The One With The New Neighbour

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It was just another day for Dan. He was going to work, the same old boring routine and the lack of sleep from binge watching Agents Of Shield last night wasn't helping at all.

With a deep sigh he opened the door of his flat when suddenly he saw a white little substance zoom past his legs.

And only a few seconds later he saw a man at the front door of the apartment in front of him.

"Snowball c'mere" he said with a northern accent coming towards Dan.

"I am sorry; my cat just went in your apartment. She has a habit of doing that. Do you mind if I come in to get her"

"Um no of course not" Dan said.

The man smiled a little and went in the flat along with Dan.

"Snowball" he called out. "Come out now"

Dan just stood there awkwardly as he saw the man look for his cat. He finally did found him under the kitchen sink.

"There are you, you naughty cat" the man said scooping up the Persian and scratching his ears.

He then turned towards Dan.

"I am sorry again" he said.

"Oh it's fine" he said giving him a little smile.

"I am Phil by the way, just moved in here" the man said smiling.

"That's great, welcome. I am Dan" Dan said.

"Thank you" Phil said.

"Tell me if you need anything, I'll be sure to help you out" Dan said.

"I will thanks" Phil answered him with a smile.

"See you later then" Dan said.

"Yeah um and also..." Phil began to say but just then the cat got out of his hands running away again.

"Snowball" Phil yelled running after him and leaving the flat.

Dan smiled to himself. His new neighbor and his cat sure seemed very interesting. And he looked almost his age and it is always great to have someone your age.

Dan checked his phone. His little encounter had resulted in him being late for work. He left the flat locking the door and rechecking it because he was a bit paranoid when it came to things like that.

The rest of the day was just left slogging off at work and Dan was more than glad when he finally got home.

But it lasted only for a while as when he got home there was cat poop right on his doorstep. Dan scrunched his nose at the smell. Well his new neighbor surely didn't know how to control his cat. Dan almost went to yell at him when he noticed the door was locked.

Dan just had to clean all of the mess himself. It certainly wasn't what he had expected. Maybe having a new neighbor was not a good thing? And what if all this continued? How would Dan say anything to Phil without sounding mean?

With a sigh he threw everything in the trash and went into his flat throwing himself onto the bed tired after the tiring day.

He didn't even realize he fell asleep until he was awoken by a sound of someone playing a violin. It was almost 2 am and who thought it was an appropriate time to play the violin?

And his guess was right when he peeped out and saw the lights in the house in front of him still on and the sound of violin coming right through it.

Dan just then had come to the conclusion, Phil was the worst neighbor anyone could ever have.

A/N: So new fic
Tell me how was it so I can write more (:
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