18. Xie Xinglin is an abnormal real hammer

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Officer... Officer your sister! !

That's what she was thinking about! !

Su Qiuge stepped back a few steps: "No, I don't want to!"

She stared nervously at him, not knowing what she was thinking at this moment, her expression on her face was extremely struggling and frightened, for fear that he would eat her.

Xie Xinglin saw her like this, stopped her movements, and stopped teasing her, and looked at her faintly, "Aren't you able to

bear it?" He said, "It's a little" away from her, with a tone Diao Kan said, "This can't stand it?"

Su Qiugue reacted and the dog was teasing her again.

Sao's ratio.

Su Qiuge was not convinced this time. She thought she was ashamed when she remembered that she was really scared.

She could only deflated to protest back, "I don't have it!"

She was a little loud, and suddenly heard the hurried footsteps outside the fire escape.

She realized with great horror that the familiar flashlight like the Holy Light was back! !

Su Qiuge's lying trough, only then knew that Director Xu was actually waiting for the rabbit.

She didn't care anymore at this time. Hearing the class bell for evening self-study, she directly pulled Xie Xinglin out of the fire exit. Sure enough, Director Xu's came from behind him at the next moment-

"You two don't run!! There will be serious punishment!!!" The

more he said, Su Qiuge's desire for survival was higher and he ran faster.

Joke, who will stop at this time! !

She ran towards the building of the second year of high school, knowing that the class is now over, and there must be many students by then, mixed into the student heap in the corridor, this director Xu can still get them out of the sea?

Xie Xinglin has long legs, and Su Qiuge runs basically at the speed at which he walks. He looked at her in such a panic, with a look of interest.

Arriving at the second floor of high school, Su Qiugue Yu Guang glanced at a girl at the staircase and the boy with her back to her, saying something. The girl also grabbed the boy's arm and said tearfully, "Don't

Would I break up?" She had wanted to remind them, and after hearing this sentence, carefully examined the man.

Then, she discovered that the man was the Neptune who gave her snacks before! !


So Su Qiuge withdrew his voice and passed them quickly.

Su Yuanzhou was originally quite annoying.

Because there is a high school girl who has been entangled with him for a long time, and even misunderstood his meaning, thinking that he promised to be with her. Today, he called himself out during the late self-study class and asked him not Break up with her? ?

What the hell?

He didn't stay with her. Where did he break up?

He frowned anxiously, and just wanted to say something, at this moment, a wind blew past him.

Su Yuanzhou:?

He just wanted to see who it was, and suddenly glanced at Xie Xinglin's sharp profile.

Xie Xinglin seemed to notice this too, glancing at him very faintly.

Between the sights, Su Yuanzhou even noticed a bit of contempt.

He gritted his teeth and prepared to scold, and then he found something wrong-

because the girl in front of Xie Xinglin was very similar to Su Qiuge.

Not very similar, the back is exactly like his cheap sister! ! !

and many more?

Why did Su Qiuge and Xie Xinglin get together? ?

Before he could react, at this time a beam of holy light shone straight towards his face.

Su Yuanzhou was so blinded by this light that he had the illusion that he was found by a security guard like a thief at night.

He scolded, "Damn, which silly big night is idle to play with a flashlight?"

Then, the silly face (color) playing with the flashlight stood in front of him that night.

Su Yuanzhou almost saw Director Xu's face at the moment when he remembered that Director Xu patrolled with flashlights on the evening of self-study.

He once laughed that Director Xu patrolling with a flashlight was stupid, but he told Gao Jing in private.

This is the first time I said it in front of me.

Director Xu stared at the girl and took Su Yuanzhou's hand. The girl hadn't reacted yet. Su Yuanzhou reacted, and she shook it off first.

Director Xu (Lu)

gave a gruesome smile: "Run, didn't you run very fast just now? Play hide-and-seek with me?" "Su Yuanzhou, I tell you! No matter how skinny you are, I'm just To cure you!"

"Not only do I

miss my self- study and skip class appointments, but also dare to scold the teacher, you are really heaven!" Su Yuanzhou just reflected why Su Qiuge had run so fast just now.

