12. Please let him help other classmates

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 However, Su Qiuge is telling the truth, because in such a short period of time, even if she has the intention to complete the previous falling things, there are certain difficulties, so this time it can only be said that the play is average, and there is still much room for improvement .

How could she be satisfied before entering the first 100 grades, but

her goal is... She glanced silently at Xie Xinglin beside her.

Beat magic with magic.

Zhao Minghua didn't show much exaggeration. After all, he taught more students before and had seen everything.

No one spoke, and it seemed that none of them had eased.

When did this person who didn't do homework countdowns so much?

Someone couldn't help recalling that Zhao Minghua seemed to be asking Su Qiuge some questions in class these days, and she all answered correctly. At first, everyone didn't take this seriously. They all thought that she read Xie Xinglin's answer, but if -What

if she wrote it herself?

Zhao Minghua observed the performance of the whole class. She said quietly: "This time, many students have made progress, and I hope that the next stage of the test will continue to be maintained."

She did not mention Su Qiuge's name. The form starts the lecture.

After class, Peng Jianda exploded.

He attributed Su Qiuge's progress to-

"Xiao Su, you have concealed me so hard! It turns out that you are actually surprised by the bones of the Wizards, but you have never been awakened. This time, you are fortunate to have a table with Brother Xing , I suddenly connected your second leg of Ren Du and ignited your soul of learning!"

Su Qiuge: "You shut up for me."

The brother in front of Su Qiuge turned to Peng Jianda when he heard this: "According to you, when you were sitting at the same table with our class sports committee, why didn't you see the spirit of sports igniting you?"

Peng Jianda was not convinced. "Why not, I have been insisting on physical exercise."

Tang Jie sneered, "I know, Peng Jianda insists on doing sit-ups every day."

"At night (sleeping Shui), one supine before sleep, and one sit-up after waking up in the morning."

Su Qiuge: "Hahahahaha."

As the class teacher, Zhao Minghua will communicate with the students every time the exam is completed, whether it is poor or improved. In the afternoon, Su Qiuge was also called to the teacher's office. The desks of a class of teachers are all next to each other, and Su Qiuge is a very special student in a class. When she came in, many teachers set their eyes on her.

After all, it is not easy to improve more than 500 people at once, as many teachers know.

Zhao Minghua was changing his homework, and when he saw Su Qiuge came, he put down the red pen.

She moved a bit and said, "I feel that your recent learning attitude has been greatly improved. This is a good thing. The same recent results have also given back to you. I hope you can continue to insist."

Teacher He, passing by drinking water The machine made a cup of wolfberry tea, squinted and said, "Student Xiao Su has a much better attitude towards homework and exams recently, which is worthy of praise."

Tang Ya, who is next door, also looked up and said with a smile, "This language is also used Well done, the homework is very well written, and the essays have been sorted into the grade. Just recite more (qiang) and try not to make mistakes. Children of your level must not lose points on the basic questions and suffer more. "

Su Qiugue took the exam well as a top student for granted. She hasn't encountered so many teachers complimenting her scene. Her ears are a bit red: "Well, thank you teacher."

Zhao Minghua continued: "I heard Peng Jianda say You have made so much progress, and you have helped you a lot at the same table. I didn't expect the child to look cold and indifferent at ordinary times. In fact, he was quite enthusiastic and helpful."

Su Qiuge couldn't agree more, on the surface ( (Lu) smiled in standard worship: "Ah, Xie is very powerful, I have asked him many questions, and I have learned a lot."

Zhao Minghua nodded: "Since that, you two will not move the position next month, continue to be the same table."

"You have made great progress this time, don't be proud, continue to work hard."

Su Qiuge's smile on the face gradually stiffened , "That teacher... or let him help others..."


Zhao Minghua ignored Su Qiuge's appeal and continued: "In addition, you are ready to join the school competition class training next week. most people took part in a group, though have learned many courses, you take it easy, do not keep up with the matter have to try, I will be told Star Pro take the time to thank the previous contents and you talk about. "

when the fall of the Soviet Union Peng Jianda was still surprised when Ge came out of the office irrationally. Especially when Su Qiugue saw Peng Jianda, the unreasonable expression of the secondary student became teeth.

Peng Jianda was already very frustrated because the teacher sent the score form to the parent group.

His mother sent him one:?

I still remember that Peng Jianda was the second last from the last exam. His mother thought he was so backward because he was taken down by the brothers, so he said to him, "Don't play with your grades worse than you in the class. Zhu Zhechi and Mo Zhehe understand black?"

That's good , he became the penultimate.

Then, he watched as his mother's name changed from summer Qinghe to summer Qinghe (blackened).

Summer Qinghe (blackened): [Smile] [Chopper] [Chopper]

Peng Jianda dare not look at it again.

So, he subconsciously thought that Su Qiuge looked at him with such eyes, because he was the leader of the study group but still stumbled.

Not long after, Xie Xinglin was also called to the office.

Xie Xinglin couldn't see much change when he came back, but if you feel it carefully, you will still find that there is a little difference.

Then Peng Jianda found out that this man's gaze also had a layer of seemingly coldness today.

