"Alice, I don't want to buy a minivan." Steve whines as he sits in the backseat with me. Bucky was driving us back to the apartment in his car. I could see him smirking in the rear view mirror.
Maggie was strapped in to her car seat between us. She was sound asleep.
"Steve it's a practical vehicle for first time parents. I don't see what the big deal is!"
"It's a minivan. And I'm not taking crap from Tony all thanks to driving a minivan."
"You're still my big bad and tough Avenger no matter what you drive. And besides, if Tony wants to give you a hard time, he has to go through me. After childbirth, there's nothing I can't handle." I reply.
Steve smiles and pulls Maggie's blanket up closer to her face, tucking her in. Her pacifier bounces up and down her mouth as she wakes up slightly, but then dozes off again.
"Maybe not a minivan. Could we just get a car? Save the minivan for the day we decide to have two kids." He suggests.
"It's going to be awhile before we have two kids, sweetie. One is enough for now." I smile.
Steve leans over and kisses me.
"Steve, how did we switch lives? Way back when, I was the one who made out with girls in the back seat." He shakes his head. "And now it's you."
"About time." I chuckle and kiss Steve again.
Bucky drums his fingers on the steering wheel anxiously and annoyingly as we continue to kiss.
"Seriously though, stop kissing."
Steve and I smile and pull away. He looks down at Maggie in her car seat. Little strands of blond hair stand up in all directions. Steve gently swipes his hand across the top of her head, placing those strands back in place and then rests his hand on the edge of her seat. Maggie wriggles in her seat and then pulls her little arms out from under her blanket. Her little blue eyes open and flutter for a few seconds. She looks up at Steve and then reaches over and touches his hand, grabbing at his index finger. Steve allows her to grabs his finger and she then drags his hand onto her lap. Steve's hand was significantly larger then Maggie in whole.
"I knew that you would be the perfect father." I grin.
"I'm not perfect. I'm still learning." He replies.
"Then you're a fast learner." I add.
We look down at our baby girl who was asleep in the car seat. How precious she was.
"Don't forget! Uncle Bucky gets to babysit at your nearest convenience." Bucky chimes in from the front seat again. "You're kid's gonna love me."
Steve simply shakes his head. I smile at him, thinking about how crazy things are about to get. Maybe at some point, things will drive us up the wall. Sometimes, the best kind of crazy is the craziest kind of crazy. We certainly have enough of that around here.
Suddenly a name pops into my head. A name that I hadn't thought about in a long time.
I wish that things were not the way they turned out to be.
If only he hadn't turned on me the way he did. If only the accident had not happened. If only he wasn't so mad with the world. If only we did not have to kill him.
I wish I could go back to the way things used to be. Back when he was my twin brother and he was my best friend. Back when he truly cared about me. Back when he was my true brother.
Cole would've been the perfect uncle.
A/N: So the feels just took a punch. Sorry about that. Okay so let's bring up the one topic that literally made the entire MARVEL fandom scream: Steve Rogers is HYDRA. Yeah, I'm not okay with that. I'm pretty upset. #SayNoToHYDRACap #SaveCaptainAmerica <-- These hashtags are in my profile. I apologize if I do not update much this week. I have to study for finals :(
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