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Your hands starting to shake as you stared at the 3 positive pregnancy tests that laid on your bathroom counter.

"fuck,how am I supposed to tell him"
you mumbled to yourself as you felt tears sliding down your face as your heart started racing.

You and Vinnie were always careful but since you are on birth control that changed. You quickly opened your drawer of your bathroom shuffling through the stuff to find your birth control medication. Once you found it you slapped you're head because you forgot to take the pills last week.

As you walked to your room you started to figuring out a way you were gonna tell Vinnie you're pregnant.

"He loves me, it won't be that bad right?"

you got a text from Vinnie letting you know he was there in 5. your anxiety came right back.

You grabbed the 3 tests from you're bathroom counter and stuffed them in the pocket of your sweatpants.

When you finally got to the front door you opened the door letting your boyfriend in he in. he immediately wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you tight. That's when he felt something through your sweatpants, he pulled out the unknown things from your pocket.

his smile faded as soon he saw the 3 positiv tests.

"Y- You're pregnant?"

"uh i- I-I was going to tell you."

"but that isn't possible, I mean your on the pill right?"

You nodded your head yes

"yes I am but last week I forgot to take them." you mumbled on the last part.

He walked away from you running a hand over his face before punching the kitchen table causing you to flinch

"Oh god... how the fuck can you be so fucking stupid y/n?!" he yelled.

you felt tears rolling down your face as your breathing got heavier.

"Huh?! are you gonna fucking answer me y/n I said how can you be so stupid and forget to take some fucking pills!?"

"I'm sorry ok! but this isn't all my fault Vinnie! It's yours too!" you yelled at him back.

He walked to the front door and turned to face you one last time and said...

"I can't be a father right now y/n, I'm sorry"

And with that he left leaving you alone with the baby.

a/n notes:
part 2? yes or nah

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