the new year with you missing work,"

"Fuck work, fire me. I don't give a shit,"

Bogum rolled his eyes, "Listen. I get that you aren't sleeping, and your nightmares are awful, but don't you have sleeping medicine?"


"Why not?"

"Because it didn't work, so I threw it out,"


Taehyung sat back up, before kicking Bogum off of his bed, "You're the idiot,"

The elder got up with a huff, ripping the covers off of him, "Get up. I made breakfast, you need to eat. I can see your ribs,"

"No you can't, liar,"

"Just get up, please. I have a lot of shit piled up because my wonderful assistant took 2 days off in a row. I have a lot of unanswered emails and meetings to reschedule,"

Taehyung nodded, accepting the hand offered, "But only if breakfast is-"



"Then get the fuck up, I made pancakes,"



Taehyung smiled, walking into the bathroom, followed by Bogum who declared he wasn't trusted to do his own hair.

"Bitch I have to shower before I do my hair,"

"Who in their right mind showers in the morning?"

"Who in their right mind showers at night?" Taehyung frowned.

"Whatever, just hurry up,"


After he finished making Taehyung look presentable, Bogum had to shove food at Taehyung to get him to eat.

"I slaved over the stove for hours and you won't even eat one bite?"

Taehyung puffed out his cheeks, "But.....but I'm not hungry,"

"But you need to eat,"

"But I really don't,"

"But you really do,"


Bogum glared, "Stop arguing with me. I made you food, please eat it. If you don't eat enough I'll have Minho come over and force feed you,"

"Why Minho?"

"Cuz he's the only one who would actually do it because he's the only one who can resist your pout,"

Taehyung pouted, "Please don't call Minho?"

He hesitated, before slapping himself, "No. No pouting, it won't work. Eat,"

Taehyung slumped back in his seat, looking at the stack of pancakes with distaste.

Pancakes were amazing, yes. But they were the furthest thing from healthy.

"You only have to eat one, okay?"

He slowly nodded, "Can you grab me a glass of water?"

Bogum smiled, "Sure, I'll be right back,"

While Bogum's back was turned in the kitchen, he slid the pancake back on the stack on the plate in the middle of the table. Bogum had made so many, he doubted the elder would notice.

He poured syrup on his empty plate and wiped a little up with his napkin, making it look like he wiped his face.

"Holy shit did you just swallow it whole?" Bogum gaped, placing his water next to his plate.

Taehyung smiled innocently, "It was just really good,"

"Do you want another one?"

"Oh no thank you, I'm full,"

Bogum eyed him, skeptical. But nodded when he saw the crumpled napkin and little but of syrup left. "We're gonna be a little late today, since someone decided to take a 20 minute shower this morning. But first thing, you need to switch my meetings around, I cant make my 11:30 one,"

Taehyung quickly pulled out his phone, writing it down in his notes, "Why?"

"Because I can't,"

"Anything else?"

"Umm, I don't know. When we get there, pull up my schedule and check for any meetings after 2, I can't make those either,"

"What about your lunch with Mr. Park?"

Bogum grimaced, "That creep? Cancel it,"

"So what are you doing today then? If I'm canceling basically everything?"


Taehyung winced at the thought, "Yikes,"


"So let's get going?"


1117 words hoes

so lately, my friend has been weird. like, resonds to the group chat, is always online, but never answers my texts? it takes her a week to answer me :(

and i know shes answering everyone else just fine. i dont think i did anything?

when she answers, shes as happy seeming as ever, and doesnt answer my questions when i ask why it took her 8 days to answer me

and im petty. so i want to be a bitch and do the same thing

but i cant

when she texts i get excited and answer instantly :(

Stay safe and healthy <3

Anyways, bye bye <33!!

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