39. Grass, Su Yuanzhou he...

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Su Qiuge thought of this, and looked at Xie Xinglin with a complex face, and then she slowly said, "What do you want, I am joking with you. "

"I am the kind of person who cares about something and asks others to compensate?"

She patted her small (chest xiong) preserved, "Giving others happiness is what I should do, after all, I am the kind of music Little angel who helps others!"

"At the same table, so I invite you to eat it."

Xie Xinglin:?

Halfway through their words, Su Qiuge suddenly glanced at Director Xu's face at the stairs, and the other party saw them talking and walked quickly with a dark face.

Su Qiuge suddenly felt excited, and then placed the Chinese language in Xie Xinglin's arms and said to him, "At the same table, I will go to the toilet. Director Xu asks you...you, you said that I came, tell him not to wait I. We will continue to talk until we come back."

As soon as she left, Director Xu came aggressively and asked Xie Xinglin where Su Qiuge had gone and what he had just said to him.

At this time, the crowd of onlookers were extremely excited, and each of them put their spirits up and raised their ears.

After all, this is the first grader to be trained, it is rare! !

Xie Xinglin raised his eyes and said lightly, "Her relatives are here."

Director Xu was still angry, and he didn't turn around for a while, and Wen Yan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Relatives are here? Which relative? Just asked him to come to my office for tea."

Xie Xinglin listened to him, his mouth light (gougou), raised his eyebrows slightly, then bowed his head and whispered three words.

Director Xu heard that the three words behind (color) became extremely ugly little by little, he finally reacted, he was a little unbelievable, his face turned red, said to Xie Xinglin, "What are you talking about? "

It is a terrible thing for a boy to say these three words without expression.

Xie Xing faced no waves, and continued innocently, "You just asked me."

A girl heard the conversation, and then gathered together and snickered quietly.

Director Xu originally wanted to wait for Su Qiuge to come back and scold her, but he didn't notice the ugliness at this moment, and the students in these corridors all laughed at him like that, he roared with a red neck One sentence, "What are you doing here? You can't read it early?"

Someone answered with a smile, "Teacher, there are still more than ten minutes to start early reading. Do you remember (sexuality)?" Not so good."

Director Xu was choked with his words, grinning with rage, but helpless and difficult to refute anything. He felt that the

laughter in his ears was even harsher, and he accelerated to walk downstairs.

Director Xu seems to be not coming back. When those people who watched the excitement were just about to break up, people with sharp eyes poke their companions' shoulders with their elbows. "Grass, Su Yuanzhou..."

Su Yuanzhou is Come with a deeper (killing sha) anger than Director Xu.

He finally arrived early one day and wanted to send Su Qiuge something to buy on the road, but he heard about it as soon as he arrived at school.

I watched for a while among the onlookers. This time I watched Su Qiuge and Xie Xinglin chatting, and even heard Xie Xinglin admit that it was his idea.

This coercion did not take his warning at all, still entangled Su Qiuge.

In Su Yuanzhou's eyes, where can their two students go to study at home late at night?

The scene of the nightclub hotel and even the grove appeared in his not-so-clear mind.

Fuck, Su Qiuge is not the women in the nightclub. What kind of bastards does Xie Xinglin do? ?

If he didn't give him a face, would he really think he was a vegetarian? ?

Xie Xinglin just watched Director Xu go away, and within a second, he noticed that someone punched him at the door.

Xie Xinglin slightly tilted his head, Su Yuanzhou's fist hit the glass window behind Xie Xinglin's body.

"" There was a sound, and the whole glass window shook hard.

People in Class 1 who were originally leaning against the glass window (sleeping Shui) were so shocked that they were paralyzed by the chair.

The man trembled and asked his classmates who were busy making up their homework, "Are the earth or earthquake?"

Su Yuanzhou's punch was full of force, and it hit the glass window, and his fist was red.

He uttered a high-pitched chicken cry in pain, but so many people were watching. In the face of so many people, he gritted his teeth and could not help but pretend to be casual.

He had wanted to pull Xie Xinglin's collar, but he was worried that he wouldn't be caught by him, but he could only say badly, "You take Laozi's warning as a play? You can't understand you if you stay away from her? Do you want me to teach you?"

Xie Xinglin's breath was as quiet as water, and he was more calm and calm than he was quite irritable. He raised his mouth slightly, and he seemed to laugh a little. This smile is a bit ironic, "You are teaching I do things?"

This looks like Su Yuanzhou wants to kill him even more, but he is smarter this time, taking a step back and sneering a few times, "What are you doing? I and her were more than ten years ago. I know, the feelings are much deeper than you, you cross-footed in the middle, still trying to provoke separation? Just with her classmates, she is like everyone, do you really think you are special?"

This person is not to Su Qiu Ge had a skewed mind, so why don't you let him misunderstand.

Xie Xinglin heard this sentence, the smile on her lips converged little by little.

--"I met her more than ten years ago, and my feelings are much deeper than yours."

His eyes became a little cold, and his eyes moved to Su Yuanzhou as if he was finally willing to look at him.

