y/n's life after the breakup
y/n's pov
after me and vinnie broke up and we had that whole blowout a few of the people in the house had a conversation with me and said it was ok for me to continue living here until i was able to get on my feet and support me and my baby. i picked up 3 more jobs and was able to keep 2 of them and the 3rd one i was only able to keep for a week because people kept coming to harass me instead of buy anything. i was able to buy a bunch of baby stuff and majority of what she needed. oh yeah did i mention i was having a girl. i'll get to my pregnancy in a few. i'm still trying to work both jobs and get to that point of living on my own and being able to support the two of us without any worries. now to my pregnancy. i continued living here just moving to a different room that was big enough for the two of us. jett and vinnie made up but in order for them to make up jett's child had to be given up in the process. jett has not been involved and hasn't talked to me since he found out and vinnie doesn't talk to me either for obvious reasons even though i see them everyday and pass by them everyday. i've done pretty much everything myself during this pregnancy which has honestly impressed me. the only thing i avoided was building her crib. i tried and failed so i had thomas and alex help me which they didn't mind so at least we're on good terms and they don't hate me. i was on maternity leave from my jobs since i was 3 weeks away from my due date. i've been setting up my room to make sure it was "baby safe" and was set up for when she was here.
today i decided to do her laundry and start folding and separating her clothes. i walked down stairs with her basket in my hands the best i could without falling before vinnie had to come down the stairs and knock it out of my hands shoving me on purpose. i was already in a bad mood as it was because of the braxton hicks contractions i had been experiencing for the last week so that ticked me off even more.
thomas: vinnie seriously
v: what?
mia; we understand you may not like y/n but was it really necessary to shove her and make her drop her basket?
v: i don't know what you're talking about
and here comes jett
j: here let me help you y/n he said kneeling down to help pick up clothes
y/n: jett no, you made it very clearly you wanted nothing to do with her and you haven't talked to me in months just go back to vinnie, kouvr and mia are already helping me
he sighed and got up to go towards vinnie
m: do you want me to put this in for you y/n?
y/n; please, i don't feel that good i'm gonna go lay down. thank you mia
m: of course
and that continued on for another week, jett trying to talk to me and vinnie trying to shove past me any chance he gets while the some of the house keep scolding him for it. today they decided to go out for dinner and guess who decided to stay back.
me and vinnie
i was really hoping today wasn't the day i go into labor because then i would have to drive myself there basically because i know vinnie won't. and guess what happened, with in 30 minutes of them being gone by water broke. my contractions hit me like a ton of bricks and i'm sobbing because of how painful they are. i grab the diaper bag and my hospital bag and attempt to walk down the stairs as fast as i could before another contraction hit. just my luck vinnie was downstairs probably annoyed of how much noise i was making. i kept sobbing and grunting in pain and made it half down the stairs before i stopped.
v: y/n can you please shut up. you're being so loud
i continue crying and grunting in pain before vinnie walks over to me annoyed.
v: y/n shut-
v: woah woah woah what's wrong he asks rushing over to the stairs to help me
y/n: vinnie please just leave me alone i'm fine
v: y/n you're obviously not. what's wrong, where are you going
y/n: i'm going to the hospital, my water broke now please leave me alone.
v: y/n you are not driving to the hospital by yourself. c'mon i'll take you.
y/n: why are you being so nice to be all of a sudden when all you've done this entire pregnancy is shove me every chance you get and make fun of me every time you see me. you embarrassed me in front of all of our friends and online. for fucks sake vinnie i cant even go to starbucks without being attacked.
i cry out in pain again as another contraction hits
v: we can talk about that another time. please just let me drive you to the hospital
y/n: fine
he helps me into the car as we start driving to the hospital and i am in the worst pain imaginable. we get to the hospitals and vinnie is calling out nurses to come and help me while he grabs the bags. they check me into a room and tell me i am 8cm dilated and it's too late for an epidural.
nurse: are you the dad? she asks and looks over at vinnie
v: um no he says awkwardly
the nurse gives him a questioning look before he says
v: it's complicated
y/n: you can leave now vinnie i just needed to get to the hospital.