Peng Jianda naively thought that this man was also not very satisfied with his countdown, so he returned to his seat and began to write homework obediently, and secretly vowed that he will never do the countdown next time, and it is necessary to erase the humiliation!

Xie Xinglin returned to his position, Su Qiuge saw him standing on the table with his hand, looking at her with unclear meaning, and said slowly, "Because I am very enthusiastic to help you, when I am at the table, you are very motivated, so Would you like to continue sitting with me?"

Although the words "very" and "very good" were used in this sentence, they were rendered with a strong (qiang) tone, but the tone was strange and calm. The most terrifying thing was Su Qiu Grid still heard a strange (killing) air from it.

Su Qiuge was silent for a while, "I don't like to sit with you."

Tang Jie next to them heard the two dialogues "doing and doing", (Qiang Qiang) endured to put his thoughts back on track.

Su Qiuge said depressively: "I just wanted to say a few words to you in front of the teacher. Who would have thought she suddenly put forward this opinion, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't..."

Xie Xinglin didn't speak, just in Su Qiu Ge thought that when the short conversation between them would be spent in the silence of each other as before, she had a black (color) notebook on her desk.

The boy's slender skeletal hand rested on the notebook, looking cool and beautiful.

Xie Xinglin raised his eyebrows: "This is the notebook of the competition class. Look at it yourself. If you don't understand it carefully, ask me again."

Su Qiuge has a very correct understanding of his sentence.

——See for yourself, don't ask me.

Probably because of the explanation given by Zhao Minghua, Su Qiuge recently asked Xie Xinglin if he had any questions. Although he was cold, he would briefly talk to her about the key points. Su Qiuge was not stupid, and it worked.

The two did not mention what Su Qiuge had done before, and Su Qiuge didn't know why Xie Xinglin didn't ask. It might be disdainful or not at all. Since he didn't ask her, it was not easy to take the initiative to explain what.

She thinks this kind of getting along mode is quite good, after two months, she and the male host have been passers-by since then.

He walked his way of flying Huang Tengda, she crossed her dull bridge.


Recently, Su Qiuge likes to endorse the rooftop of the teaching building during the lunch break. At this time, there are very few people, not only the quiet air is also very good.

Su Qiuge moved a small stool to sit behind the raised building in the center of the rooftop and whispered his book. On the rooftop, I don't know who made a few potted plants, and the unspeakable flowers thrived.

I don't know how long, she heard a dialogue in her ear, she still wondered if she had hallucinations. Until a familiar name fell into her ears, convinced her that someone was talking.

She stretched her head out of the wall that she was leaning against, and caught a glimpse of the two people from afar.

One of them is a fashionable and elegant woman (sexuality) who snuffs out the cigarette in her hand, (red hong) her lips slightly open, and the sound comes from far away.

"Xing Lin, I asked the teacher about your situation when I came. You did a good job. I know you don't like your mother, but you can't bury your beautiful future because of your will."

" Compared with outsiders, my mother still loves you the most. I will try my best to give you whatever you want..." The

woman stood opposite the young man with a tall, stern expression.

That's her at the same table, Xie Xinglin.

Although Su Qiuge knew that it was not good to listen to others behind her back, she could not go out and say "Hello, goodbye" to them now, so she could only retract the corner.

She remembered Xie Xinglin she had just seen and blinked slightly.

He was extremely bored with emotions all over his body and his face was somber.

Having been at the same table with him for so many days, she knows that this man is very calm regardless of what he is facing. Instead of being cold, he actually sees that she just cares about not participating and is rare. When he feels out of control like this.

The woman said a lot, and then Su Qiuge heard a sneer.

Su Qiuge can even imagine the youth's brows and arrogance at this moment.

His extremely cold voice came: "I said, I don't want to see you anymore." The

woman frowned, and she stepped forward: "Xinglin, why are you so ignorant? My mother was also bitter. Why can't you understand me? Why are you still prejudiced against your mother after so long?"

"You have to know that no one can love you more than mother, and now no one can give you more, you Dad is dead—" The

woman said half-way through an exclaimation, something was broken and a crackling sound was made.

Su Qiuge squatted by the wall without seeing (fa) what happened.

She only heard Xie Xinglin say-

"Go away." The

tone was full of excitement.

Then there was the hurried noise of high heels, and the woman left without a word.

The rooftop has returned to the long-lost tranquility, as if the farce just now was just an illusion.

Su Qiuge squatted holding her own language for a while, and after confirming that there was no sound, she slowly stood up. When she stood up, she found that her legs were sore.

She decided not to come to the roof to endorse in the future, so as not to hear any secret documents from being killed by (killing) people next time.

She slowly put the stool back to where she was before walking to the door of the roof.

When she was about to walk out of the door, she suddenly dimmed in front of her eyes, and then she was blocked by a person's arm, only to realize that the boy did not go far, she almost ran into his arms.

She raised her eyes and met the boy's somber gaze.

He is tall, his elbows are bent slightly on the edge of the door frame, his eyelashes are drooping, and he is looking down at her from a distance. From a distance, it looks like the (溧ai) ambiguous picture of the girl in his arms. Out of seven points (killing sha).



Qiuge wrote two words silently in his heart: I giao----

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