Chapter Four

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I lay in my bed remembering all that happened just a few hours before. Everyone congratulated me and welcomed me happily into their group. There were people of so many different age and races. I couldn't wait to indulge myself in the activities that everyone else buried themselves in. Derreck explained to me that they took everything seriously and that not fighting for animal rights were quite new for them. We had to create new signs, new boards. I decided not to mention it yet to my dad. I didn't know how to. I didn't think he would have taken the news greatly if he learnt that I was part of a group that was going against the government's plans. For a second I actually thought of not telling him and just wishing he never finds out but once that thought came to mind I discarded it. It wasn't like Hannah Montana where you could have two identities without no-one noticing. That was all fairytale Kookabura!

I turned to the side and noticed that my alarm clock was almost hitting 12. I voice controlled it to set it to 8am before falling asleep. I had to get my rest or I wouldn't be able to pay attention in lessons tomorrow. Relishing in the feeling of triumph, I fell asleep in content. 


Ξ ☼۞☼ Ξ  

 "Hazel, Adrienne is calling you. She's outside the hall" Mikey informed me. We were back in the hall again and everyone were creating their signs and boards. The sounds of chatter and laughter echoed and it was hard to imagine that these people surrounding me were a bunch of protesters. But I guess I was being stereotypical because I always assumed protesters adopted mohawks and had tattoos and just liked protesting because they wanted attention. Now that I'm one my self it's hard to think from my old perspective. Groups of people were creating their own chant and some were suggesting the best routes to get to the front of the hospital. They wanted all the attention they could get or how else would people listen to them? It never ocurred to me that protesting was an organised riot. A lot of planning was needed to create the best disruption.

Mikey nudged me again to remind me that I had to see Adrienne. I nodded and left through the exit. Looking around I spotted Adrienne on the opposite road, standing next to a newsagents. She was looking pretty as ever with her admirable fashion taste. She sported black shades and a long beige coat to combat the cold wind that was getting stronger as each day passed. She looked like a model ripped out from a glossy fashion magazine. I crossed the road and walked towards her, wondering why she bothered to endure the cold breeze just to be away from the hall. 

"You wanted to talk to me?" I asked her. She nodded and pointed her head towards her car. It was a black BMW but I only knew that because of the "BMW" sign in the front of the bonnet. I climbed in and she got into the driver's seat. I expected us to go somewhere but she didn't turn on the engine; no sign of us travelling- or should I say flying?

"I wanted to talk to you about something private. Remember whatever discussion we have remains between the two of us. Is that clear?" she asked me, pointedly staring at my face, a clear sign that she was absolutely serious. I nodded in hesitant understanding.

"This has never happened before. We've been planning this Merudoxin protest for quite a few months. But only because we wanted to get back at them for what they did before. You gave us an important reason to stand up and fight. But now we have to change things around and we only have today. Making the signs and boards are fine but everything, without a doubt, will be unorganised. Tomorrow is the day they pick the 20 women chosen for the tests so we definitely have to do the protest tomorrow"

"So what do you want me to do?" I asked her, confused about why she was telling me all this in private. Shouldn't she be warning her group to not create a mess? That they should stay in order? Little did I know that what she was about to tell me was, literally, going to change my whole life. 

 This is my first sci-fi story just to let you all know so don't be too judgemental. I don't mind any critical comments as long as they're not rude >.< Hope you're enjoying the story and please comment and vote. It'll give me a big boost!

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