Here Comes The Bride

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Pepper adjusts my veil one last time before she runs back to her place in line. Bruce walks up, a grin was painted across his face.

"Wow. Look at you." He smiles.

"Do I look okay?" I ask nervously.

"You look stunning." He simply replies. "You are such a beautiful bride. I can't believe I get to walk my closest friend down the aisle on her wedding day." He smiles.

"You've been a great friend to me Bruce. I've known you since before we both started working here. And you've helped me through a lot. Including the time my father died. He can't be here to walk me down the aisle. So I needed my closest friend to help me with that."

"I'm honored that you allowed me to walk you down the aisle." He replied.

The double doors swung open. Tony and Pepper went first down the aisle. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"Bruce, promise me this one thing." I ask.

"Anything." He replies.

"Don't let me run back down the aisle. Don't let me fall down. Don't let me pass out." I say.

"Actually, that's three things. But I promise." We link arms and step forwards.

After Nat and Clint leave, the double doors shut. Bruce and I got into our positions and waited. The music changed. And the doors opened.

This is it. Here we go.

-Steve POV-

The music changed. It began to play a piano version of the bridal march. The double doors opened.

And there she was. My beautiful angel. My beautiful fiancé. My beautiful soulmate. My beautiful Alice.

My breathing hitches as I feel tears begin to bubble up. I swallow hard and smile. The way she walked down the aisle, no, she didn't walk, she looked as if she was floating, she was perfect.

The dress was stunning. It for her perfectly, and it was beautiful on her. So elegant, and timeless.

She was standing in front of me in no time. She smiled brightly, her eyes never darting away from mine. We stand together at the alter. My eyes never leaving hers.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to witness the marriage of Steven Grant Rogers and Alice Annamarie Mathews..." The pastor speaks.

Alice giggled slightly, "He used our full names." She whispered.

The ceremony continues and then we come to the vows.

"The couple have decided to say write their own vows." The pastor announces.

Pepper hands Alice a piece of paper and Tony hands me a piece of paper.

"Steve, you may go first." He decides.

I clear my throat and take a deep breath, "Alice Annamarie Mathews, I love you. There's no better way to start our lives together, than by saying that. When I'm with you, time stops. Everything around me is frozen, but we keep moving. I knew we were meant to be. I was lost in this world. I couldn't even figure out my on TV. Until you showed me. You taught me so much. And you're still teaching me things. When times get rough, I know that you will always be there for me. You will always come for me. You've supported me, and guided me through my life. And for that I am grateful." I begin to cry, "I wondered why I was found. I have always wondered why I was found in the ice. And now I finally know. I was destined to fall in love with you. And I could've have done that by being unfrozen." The crowd chuckles lightly. "So, I was found. And when we met, I finally understood. I was meant to fall in love with you. Like Walk The Moon says: This woman is my destiny. And you really are. I will love you forever. Because, we are vibranium strong." I finish.

"Always." She chokes out through her tears. She swipes a fallen tear away from my cheek.

"Alice, it's your turn." The pastor speaks.

She unfolds her paper and looks at it.

"I can't believe that all I had to do was be a total klutz. All I had to do was slip on the wet floor. I remember that day perfectly. It will always stay preserved in my memory. You caught me when I was about to hit the ground. You helped me back up. I said that someone should put a wet floor sign up. And you corrected me by pointing to the standing sign." She says, and the crowd chuckles. More tears fall down her face and she begins to cry harder. "And I remember when you wanted to give me the tour. And I told you that I would be fine. You said that you wanted to give it to me, that way if I were to slip and fall again, you could catch me." The crowd aww's. "And I guess that you should know that while you were giving me the tour and I slipped again, I faked it. Simply because I loved it when you caught me. To this day, you still catch me, and I am forever thankful. You are my safe place. You are my rock. You protect me from anything that might hurt me. Your kind heart and gentle soul have captured my heart and my love. I am yours forever. We are vibranium strong. I love you." She finished.

-Alice POV-

I wipe my tears away. Steve's vow was beautiful, and I could tell that he loved mine.

We exchanged our wedding rings and waited for the best moment of all.

"Without further delay, it's my honor to announce for the first time, Mr. Steven Rogers and Mrs. Alice Rogers. Steve, you may now kiss the bride."

Steve didn't hesitate, and he sure did surprise me. He grabbed my waist and sent me into a dip, kissing me passionately and strong. The crowd cheers and smiles. Tony whistled. The bright lights from the cameras flashed as we continued to kiss.

"We haven't got all day, you two." The preacher jokes. Steve stands me upright and takes me by the hand, leading me down the aisle.

I am Mrs. Alice Rogers.

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