I lock the door to my room. I don't want to talk to anyone right now. I just want to be left alone.
I relax on my bed and think about the meeting. I'm upset at Steve. I wish he would've said something encouraging. But instead, he doubted me. I know I'm not crazy, my twin brother kidnapped me and held a knife to my throat!
I take a deep breath a try to force out all of the memories that suddenly came rushing back. Not just the ones from Iceland, but the good memories I had with Cole. I try to forget the time before he became the monster he is now. I wish he would've killed me, that way I wouldn't have had to live with the memories I have now. The memories of him being a killer.
A sudden sound of a gunshot, stuns me away from my memory. At least, I think it was a gunshot.
I run to my closet and unzip my bag. Buried at the bottom was a loaded handgun, the one I had taken with me to Iceland.
I stand at my metal door, gun loaded and emotions running wild. I slowly unlock the door and let it crack open wide enough for me to slip through.
The hallway was quiet. Too quiet.
I raise my gun and slowly put my head around the corner to see if the coast is clear.
A flying bullet speeds past my face, just barely missing my cheek. I duck and rush back into my room, locking the metal door behind me.
In a panic, I turn on my earpiece and call for help.
"Code red! Does anybody copy? Code red! Shots fired!" I shake from being frightened.
"This is Director Fury. I copy." Fury's voice chimes in.
"Shots fired sir! I've been shot at!" I holler.
"Are you injured?"
"No. They're outside my room." I say.
"We're sending help now. Rogers, Romanov, and Barton are heading your way." Fury says.
Gunshots fire again, this time at my door. I watch as they leave small indents on this side.
Could this be another attempt from Cole and his men? Have they found me once again?
I know I snapped at Steve, but I need him now. I could use a plan of action. After all, he is The Star Spangled Man With A Plan.
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