vinnie takes you to a harry styles concert with front row seats and meet and greet passes
(in honor of HSLOT starting today <3)
mp = merch person
vinnie's pov:
today i was surprising y/n with tickets to go see one of her favorite artists - harry styles - . she has been begging to go see him since he came out with fine line and announced tour dates. when we went into lockdown she didn't think she was going to get to go anymore because she was unsure of if he was going to cancel or reschedule. now here we are a year and a half after i bought tickets finally going to see him. it was his last day of tour and he was ending it in la. he's been in la for the last few days and he's done a few shows here in la already and y/n has been bummed she hasn't been able to see him and it was the same for today. the only reason she didn't buy tickets herself is because they were already sold out when she went to go buy tickets.
v: hey love, what's wrong?
y/n: today is harry's last tour date for love on tour and i can't go she said tearing up. who knows when he's gonna tour again or when he's gonna release another album. he could release another album and announce tour and then we go into lockdown again.
she did have a point with the new delta variant going around
v: get ready love, we're going out
y/n: i'm having a breakdown and you want to go out?
i sat on the bed and brought her into my lap
v: baby i promise where we're going you're going to love. now get ready and we'll leave when you're done. ok? she nodded in response.
after about 15 minutes she was ready
v: don't like seeing my baby sad c'mon cheer up
she turns her head to look at me giving me a death glare
i gave her the aux cord and she played her music as we drove to the arena. the forum was only about 20 minutes away but with traffic it took us about 40 minutes to get there. y/n was on her phone majority of the time so she didn't see where we were going. as i pulled into the parking lot i drove up to the lady to pay for parking y/n looked up. she saw where we were and her mouth dropped. i went to find a parking spot, parked and looked over at y/n crying.
y/n: you- i- how-
v: i bought tickets when they first went on sale
at this point she was balling her eyes out
v: i know how much you love him and you never got the chance to go to a one direction concert or his first tour so i bought tickets for you
she unbuckled her seat belt and climbed into my lap hugging me.
y/n: thank you v so much, i love you
v: i love you more, c'mon lets go inside
v: stop crying love i said wiping her tears
y/n: i'm not even wearing my harry shirt she looked down at her outfit laughing
v: i'll buy you one inside love
y/n: no let me buy it myself you already bought tickets that were god knows how much
v: baby, please just let me. consider it an anniversary present since our anniversary is in a few weeks i mumbled against her lips
y/n: fine but please let me buy the food she said leaning in to kiss me
v: deal, now let's go
we got out of the car and started walking into the entrance. we showed our tickets and vaccination cards and got in and went to get something to drink and something to eat before going to our seats. y/n paid for our food and drinks then we made our way to the merch stand.
v: which one do you want love?
y/n: i don't know i kinda want the "harry is my friend" hat but i also want the green love on tour shirt
mp: hello what can i get for you guys?
v: hi, can i have two green love on tour shirts and the "harry is my friend" hat
mp: sure that will be $135
i paid and the guy gave him the merch
y/n: vinnie that was so much money why did you buy me both things?
v: because i wanted to and you couldn't decide
y/n: vinnie you have to let me pay you back for that
v: love, we have been together for almost 5 years i don't need you to pay me back for stuff. you can't be wanting to pay me back for stuff when we're married ok love? please just let me do this for you because i know how much you've been wanting this.
y/n: i love you she said leaning to kiss me
v: i love you more i mumbled against her lips
v: lets go to our seats
we got to our seats or where we were gonna be standing for the night because i got us pit tickets.
y/n: front row cherry pit tickets?!
y/n: god i love you so much she said hugging me
after about an hour harry was finally coming on stage. y/n and all the other girls around us started screaming and cheering. y/n was having the time of her life and i was so happy seeing her happy.
harry: we have 2 lovely people in front of us here tonight. what are your names? he asked us
y/n was frozen in shock
v: vinnie and y/n! i shouted
h: vinnie and y/n everybody! are you two a couple?
y/n shook her head yes
h: how long have you two been together?
v: 5 years
h: 5 years wow
h: gotta beautiful girl mate
v: i sure do i smiled looking down at y/n
harry continued talking to other people before singing again
y/n: did THE harry styles just call me beautiful?
v: he sure did love
after the show was over it was time to give y/n her final surprise of the night
v: c'mon love
i grabbed her hand and we started heading back stage to go meet harry
y/n: vinnie where are we going
v: you'll see i said smirking
v: we sure are love
y/n: you are the best boyfriend ever, i love you vinnie
v: love you more pretty girl
h: ahh you guys were the lovely couple sitting front row
h: nice to meet you guys
he looked at y/n after shaking my hand and saw her tearing up
h: why are you crying darling he asked hugging her
v: she's been a fan since one direction and was bummed she couldn't get tickets when they first went on sale. i bought tickets when they first went on sale and surprised her when we pulled into the parking lot
h: and the boyfriend of the year goes to vinnie he said laughing
y/n stopped crying and we took a few pictures with harry before we left
h: you guys seem like very nice people and not super obsessed fans so i'm gonna give you guys my number
y/n: are you serious?
h: yes, here you go
h: have a good night guys and no more crying pretty girl he said hugging y/n again
1 hour later
we finally were home and ready for bed
y/n: thank you vinnie for tonight
v: anything for you love
y/n: i love you v
v: i love you so much pretty girl
sorry for being inactive for like a month, school has been kicking my ass but i'm hoping to use the weekends and the day's i have no homework to write and also try to use the schedule i posted not to long ago
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