v: no i am not letting you have this baby alone
y/n: didn't you say a few months ago you didn't care if i was a single mother or not and if i had this baby alone?
v: yeah he whispers looking down
y/n: exactly, i've been doing it for 9 months giving birth alone will be the cherry on top.
v: y/n shut up. i know what i said, now stop being stubborn and let me be there for you like i should've been in the first place.
y/n: fine i say giving up as i roll my eyes
i've said lots of "i'm sorry's" to vinnie for the last few months and it seems like he's accepted them.
v: i'm sorry y/n
y/n: why are you sorry? i'm the one who cheated on you even if i don't completely remember it.
v: because i shouldn't have blasted you like that online. i cant even say it was the heat of the moment because i continued it for 5're being harassed because of me and your car has been destroyed many times because of me.
y/n: i don't need your apology, i'm used to it by now
v; and you shouldn't be. i know you cheated on me and every person who gets cheated has a right to be mad but what i did was just beyond being mad at you. i was just doing it for fun after a while.
y/n: it's fine vinnie. i hurt you by cheating on you with your bestfriend.
v: and you've apologized to me so many times and all i've did was make fun of you in ways no person should be made fun of. y/n i called you fat when you were 3 months pregnant because you started showing. i promised you and i promised myself that i would never hurt you like that no matter if we were together or not so please just let me help you and let me be there for you. even if you want nothing to do with me after she's born.
y/n: fine
v: do you want me to call jett?
y/n: no, he's made it very clear he wants nothing to do with me and her so he doesn't need to be here.
y/n: can you hold my hand, these contractions are killing me
v: yeah
he grabs my hand rubbing his thumb back and forth on the back of it as i go through another contraction. the doctor comes in 10 minutes later and tells me i'm 10cm dilated and ready to push.
doctor: ok, you're going to push for 10 seconds everytime you have a contraction. are you ready?
y/n: yeah. vinnie can you hold my hand
v: of course, you ready to have a baby.
y/n: no i say chuckling
v: c'mon love you got this
haven't heard that one in a while
i start pushing everytime i have a contraction but i feel like it's doing nothing. i push for 2 hours before she finally comes out.
sage born on june 15th at 2:30 am
i finally became a mother. this wasn't exactly how i thought i was going to become a mom but at least i am one. even it's just me and her.
the doctors take her and clean her off as one of the doctors clean and stitch me up. they give me sage back and leave the room after also cleaning me up. vinnie comes over at takes a first look at her.
v: she's beautiful. she looks so much like you
y/n: i can't believe i'm a mom.
y/n: this should be us vinnie.
v: what do you mean
y/n: we could've been a happy little family
v: we still can be
y/n; how?
v: if jett doesn't want to be involved then i will. she needs a father figure in her life and i'm willing to be that father figure. i'll adopt her so she's legally my child. i know we've had a rough few months but i'm willing to help take care of her. we don't have to get back together but i'll help. quit your jobs and start social media.
y/n: i can't just quit my job vinnie
v: y/n you have the money from working both of these jobs for the last year. you've been on social media and made money from it why don't you just make that your full time job. if i'm going to be her dad i can help pay for her stuff also.
y/n: ok i say smiling
v: yeah? when do i sign the adoption papers.
y/n: how about you go sign the birth certificate instead where it says father.
v: really?
y/n: yeah i smile again
he looks over to see the doctor at the door with the birth certificate. she comes over and vinnie takes sage so i can sign it first. then we switch and he signs it smiling.
v: happy little family he says kissing my forehead
he looks down at sage as she latches onto me to feed and he sees her looking up at him and she grabs his finger and he smiles
v: i love you sagey
she finishes feeding and vinnie takes her to do skin to skin with her
y/n: everyone at the house is probably wondering where we are
v: i completely forgot they went out he chuckles
y/n: we can worry about them when we go home
v: i love you both , can't wait to see her grow up
y/n: me too, thank you for helping me
v: of course love, we both have the happy family we've dreamed of since we first got together
y/n: can't believe it's been 3 years
we finally had a happy family, even if it was going to take some time for me and vinnie to get back together.
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