Su Yuanzhou suddenly felt that this man's eyes were a bit scary, as if he was thinking about which bone to break off. He couldn't help but recall the last time he was beaten by this madness.

His tone calmed down a little bit, and he raised his eyes, "So, don't tell me what I threaten you, let's solve the problem with a man's method. Next month, in the basketball game, you give me the main role, if you lose, The basketball teams of your class are all in the collective women's fashion show during the celebration. How far do you roll?" At the games, Class 1 won a lot.

Class 12 was not reconciled all the time, thinking about pulling back to a city in the next basketball game, the sports committees of the two classes even pinched, saying that which class lost the basketball team will be punished.

Xie Xinglin's glance looked at him, and for a while, (gougou) coldly said, "What if you lose?"

Su Yuanzhou raised his jaw and said proudly, "We will not lose, of course. Even if we lose, our class basketball team also wears women's clothes. Not only that, what to wear-- "

"Can..." At this time, someone rushed out from the crowd next to him and covered Su Yuanzhou's mouth, then ignored His struggle took him away.

This man is Gao Jing.

He came late today. He heard that Su Yuanzhou had forced him to go to Xie Xinglin to settle his account.

When he heard that he got himself into it, he still blocked the innocence of the whole class of boys.

Just kidding, can this woman talk nonsense? ?

This is a bad thing, everyone follows him to suffer! !

On the way back, Su Yuanzhou shook Gao Jing's hand away and said fiercely, "Why didn't you let me finish talking? Xie Xinglin hadn't accepted the challenge of Lao Tzu!"

Gao Jing sighed.

Su Yuanzhou is so humiliated, even if he is embarrassed, he still wants to go to pull the whole class of boys embarrassed?

Gao Jing sidewalk, "You are not our class Sports Commission, and the Sports Commission to discuss you for it?"

Su Yuanzhou sneer, "Yes, I am not a body appointed, I am your grandfather."

Gao Jing ︰ "......"

Su Yuanzhou will The hand gave Gao Jing a glance, "I don't even ask if you don't ask me, but I still question my decision, why don't you really think our class will lose to the group of roosters, right?"

Gao Jing ? There was a moment of silence, staring at his fists swollen by himself, and said, "So... do you want me to breathe for you?"

Su Yuanzhou raised a goose bump, put his hand back, and then casually Said a sentence, "Don't go back to work, accompany Lao Tzu to a convenience store and buy a bottle of Coke."

Gao Jing couldn't help saying a lot of words, "Coke (sha sha) fine."

Su Yuanzhou was already in a bad mood, so he was so Then he responded irritably, "Coke (kill sha) your grandfather, Coke took your grandfather (kill sha)!"

Gao Jing was silent for a few seconds, "You just said that you are my grandfather..."

Su Yuanzhou was so angry that he would hit him twice. Gao Jing avoided it and looked down at the mobile phone. He saw a post in the school forum turned into a hot one and hung high on the forum homepage.

[Experiment 2 The two big school grasses almost competed in school to fight for me, and even bet for my basketball game, and lost the women's clothes]

rt, how can I let the big brothers wear women's clothes for me? If I can, I hope to be a maid outfit [dog head]

1l: Hahaha, as the onlooker, I said that I would be laughed at by Su Yuanzhou, what kind of bloody college plot is this? ? Su Yuanzhou was angry and rushed to the crown!

2l: Where did Xiaofenghuolun and Xueshen go last night? Should they be together?

3l: Back upstairs, I am in class 1. I feel that these two are brotherly, don't think about it.

4l: I think Xueshen should be meaningless to Hot Wheels. On the contrary, Su Yuanzhou has been chasing Huo Mei before, and Huo Mei has not rejected his snacks. I think the two of them might be a little bit interesting, and then Su Yuanzhou learned that Huomei had approached Xueshen recently, so she was in a hurry to find trouble.



200l: I am very much looking forward to the arrival of the basketball game, no matter which side of women's clothing, can make me laugh for a year.

201l: The minister seconded, in fact, the bunny girl is also good, but I prefer the maid coffee. q Play soft and

cute costumes, if there are looming black stockings, it will be more soft and cute ~ 202l: Bunny girl? Is our Feitian policewoman unworthy?

203l: Shoot, hard.

204l: black stockings? I lick wildly! !

205l: Ha ha ha ha ha grass, I said one thing, I think boys in women's clothing were very dangerous that day, so be careful that the bottom of your skirt is lifted.

Gao Jing brushed the forum, and felt that these people should have defaulted on what this silly Su Yuanzhou just said casually.

It was definitely taken seriously by so many people. Even when it comes time to deny it is useless.

Thinking of being a member of the basketball team, Gao Jing felt a sense of suffocation.

Although a class did not perform very well in the last basketball game, if he remembered correctly, Xie Xinglin did not seem to participate.

Although he alone may not change the situation too much.

But in case...

in case...

When I think of myself as a maid dressed in a tight (sexual) sense, I may show it on the school catwalk, and I might be wiped by the kind of pervert that just like this. Gao Jing suddenly feels cold behind, chrysanthemum one tight.

Su Yuanzhou! !

Su Yuanzhou, you are really my grandpa!

My grandpa! !

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