Izuku could barely keep his eyes open. Asui pulled him away from the monster. Aizawa suppressing Shigaraki's quirk.
Asui jumped back with Mineta under her arms pulling Izuku along with her.
"Wait no! Erasure Head!!!!" Izuku shouted.
Put the boy down, and pulled back her tongue. With all the strength he could master, the vigilante thrust his hands forward. With telekinesis he lifted up the monster from the badly wounded pro hero and began slamming it against every thing.
Mineta and Asui cringed. The vigilante was using so much force that a normal person could have been nothing but paste.
"What the Fuck are you waiting for!!!!!! Get him AWAY from HERE!!!!!" Izuku shouted at the frog girl and the shaking boy.
Asui managed to pull their teacher and the two students started making their way back to safety. Izuku kept on using his telekinesis and erasure. Making sure the hand villain doesn't get him. Using the monster's body as a weapon and a shield.
Izuku was losing strength and fast. When the doors burst open and a booming voice came. He was relieved.
The Nomu broke free and grabbed Izuku by the head attempting to crush it. In an instant the boy was on the ground, head still together.
The dark haired boy looked up to see the number one hero protecting him.
Izuku tried to get to his feet. But his pounding head and bloodshot eyes kept him grounded.
Almight began his battle with the monster. The boy was glad that the villain was too preoccupied to focus on him.
Kurogiri came back. The villain didn't bait much of an eye at the vigilante teen. Almight was about yo slam the monster into the earth but then the warp gate opened up a warp and saved the beast.
Izuku gritted his teeth.
Shigaraki Tomura began his rambling. Izuku was getting annoyed. The monster moved its hand to what looked like Almights weak spot.
The Nomu, what it was called dug his fingers into the wound from long ago. Reopening and causing damage.
Izuku was about use it. His own original quirk. A quirk none of his parents or known family members had. He was about to save the hero that only wanted to protect... The hero needed to be here to protect the others
He was about to when suddenly the temperature dropped. Ice skidded out from no where and encased the Nomu.
The teen stared in surprise as the dual coloured hair boy appeared. He noted he was the son of the hero he almost killed last time.
Two more came.
Bakugou appeared and created an explosion pinning down Kurogiri. Kirishma tried to hit Shigaraki, but the villain was quick to get away.
Bakugou had a hand on Kurogiri's metal container. The thing that contained his physical form. What it was the boy didn't know.
Shigaraki was now the only one standing. His rambling continued until he finally snapped.
"Nomu, get our ride back" said Shigarki
That moment everyone was to stunned and to slow to move. Almight wasn't fast enough. Bakugou took the full brunt of the Nomu's power. The force blew everyone back. Everyone stared in horror as the dust began to clear up
Tears began to drip down Kirishma's eyes. His best friend. His best was no more
"What?" Came Bakugou's voice
Everyone turned to see the boy on the ground next to Kirishma. Almight hadn't moved from his spot. The warp gate was back at his leaders side.
If Kurogiri had a face he would horrified. And broken, shocked and in pain. The vigilante he had saved and had grown fond was not in his place.
The boy with the explosion quirk didn't take the blow. Almight was still were he stood when he escaped the Nomu's hold.
A cackle came. Then crazed laughter. The ground began to shake and all of a sudden things began to float. Shigaraki panicked as he was raised of his feet. Rocks, trees, water began to float. Everything in the USJ began to float as the laugh grew louder and louder.
The dust finally cleared revealing the vigilante. His blood shot eyes were wide open as he cried tears of blood. His laugh echoed through out the building, chilling everyone to the bone. He was covered in blood from head to toe. His blood.
"Why, why, did I jump?" Izuku began in a singsong tone
Izuku wasn't present. Izuku's eyes were dull and dead. His body moved on its own. His mouth spoke the words that repeat in his soul
Why, why, did I jump
Why, why, was I saved
I'm useless I'm weak
I remember the saying 'plus ultra'
Go beyond you limit
I wanted to be a hero
Why, why did Kachan hurt me
Why why did mom have to go
A pure soul was lost that day
And everyone blamed me
Why should I be a hero
For a society that doesn't believe me
I laugh I cry
I'll go beyond my limit
I killed myself
And so I'll kill you
As Izuku said those words, Izuku activated Eraser. The Nomu began shaking. It began shrinking, skin turning back to human. A cranium encasing the exposed brain and eyes finding sockets.
It became a normal human. Shigaraki panicked. Kurogiri was already moving. Izuku didn't care. He was going to hurt that monster in the most painful way he could.
The warp gate warped away with the villain and left Izuku to the heroes
The now normal human wasn't human. He was an empty shell. They watched horror as the Nomu was ripped apart. Blood spilled on to the ground as everything began drop down.
Almight didn't know how to deal with this situation. All three students present began to gagged at what they had just witnessed
The black haired teen was laughing maniacally and began crying as he laughed. Almight felt pity for the boy. He was a hero, and right now even though the best thing that had to be done was subdue the boy, he just stood there and watched the boy break down.
The boy needed help.
His dull dead eye reminded him of himself when he lost his master
Why why aren't you dead?!
I killed you should be dead!
No one wanted you
No one saved you
The person who was always there for you is no longer here
Why did you come back
You took the swan dive
Just die!!!!
Izuku pulled out a knife and tried to stab himself in the eye. He didn't get the chance. Todoroki encased the vigilante in ice, as quickly took it away.
The boy went limp.
Put cold
Fully unconscious
Bakugou just stared in horror at the boy. He questioned what happened to the dark haired teen informant of him.
Why? How? He questioned himself.
What happened to Deku
Is this really him
Was this my fault
Bakugou breathing had hitched. He was having a panic attack. A large hand placed itself on the boys shoulder. He looked up to see Almight
"Its not to late to fix your wrong doings" he said to the boy
"Deku doesn't look good!!!" Kirishma shouted gaining all their attention
Almight was first to move. Picking up the broken boy.
Was he this injured?
Almight asked himself as he rushed out
The other teachers had finally arrived and everything was being taken care of
No one else apart from the two teachers and the vigilante was hurt in the attack. All were in serious condition but was able to be stabilized.
Almight got his friend a detective to look into young Aizawa's past. Though he didn't have to since he was already on the case. The detective as well had begun to find interesting things.
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