kids part 3
you give birth to yours and vinnie's babygirl
january 11th 2022
y/n's pov:
i was a week overdue and i was over being pregnant and being in so much pain
y/n: lavender please come out already
the pain was unbearable at this point
v: hey love
vinnie just got home from a photoshoot for the hype house. yes the hype house was still a thing and vinnie was still in it but he just moved out so we can live together and have our own privacy
y/n: vinnie it hurts so bad
he bent down next to the couch to talk to her like he does everyday
v: lav, i thought we agreed a few months ago for you to stop hurting mommy
she kicks as her reponse
y/n: oww
v: are you sure you aren't in labor y/n. you've been feeling like this for the past few days and you've said you feel like you're having terrible cramps
y/n: they haven't been close together so i didn't want to call the doctor and them send me home
y/n: omg vinnie you are never getting me pregnant again i said as i got another contraction
v: i'm sorry love he said kissing my forehead
v: let's time them for the next hour and if they're consistent then we'll go to the hospital, ok angel?
y/n: ok
v: you wanna go on a walk to help walk her out?
y/n: yeah
v: ok, got get ready and i'll be by down here waiting
i went to go get ready and a few minutes later i came down. we went on a walk around the neighborhood for about an hour timing my contractions each time i got one. they were anywhere between 2-5 minutes so we decided to go to the hospital. after we got home vinnie grabbed by overnight bag which was basically both of ours because he put his stuff in there and lavender's diaper bag. we got in the car and drove about 15 minutes to the hospital. vinnie found a parking spot close to the entrance and we made our way into the hospital. the doctor checked us in and told us we were 7cm dilated. we were now patiently waiting for our babygirl.
v: how you feeling love?
y/n: much better now that i got the epidural
v: only a few more hours and we can finally meet her he whispered tearing up
y/n: v don't cry you're gonna make me cry
v: sorry he chuckled
v: i've been waiting for this moment since i asked you to be my girlfriend
v: and now its finally happening
y/n: i love you
v: i love you more
he kissed my lips before giving me a hug. a few hours passed and the doctor checked again and i was finally 10cm dialted.
y/n: you ready to meet her
v: more than ready
a few more doctors came in to help and vinnie was right by my side the entire time. i started pushing around 12:30 am on january 12th and by 12:46 am on january 12th 2022 baby lavender was here. vinnie cut the umbilical cord and the doctor took her to weigh her, measure her and clean her up. they gave lavender to me and after that left.
v: god she's so beautiful he whispered wiping a tear that fell down his face
y/n: she looks so much like you v
v: i love you so much angel, thank you
y/n: i love you too. thank you for what love
v: giving me this little angel
i fed her and she latched on pretty well before vinnie took her to do skin to skin . we called his family after a few hours so they could see that she was here and meet her over facetime before they flew to la in a few days.
our happy little family
❤ liked by vinniehacker, reggieisahacker and 2,500,000 others
y/nlevine: already the best dad ever <3
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❤️ liked by y/nlevine, maria.hacker.3 and 3,000,000 others
vinniehacker: first family photo :) (someone photoshop hera in)
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