Wait, so this teaching office flashlight is chasing Su Qiuge they came? ?

After Su Yuanzhou wanted to understand, he scolded Xing Xinglin ten thousand times in his heart. Of course, he was unwilling to carry this pot. "No, the man is Xie Xinglin. You can't see me and wrong me?"

Director Xu naturally knew that Xie Xinglin Outstanding Miyoshi student, he sneered, "I still want to stigmatize others, but others are in the first grade, would you love early?"

"You don't explain it here (强强), hurry and come to the office with me!"

In a word, Director Xu also glanced at the girl beside him who didn't dare to speak. The girl looked strange and miserable. Her eyes looked like she was crying. It was estimated that she was threatened by Su Yuanzhou.

So Director Xu didn't intend to embarrass her, but just said to her, "The next morning love also

wipes the highlights of the eyes, what are you looking for?" Su Yuanzhou: Me? ? ?

Su Su Yuanzhou autumn grid naturally do not know how badly.

It is only known that Director Xu chased the Youhui little couple for a night and self-study, and the news of severely punishing the man spread throughout the school the next day.

Seriously, she didn't sympathize with the Neptune at all, and even wanted to laugh.

It didn't take long for the competition class to begin.

Thanks to Xie Xinglin's competition notes, Su Qiuge was not so passive when the competition class started the test, and even found that he could answer many questions.

Zhao Minghua also comforted her when she finished the paper: "They took one more semester than you. It doesn't matter what the test scores are, if you don't understand something, you can ask you at the same table."

Su Qiuge originally wanted to say himself In fact, the test is okay. After thinking about it, I still didn't say it.

There are fewer large-scale activities in Experiment 2, but this month it started to increase.

The students of the Second Middle School looked forward to these days, and finally looked forward to the games.

Peng Jianda was responsible for the registration in the solicitation class, Su Qiugue was softly ground by Peng Jianda, and applied for the sprint and relay race. What she didn't expect was that Peng Jianda even moved Xie Xinglin and asked him to sign up.

The class on the day of the Games was very lively, and Peng Jianda led the class uniform and sent it.

I don't know who designed the class uniform. It's a little (female nu). The girls in the class are all pink and white (color). There is a small furry tail behind the coat, while the boys are red and black (color). Department, it still looks like a couple.

Just after Su Qiuge finished receiving the short sleeves and jackets of his class clothes according to the size, the (fuck cao) radio broadcast rang. This was the whole school going to participate in the opening ceremony of the Games.

Su Qiuge changed clothes and walked downstairs with the team in the class.

Class 1 and Class 2 are close together, and when they just came out, they met.

The two classes (Guan Guan) are subtle because the grades are not much worse, not to mention that the top of the last Games is twelve, and the first and second classes are tied for second.

Su Qiugue heard from Peng Jianda that the head teachers of the two classes usually get along with each other. So the smell of Peng Jianda, a sophomore, wanted to be ashamed before the games.

Walking along the line is a bit chaotic, Su Qiuge heard several boys around him talking.

"Did you see it? That's the second class of flowers."

"It's really pretty. What's the name?"

"It seems like Lin Luoyu."

Su Qiuge, who was eating melon in peace of mind, heard this name slightly. A meal.

Lin Luoyu? Why does it sound so familiar?

and many more!

This name... seems to be the name of the heroine of this book!

She almost forgot to have a hostess! !

Su Qiuge turned his gaze.

As the heroine of this book, Lin Luoyu is taking the inspirational route. If you remember correctly, this Lin Luoyu classmate will (kill Sha) enter the class when she re-classes next semester.

While studying in a class, she fell in love with Xie Xinglin, and she began to pursue Xie Xinglin.

Although I don't know what the result is behind, according to the law that Lin Luoyu classmates will get as long as they work hard-her superficially cold table is probably won by this cheerful and hardworking girl.

But one thing, this mistress is also unlucky enough, she successfully attracted the attention of her stupid brother Su Yuanzhou on the way to Xie Xinglin.

