I walk towards the car that Steve had sent to come and get me. As I walk towards the car, a large black car pulls up. Two men were in the car, and they were both staring at me. I try to ignore them, but one man hits my shoulder as he walks out of my apartment building. He says nothing, not even and 'I'm sorry'. I get in SHIELD's car and buckle my seatbelt. I look back, and see that the black car was pulling out as well. Before it pulls up behind me, we drive off. I look back, and it follows me.
We pulled to a stop at the stoplight. I turn around, the black car directly behind me. I take a deep breath and wait for the light to turn green. Once it does, we speed off, hoping to lose the car. But, they were right behind me.
As we get closer to the building, the car makes a sudden turn, and it vanishes. I shake my head and breathe a sigh of relief.
I thought they were following me.
We round a corner and see the building. We pull up to the front gate, checking in at headquarters. Once we're in, we pull up to the front of the building. I step out of the car and shit it behind me. The car drives off, leaving me by myself. I hear a muffled engine in the distance. Assuming that it's just another one of SHIELD'S cars.
From out of the shadows, a man jumps out, covering my mouth. I thrash around, kicking and screaming. Another man comes out, he grabs my feet and lifts them up. I twist around, but they hold me tightly.
One more man steps out, and punches me in the face. Dizziness sweeps over me, and I stop moving.
"Didn't think we'd get you, did ya sweetheart?" The man asks. "Yeah, well we were just listening to what your brother wanted. You know, before he died." He speaks. "Just trying to carry out his unfinished business." He taunts me. He swings his arm over his head and brings it down on my stomach. The other men drop me and I hit the cement sidewalk. Not to mention that all of the snow on the sidewalk made for a cold landing as well. I cry out in pain. My head spinning in all kinds of directions. I take a deep breath in through my mouth, and I taste blood. My nose must be bleeding.
He kicks my side. I grunt and clutch my side. My vision continues to blur.
"Hey!" I hear my fiancé yell. I look up and see Steve, beating the crap out of one of the men.
I stumble to my feet and join the fight. One of the men run at me, but I grab his arm and twist it. He yelps while I punch him the gut with my other free hand. Steve had moved on to the next man. I launch my feet into the air and kick the man in the gut. I launched myself back far enough that my head was going to hit a grassy patch that wasn't covered in snow. Before my head hits the grassy patch, I catch myself and spring back up. The one man had stumbled back and hit the car. Steve finished the second guy. I step back as he sends a strong punch at the last guy. The man collapsed on the top of the car before he fell to the pavement.
Steve looks at me, breathing heavily.
"Just another day at the office." I sigh.
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