Into Space!

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You chose to tune out Iverson's speech about how horribly you failed, publicly embarrassing you and your so called crew mates in front of the entire class. You could see snickers being covered with the tips of fingers that quickly subsided once your sharp gazes scanned the room. Every single one of these cadets were scared of you, most for good reason. You could snap their necks with a flick of a finger. And based on how much you'd seen, they were all talk, no action anyways.

Iverson dismisses you and the other 3 with a quick wave of his hand, finally letting you relax your perfect posture and stand someone else in the room, a tad bit more slouched than you'd usually go. The other 3 leave together, walking out of the big metal doors. You cock an eyebrow in their direction, ears perking up as you strain to listen to their voices.

It'll be for educational purposes. You convince yourself. With this fact held steady in your brain, you follow the other cadets in order to find out more information surrounding their odd friendship. Well that and you might actually be a little curious as to how these 3 managed to screw up a mission so badly.

"Soooo." Pidge's voice fills the otherwise empty corridor, ringing out as the furniture in the halls was limited. Lance is trailing after them, head hung in defeat as Hunk tries his hardest to reassure the Cuban boy. "Do you think that the other pilot today is actually qualified for any of this work? I've heard some sick rumours about them and none of them seem like they could be pleasant. Plus, they've never been seen flying any aircraft and their training missions never line up with ours."

"Jeez Pidge," Lance snorts, his usual posture returning at the mention of you. You bite your lip to hold back an intense eye roll at the words, following them as closely and as quietly as you can. "You stalking them or something? Plus they're always alone and not hurting anyone so what's the big deal that we mess with Moonlight." Lance adds spooky sound effects after he says your code name, wiggling his fingers as if to mimic something that people know isn't really scary. If only he knew.

"I was just curious, Lance. It's never a bad thing to learn more about people and if we could figure out things about Moonlight, we'd be praised by the entire student body. Not that it matters all that much, but wouldn't it be nice to not be looked down upon for once?" Your footsteps come off a little too loud in the silent hallway and before you know it, 3 sets of eyes are trained on your exact location. You pray they didn't see you, only saw a figure disappear into the cadet hallway. If they had seen who it was, you may as well resign your position as the spy.

You get back to your room, muscles aching for something you can't quite put a finger on yet. You can't leave the Galaxy Garrison, Iverson would have your head for it. He wanted you safe and sound inside the building, even if it was at the expense of your freedom. Something about not being alone in the galaxy so he needed to keep his best hunter safe. You hated how he treated you like an object, but it wasn't like he'd known you as anything else. Just another face that could do his dirty work.

Just as you begin to get really nasty thoughts over Iverson, a low flow emits from the window. You're on your feet in an instance, eyes trained on the light and muscles tense. You highly doubted that it could hurt you, in fact it seemed to be enticing you on purpose. What could it hurt to follow the pull anyways? You weren't going to find yourself far away from here anytime soon.

/ / /

Okay well, maybe you were. The glow led you into an abandoned village that you recognized as the hometown of the vacated. In hindsight, you had known the route and only held one gun tightly in your dominant hand, so this was a horrible idea. But still, the low glow in the moonlight kept you going in more directions than you could count. You felt as though you were traveling in a never ending loop. Perhaps this was a prank from some of the younger cadets. You really wouldn't put it past them.

"Hello?" You wince at the time of voice you have, the gun still grasped so tightly that your knuckles are turning white. There's no reply, only the echo of your own voice in the abandoned wasteland. However, it's as if the light hears you and beckons you over to a large building. One that's glowing even brighter than the string of light that you followed to get here.

You really only have 2 options. Kick down the rotting wooden door or turn on your heel and speed out of here before you end up dead. You choose the former, foot going through the door cleanly. Inside, there's possibly the biggest piece of machinery you've ever seen. It's a metal lion, with coloured accents on certain areas. And it's waiting. For someone who seems to be you. You cautiously approach the creature, ready to aim and fire at anything that comes out. Nothing happens except the glow in the eyes growing with each step you take.

You have to be 5 feet away when it opens its mouth, a cockpit exposed to the open air. So it's like a ship. A really big, really weird looking ship. Once your boots touch the floor of the lion's mouth, you're thrown into the chair, controls you've never even seen before in front of you. You've studied almost every piece of aircraft on this planet and nothing besides the thruster looks familiar. It's almost like it's all alien tech.

Before you get the chance to click any buttons, pull any levers, you're catapulted into the sky, Earth growing small behind you. 

 A/N: I finally got around to finishing chapter two, sorry this took so long. I hope you enjoyed the new writing!!!

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