One Big Unrelated Happy Family

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About a week later we called the team over to our apartment. We thought we could throw a casual party. That way, we could avoid any suspicion.

Nat, Clint, and Bruce all arrived together. James arrived alone. The only people who were missing were Tony and Pepper. We couldn't figure out where they were. But then again, this is Tony. Who knows where he's at.

Nat pulled me aside into the kitchen, "So, something is definitely up."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

Nat pointed to the red solo cups on the counter, "First of all, you have red solo cups out on the counter, and no alcohol. I know you aren't a big drinker, but you always serve alcohol for everyone else at the party. And I know you love pop. You haven't even touched the pop bottles on the counters. You've been drinking water for most of the time."

"What? I can't chose to not serve alcohol and drink water instead of pop?" I question.

Nat smirked. And then I knew that she was beginning to wonder what the deal was. If Tony didn't get here soon, she will probably figure it out. Then the surprise will be ruined.

About fifteen minutes later, Tony and Pepper show up at the door. Tony was dressed up in a suit, even though I told him to come casual. Thank God, that Pepper listened.

"Sorry we're late. I couldn't chose which brand of wine to bring." Tony says.

Dammit. Leave it to Tony to bring the alcohol to the party. Even though I don't drink very often, wine is something that I find hard to say 'no' to. So, thanks a lot, Tony.

"Sorry about this. I told him not to bring wine, since you would most likely be serving some." Pepper apologized.

"Actually, I'm not serving wine." I say.

"Really? Did you run out or something?" Pepper asked.

"No. I just chose not to."

"Probably a good idea. Tony is driving us home, and you know how he gets when he's had a little too much to drink." Pepper says, and we both laugh.

Steve and the boys were talking in the living room. Pepper, Nat and I were talking in the kitchen. But Steve catches everyone's attention when he takes Tony's wine glass away from him and taps it with a fork. The noise catches our attention.

"Attention everyone! Quiet down!" Steve calls.

Well, I guess it's now or never! I've been dreading this moment, but at the same time I've never been more excited. I'm not sure how the team will react, but this is bound to be great.

I walk over to Steve and his arm snakes around me. The smile on his face was adorable. He was trying hard to contain his excitement, but his smile said otherwise.

Everyone gathered in our tiny living room. Some were standing, and others were trying to cram together on our couch. It was quite funny, actually.

"So, Alice and I decided to throw a party-" Steve began to speak.

Tony cut him off, "Obviously a very crappy party! I mean, seriously Alice! What kind of a party is it if you don't serve alcohol and I have to bring my own?!"

"Calm yourself! There's a reason why we chose not to serve any." I say.

"Alice and I have some big news." Steve begins and he pulls me in close, "Alice?"

"Well, there is no easy way of telling this, so..."

I paused.

"I'm pregnant!"

And just like that the room erupted. Pepper and Nat practically flew off the couch and wrapped me in a tight hug. James gave Steve a tight hug. I thought it was cute.

"When did you find out?" Pepper asks.

"About a week ago!" I smiled.

"I can't believe it! I'm going to be an aunt! Auntie Nat!" Natasha was all smiles.

"Don't forget about Aunt Pepper!" Pepper laughed.

Tony came walking over, wine glass in hand. "It's like we are one big unrelated happy family."

I laugh, "I can't think of a better way to describe it!"

A/N: What do you guys think of the new cover?? Do you like it more or would you want the old one back?

I also wanted to give you a heads up about the next chapter. It's gonna be intense. I was having a hard time deciding on whether or not I was going to leave it like that, or if I should change it. But I think I'm going to leave it as it is.

I'll have another A/N in the next chapter to help explain what happens.

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