The wind blew through my hair as Steve drove his motorcycle to Stark Tower. My head was resting on his back, my arms wrapped around him. Steve's motorcycle was really the only transportation that we had. I love his motorcycle. Every time he starts it up, I want to ride with him.
Steve parked his motorcycle in the street. He smiled when he saw my wind blown hair. It looked terrible, but I guess he thought it was cute.
"I know, I know my hair looks terrible." I try to untangle it with my fingers.
"Nah. It looks kinda hot, actually." Steve grins as he takes my other free hand. He always knows how to brighten my day.
We enter the building and walk into Tony's elevator. Steve's arm was wrapped around me. I noticed he kept fumbling around with something in his pocket. What it was, I'm not sure. Probably the keys to his motorcycle.
The doors slid open and Tony was standing at his bar. Pepper was sitting on the couch talking to Natasha. Clint and Bruce were watching something on ESPN.
"Capsicle! Come to join to party!" Tony yelled, a champagne glass in his hand.
"Typical Tony." Steve muttered to me.
"You're the one who wanted to come." I muttered back.
Pepper greeted me with a hug. I walked over to the couch with her. It's not very often that I get girl time. Clint and Bruce joined Steve and Tony at the bar. They were all talking quietly. Steve kept glancing back at me. Almost like he was checking to see if I was listening to the conversation they were having. I had zoned out on the conversation the girls were having.
"We should have a girls' night some time. Not very often that we get time to ourselves, is it?" Pepper says. I snap away and listen to the conversation the girls were having.
"We should go shopping some time." I say.
"I'm not that big on shopping. Maybe we could see a movie or something?" Nat speaks up.
"Oh I haven't gone to see a movie in a long time. We should go sometime soon!" Pepper adds.
"Maybe this weekend?" I ask.
"I've got nothing going on. Are you busy Pepper?" Nat asks.
"Nope! Let's do it!" Pepper smiles.
We continue to talk for awhile. Occasionally, the guys at the bar would laugh loudly. That made us laugh loudly as well. Once things calmed down, everyone was quiet.
"This is getting lame. JARVIS play some music." Tony says.
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