Probably the magical development of "Oh, interesting woman", Su Yuanzhou, a neuropathy, began to pursue the mistress, and it can't be said to be serious. Su Yuanzhou may just want to compete with Xie Xinglin, but also because of this love rival ( Guan Guan was more targeted at Xie Xinglin, causing him a lot of trouble.

Thinking of this, somehow Su Qiuge suddenly felt that Xie Xinglin was the worst.

She is really miserable at the same table.

Lin Luoyu also noticed that many people's eyes were drifting towards herself. She ignored those people's eyes and was nervous to find someone in the ranks of the team.

She glanced around, but she didn't see the man, and she lost her look.

Lin Luoyu has a secret.

She was born again.

In her previous life, she transferred to a class through her own efforts, and then met Xie Xinglin.

She has always been very popular because of her sexuality and appearance. But Xie Xinglin stepped on the wall here. It seems that what kind of empathy and circumvention are both superfluous and embarrassing.

At a glance at his careless gaze, Lin Luoyu only felt that she had lost her aura, and even the pride in her heart disappeared.

She began to pursue him silently, believing that although this person looked cold, but as long as she worked hard, she would be able to impress him.

But what broke her heart was that she had no results after a long chase. Later, she happened to learn about Xie Xinglin's situation and knew that his father had died early and that his family was in trouble.

Probably not too eagerly, she found a reason for herself, quietly spreading out these things in his house, and then this matter was known to the school.

As if this way, you can pull this proud high mountain flower off the altar and bring yourself closer to him.

It didn't take long for the rumors about him in the grade to increase, and later, she gradually weakened her thoughts.

Until she met him again, one night after many years passed, she was fortunate to be invited to a high-end banquet.

She was cautious and decisive at the banquet, fearing that she would make a mockery of what she did wrong.

But at the banquet midfield, he was still dazzling as he walked slowly down the stairs and down his suit.

Like the stars, the attitude towards everyone is not cold.

Lin Luoyu had an illusion, as if nothing had changed, he was still the pride of heaven. Everyone respected him, and many women tried their best to please him.

He still carries the pride of the teenager, and the pitiless appearance looks more inaccessible than the teenager in high school.

When he looked at him greedily, he just glanced at himself very flatly, but she couldn't help but soften her legs.

This made her (Qiang Qiang) press like crazy to recover.

Such a man, such a man as powerful and powerful as the sky and moon, if...

if it belongs to him.

Lin Luoyu took a deep breath, (qiang qiang) forced himself to calm down. Since she was reborn, she has been planning how to win him.

But this time it was much easier than in her previous life. She knew what was happening in his house and also knew his secrets.

As long as he believed, even if she knew the truth, she still liked his willingness to accompany him through the ups and downs.

He will be tempted.


first event after the opening ceremony of the Games is the women's 200-meter dash.

When Su Qiugue went to the inspection, many people came to watch, and the people in each class were cheering for their athletes.

Gao Jing originally and Su Yuanzhou were playing with their mobile phones in the shade of the rare (fuck cao) field, and suddenly glimpsed a figure at the 200-meter inspection office, and said to Su Yuanzhou, "Eh, brother, that's not your sister Did

she actually report the women's sprint, do you want to check it out?"

Su Yuanzhou was also puzzled. From the crowd of high-profile prosecutors, she saw Su Qiuge in a pink and white coat, she looked slim. There is a furry tail behind the coat.

He received his phone and found a reason for himself, "What do you say, go to cheer for our class and look at her by the way."

Gao Jing sneered secretly when he saw him, but he didn't take it out, "Yes, go cheer for our class."

Peng Jianda brought a group of relatives and friends to help Su Qiuge. Everyone didn't expect her to get the ranking, and she was already very happy not to count down.

Han Ming, who just ran out of the eleventh shift team, put his hand on Xie Xinglin's shoulder. "Xiao Su actually reported a sprint?"

Xie Xinglin wore a loose black and red coat, his hands lazy in his pocket, Skin (color) cold white legs are eye-catching, the whole person is cold and flamboyant and juvenile, the girls next to them have been peeking at him.


raised his eyelids and said, "Well." Han Mingxian (lu) worried, "Your class is really big-hearted, Xiao Su doesn't look like he can run." When

it was Su Qiuge's turn for their group , Su Qiuge is doing preparations.

