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Luke had spent around $200 on clothes for Lola, and she felt absolutely awful about it.

She kept insisting on paying him back or cleaning his apartment or cutting his (very long) hair, but he wouldn't let her do anything, and was somewhat offended about her wanting to cut his hair.

They were sitting in the food court talking about movies they enjoyed when a girl stopped directly in front of Luke, giving him a dirty look.

"So you've moved on?" The girl threw her hand towards Lola, almost hitting her in the face.

Luke quickly looked back and forth between the girl and Lola, who was now staring intently at her food.

"Uh.." Luke didn't know what to say, he couldn't remember this girl.

"You took my virginity and then never called me like you promised you would!" She was practically shouting, definitely causing a scene.

Luke stood up, towering over the girl.

"Look, I'm sorry I've never called you, but I have been busy, and honestly, I lost your number. I don't know your last name so I couldn't look you up. I'm terribly sorry.." Think Luke, think. "Addison?"

The girls face softened. "Oh," She blushed. "I'm so sorry for causing such a scene. I feel just awful." Addison raised her hands to her cheeks and smiled.

She gave Luke her number once again, hoping for a call, but Luke knew he would never call her.

"Intense." Lola commented while sipping through her straw.

Luke shook his head and closed the lid on his Chinese food.

"I'm happy I got her name right, I was scared I got it wrong." Luke smiled up at Lola.

"My God," Lola scoffed. "You are such a pig!" She laughed and threw a noodle at him.

Luke laughed and tried to dodge the noodles.

Lola smiled. "You really didn't remember her?" Luke shook his head. "Jeez, how many girls have you slept with?"

Luke looked up at the ceiling, trying to think of how many. He couldn't think of an accurate number off the top of his head, but he assumed around 50, probably more though.

"A lot," He toyed with his straw. "What about you?"

Lola tucked her hands under her legs and looked at her lap, just shaking her head.

"You haven't?" Luke asked in disbelief.

Lola shook her head again. "My ex wanted to and almost made me once, but I got out before.." She trailed off and Luke cleared his throat.

"Well it's not really a big deal that you haven't, a lot of people wait for their 'one true love'," Luke smirked and made a face at what he just said, somewhat disgusted.

Lola laughed and studied Lukes face for a moment. "What about you?"

Luke looked confused. "What about me?"

"Did you wait?"

"No, I wish I had." Luke looked at his lap.

Lola tilted her head. "Why didn't you?"

Lukes eyes flickered up to Lolas and locked with hers, "It was taken from me. I didn't really have a say."

Lola suddenly felt even worse about today.

"I'm so sorry," She shook her head, upset with how the conversation was turning out.

"It's okay, I'm better now. I feel better now and I do things to make me feel more... pure.. in a sense," Luke looked off in the distance trying to make sure that he worded his sentence correctly.

"What do you mean?" Lola chewed on her bottom lip, confused as to what Luke meant.

Luke sighed and looked at Lola. "I only fuck virgins."


"The only way I can feel pure, is to take purity from others."


yoooooooo more people are reading this than I thought !!!!!

thank u all it will pick up i promise !!

2 votes for the next update??

i love all of u thank u for bein alive and thank u for existin i love u always remember that

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