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Hey friends! Sorry I haven't been posting but I am here with motivation and Idea!!! I'm too lazy to write the links so just read to find out- also slight warning there might be spelling errors!!! Enjoy my sin! [This is a human AU]

Remus, Remy, Janus, and Logan are getting ready to go to the gay strip club. Patton and Roman where staying home to have a couples time, "be safe kiddos, don't do drug, and dont drink too much" Patton said before they left, "of course Pedre!" Roman said closing the door behind them. The four got in the car and headed on their way, "so do think there will be any hot guys there?" Remus asked, "first of all, I'm sure there are, secound of all, you dont need to be worried about it since you already have a boyfriend, me, and Logan" Janus said in return grimacing.

Remus laughed, "well I know that but I ment for Remy" Remy rolled his eyes, " I doubt there won't be Re." Once they got to the club they got out and showed the security their ID's and went in the door. They got a seat and ordered tequila shots, "these are so strong" Logan said taking a gulp of coke to chase it down, right then Remus spots a very short boy with black emo hair, one blue eye and one green eye, and curvy hips.

[Wearing the clothing above]

Remus smiles and nugges Remy, "yes Remus?" Remy asked annoyed that he spilt his drink. Remus point toward the boy, Remy's eyes wide "dude" Roman says, "go talk to him and maybe get a private room with him" Remus says. Remy smirks and gets up from the table heading towards the small boy, " why hello there" Remy says in a safistacting voice, the other strippers he was talking to waved and walked away. The smaller boy turns to him with a smile, "why hello" he says, "can't help to notice you really fill out those shorts and your thighs full out those sock perfectly" he says getting closer.

The smaller boy giggles and looked at Remy, "why thank you" he winked, " do you mind if we get a private room?" Remy says smirking, the smaller boy blushes, "well, I wanna know your name first" he said looking at the guy taller than him, "Remy, yours?" The smaller boy smiled, "Virgil" he grabs Remys hand and they start walking towards the private rooms. He watches Virgil fill out a fro for a room and then leads Remy to room 16. The room was filled with a white couch with a bed that had a read laced covers, a firplace and TV, flower petals and the lights where dimmed. Virgil locked the door and led Remy to the bed and sat him down, he knelled down and unbuckled his pant. Remy looked at Virgil, he thought he looked so inoccent but his eyes where all full of lust. Virgil pulled Remy's pants and boxers off and started jerking of his member.

Remy gasped at how soft the smallers hands where and but his lip, before you knew it Virgil took the member in his mouth bobbing his head up and down. Remy couldn't help himself, he put his hand on the back of Virgils head and lead the strippers head to take the whole 9 inch ion his mouth causing him to gag, Virgil didn't mind it though. In fact it turned him on even more. Virgil took his mouth of the member to breath. He took off only his shorts to reveal a black laced thong. Remy got even harder, Virgil noticed this and giggled a bit, "you like it?" Remy smirk and sat Virgil on his lap on leg on either side of him face to face, "you look very sexy" he said grinding against the emo, "m-mmm." Rmy smirked grinding harder, "you like that?" the emo nodded. Remy moved the the thong the was near Virgil's ass to the, licked his fingers and suck a finger in without warning.

Virgil gasped and tighted his grip on Remy's shirt, "f-fuck" he cursed, Remy a secound finger in and grabbed the emos hips with his other hand. He couldn't wait anymore, he took his fingers out and thrusted into the smaller deeply and harshly making Virgil scream. Remy stayed like this for a minute running his fingers threw Virgil hair letting him adjust, "y-you can m-move now" Virgil said as he started to grind on his member. Remy smirked and started pounding into the emo listening to every scream, whimper, moan, and stuttering words. "F-FUCk" aaaaaah!~" "Harder!!!!" He grabbed the emos throught and roughly kissed him only making him moan more. Virgil felt his member twitched at the fact it has been untouched this whole time. Remy noticed the struggle Virgil was going threw trying to stay stable on his lap and trying to jerk off at the same time. He quickly gets to work and starts jerking him off, Oh god!~" Virgil moans out from all the stimulation.

Virgils eyes widen when he feels his prostate getting hit, "Holy shit r-right there!!~~" he screams out and Remy angles himself to hit there every time, "Oh my fucking god i'm so close" Virgil's eyes roll to the back of his head and with one last thrust he cums all over himself and Remy. Remy continues to pound into the smaller boy until he then cums with a loud groan. He pulls out of Virgil and notices Virgil drifting off to sleep. He cleans him and Virgil up as best has he can seeing that there was no bathroom in the room. After he gets them dressed he takes Virgil on his back and carries him out the room. Logan, Janus, and Remus notice Remy coming out of the hall with the boy in his back, "Jesus Christ how hard did he fuck the poor dude" Janus said getting up to go help his friend Logan and Remus following.

"Really Remy" Janus says when he was close enough for only Remy to hear, "whaaattt" Remy carries the boy out the car of course letting the boss and Virgil friends know that he was n good hands and that he was not kidnapping him. When they got home they see Patton and Roman passed out on the couch cuddling each other. The others head off to their rooms and go to bed for the night. Remy gets Virgil into one of his hoodies and then cuddles him falling asleep, he would explain to Patton in the morning.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey y'all! I know I did this ship last story but I really like this ship so I did it this story too. Also, sorry for not updating I have been so stressed with school but good news summer break just started so I will be updating more with more motivation!!! If you have any reqest send em over!!! Also happy pride month to all of you!!!!!!


Bye loves!

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