She (took off) her coat, (exposed) her beautiful white arm, and her legs with uniform thickness under the shorts also sucked in.

"This younger sister is pretty, so pure."

"A class? Can it be done, it looks pretty fake."

Peng Jianda cheered her in the distance, "Xiao Su, don't be nervous!"

Tang Jie on the side It was silently saying: "Don't say, her small arms and thin legs look like they will fall next second -"

After the warm-up, the athletes were all on the track.

At the moment when the referee's gunshot sounded, everyone on the starting line flew out.

Then, Peng Jianda saw Su Qiuge's step, and then, directly facing the ground, fell to the starting line.

Peng Jianda:? ?

A group of relatives and friends behind Peng Jianda:? ?

Tang Jie even covered his eyes with his hands.

Gao Jing: "Slot! Your brother and sister are too

empty !" Su Yuanzhou: ... The

other class next to me was also a little surprised-

"No, what's going on?"

"I thought grass dazzled me Was it really a fall?"

" Ca n't it."

"Look for someone to help down."

But the girl on the runway seemed calm and did not feel embarrassed. She climbed up from the ground very neatly. Then the legs stepped forward and ran like a small electric motor.

This speed looked so alarming that it caused those who were discussing to shut up.

Then everyone found out that the little girl's speed is getting faster and faster, sweeping the field like a small hot wheel.

Under everyone's stunned gaze, she quickly surpassed everyone in the front, and finally turned out to be the first in this group.

Peng Jianda was already feeling ashamed. Seeing that the situation hadn't responded yet: "The lying trough... how can this still be ups and downs, my heart can't

bear it anymore." The people in the class didn't expect much from Su Qiuge , Who knows the result is far unexpected.

And Han Ming, who was watching the whole process with his heart on the side, was very delicate at the moment, turned his head to look at Xie Xinglin, "Don't say, Xiao Su looks quite fierce."

Far from the finish line, I didn't know what Peng Jianda ran to and said to Su Qiuge, she laughed. The girl smiled naively (tuo), a little baby fat.

Xie Xinglin looked at her smile and blinked slightly, and then seemed to think of something, with a tone of play in her tone: "Well, it's exactly the same as that of yours."

Han Ming was a little confused: "Who is my family?" he quickly said : "Don't mess with me, I don't have a girlfriend."

Xing Xinglin looked at him lightly and said: "Ding Dong."

Han Ming: "..."

Ding Dong is the name of his cat.

The chassis is low, the arms and legs are short, and usually does not give people hair. (Milk Nai) fierce (milk Nai) fierce, will also lose his temper. It's just because the elbow is short that you can't scratch it every time. I often fall, and I fall to the ground when I fall. Not only is his bad temper, but his IQ is not so high.

However, Dingdong, who is famous outside, likes Xie Xinglin very much. Every time he sees him, he will take the initiative to show his belly to show off to him.

Han Ming thought for a moment, just fall of the Soviet Union in autumn grid but also his mother was really a bit like a master of his house that he Renzhao Xiao ︰ "and how it is like a jingle out of a rut?"

He said half blinked ︰ "Ding Dong can roll (dew) her belly on the ground to show off her coquettishness, and Xiao Su will meow and coquettish you?"

Xie Xinglin stopped talking and pursed her lips slightly, imagining the picture.

The girl lay on the ground and looked at him with tears in her eyes. She lifted her clothes slightly, (exposed) her white and tender belly, and then (red hong) opened her lips slightly, making a soft voice, "Meow."

His index finger slightly Moved a little.

Han Ming's face (lu) had a mean expression: "OK, Xie Xinglin, I didn't expect you to be so nasty--"

Xie Xinglin looked at Han Ming with a blank expression, and the latter immediately closed his mouth.

Han Ming waved his hand: "Just kidding, kidding."

"Our star brother is so glorious and unwilling to ask, how can we think of these things?"

Who knew after a long while, Xie

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