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Fuck you mean the baby ain't mine Ari what you mean 😡😡 you been cheating this whole time (punches wall) who the baby daddy WHO IS IT HOE ! You better tell me right now (grabs Ari throws her to the wall) YOU A FUCKING HOE , fuck you and that baby POW POW POW !

Ari- Baby BABY WAKE UP you okay ?
Trap- yeah I'm fine go back to sleep babe

That dream scared me it had to be a sign or something about this baby . I was drenched in sweat while Ari rested I went into the master bathroom stepped into the shower and just stood under letting the water run down every part of my body that dream had me fucked up damn now I'm questioning is this baby really mine ?


Trap been acting distance these last couple days so I decided to do a maternity photo shoot with just me in it instead of a family portrait after what I just went thru I just wanted to feel sexy and normal back to my bubbly happy self I called my stylist up along with my glam squad I was ready to look like a bad bitch again . A thought in my mind came to me as I looked over at Trap he was giving me the nastiest look ever but he was more so in a daydream I don't think he saw that I saw him maybe he fell out of love Cuss I'm fat and swollen 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ this is why I didn't want any kids slamming the bathroom door locking my self I blasted my music while soaking in a hot bubble bath preparing for my long day

As I stand here contemplating,
On the right thing to decide.
Will I take the wrong direction,
All my life, where will I go,
What lies ahead of me?
I have strong determination,
And I'm not afraid of change.
I have yet to find that someone,
Who would care to satisfy me,
To stay right by me.
Who can I run to,
To share this empty space?
Who can I run to,
When I need love?
Who can I run to,
To fill this empty space with laughter?
Who can I run to,
When I need love?
And my mind is so confusing,
Who would be that special one?
Everyday I'm trying to find you,
All along, I've got to know,
Is there a place for me?
I know love has many names,
And a message very clear.
All it takes is time and patience,
To bring you near,
But look at me, tell me
Who can I run to,
To share this empty space?
Who can I run to,
When I need love?
Who can I run to,
To fill this empty space with laughter?
Who can I run to,
When I need love?


I know Ari seen me giving her those looks I didn't care there's something eating me up inside and out and I can't keep hiding the fact that I don't think that's my baby because of that dream more so nightmare I had the other day I can't play like shit good cuss it AINT ! Ari slamming the door snapped me back To reality blasting Who Can I Run To by Xscape there stood me on the other side of the door listening to my future wife the mother of my potential child the woman I'm madly in love with cry her heart out in lyrics that single tear fell down my cheek as the song went off and the soft cries filled the bathroom I quickly wiped my tear and headed down to the courts to fill paper to have Ari take a DNA test proving that this baby is mine this will either break us or make our once perfect relationship back to perfection 😔


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