...Can Change Everything

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Police cars swarmed the apartment complex where we lived. Flashing red and blue lights flood my eyesight as I rush towards the front entrance. I throw the doors open, letting them collide with the walls. Nick Fury followed me closely as I rushed up the staircase, tripping on every other step. I clutched the railing for dear life as I continued to run.

Hot tears came raining down my face as I struggled to catch my breath. My vision now grew blurry from the amount of tears in my eyes.

Not Maggie. Please. No.

When I reached the landing to our level, I could see officers standing outside our apartment. A couple of SHIELD agents were in the mix as well.

I was a wreck. The most important thing in my life was torn away from me. My daughter. My only child, torn away from me and my husband. And she is still so little. Just born into this world, and now her life may be taken from it.

No. No. Don't think like that, Alice.

Officers turn frantically towards me as I run down the hallway. They hold out their hands to stop me, as I appear to be out of my mind. But I simply scream at them.

"THAT'S MY HUSBAND! WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER?" I scream as I shove them all aside throwing punches at a few, even though I shouldn't have.

The sight of our apartment when I finally made it through the doorway made me fall to my knees. My hand rushes to my mouth to cover the muffled scream that was about to escape from my lips. All sign of hope are now lost to me.

The kitchen table was split into pieces with splinters of wood scattered around the floor. Fresh blood stained the carpet flooring. One particularly large puddle. Cameras flashed as investigators took pictures. The flash practically blinding me. Broken glass covered the kitchen floor with blood staining the tips of the jagged edges. One particularly large piece was completely drenched in blood. The TV was on the ground, cracked in two pieces.

And there, lodged firmly into the wall of our apartment, was Steve's shield.

Wait. Where was Steve?

The scream from the bedroom answered my question. I had never actually heard Steve scream in pain like that before. But I knew it was him.

I sprang to my feet and took off in a mad sprint towards our bedroom. Immediately, I'm caught up in a storm of officers and EMTs. I try to force my way through the crowd of people. I beg and plead to them, trying to find a way to get to Steve. Until finally, an officer allows me access to enter.

The sight was hard to take in.

Steve's left arm had been dislocated. They had just popped it back into place.

I gasp. Steve could hear me. He looks over at me with watering eyes. The sudden physical pain seemed to drain from his face and body. Suddenly it wasn't the physical pain that was hurting him. It was the emotional pain. It was the pain of seeing me for the first time after losing his little girl. Our little girl. It was overwhelming.

"Alice." He calls my name. I rush over to the bed, leaping on top. The EMTs roll him over onto his back. He opens his right arm, taking me into a sweaty hug. I bury my face into his sweaty neck and let the steaming hot tears roll down my face.

"Why'd they take her? Why'd they take her? Why did they-" I gasp for my breath but then suddenly sob heavily. Everyone could hear the moans, groans, and silent yelps that I made.

Through my noisy sniffling and wheezing, I could hear Steve. The sound of heavy ragged breathing echoed in my ears. I couldn't see his face, but I knew exactly what it would look like.

His eyes. Slammed shut and trying to hold the continuously flowing tears in.

His lips. He's biting his lower lip to try and tame his ragged breathing

His nose. Sniffling beyond compare.

His face. Pink with embarrassment due to crying. And frustrated with anger.

An EMT gently pats me on the back and gently pulls me away from Steve. Another EMT helps Steve sit up and then continues to fit him for a sling. They give him anti-inflammatory medicine for his arm. And also an ice pack.


I grunt as I struggle to pull Steve's shield out of the wall. It was lodged in the wall tightly. Steve and his strong arm put a hole in our apartment wall that continued clear into our neighbor's apartment. I'll probably have to pay for that.

I give a strong heave and tear the shield out of the wall. It was covered in drywall dust and the paint was beginning to fade. But that no longer mattered.

Tears continued to spill down my face. I leaned in to the dirty shield, pressing my forehead against it. I sank to my knees on the floor. My tears dripped off of my face, landing quietly on Steve's shield.

A large and warm hand landed upon my shoulder. I turned and looked up to see Steve. He was wearing a white tank top with a black sling preventing his left arm from moving. Nick Fury appeared out of no where beside him.

"It was Zemo." Fury spoke, "There's no one else it could be."

That's when I knew what I had to do. That's when my dark past had finally caught up with me. And the old demons had begun to creep up on me. That's when I realized, that no matter how hard I tried to escape my old life as an agent, it would never leave me. I was destined to be a SHIELD agent. And now, I needed to be an agent more then ever.

I made the decision to attend the job interview with Nick. I made the decision to leave my home and try to make things right once again. And I hurt my family. And I lost the one person who meant the world to me. I lost my baby.

It's strange how one decision can change everything.

"Nick," I say through gritted teeth. "Give me my job back."


A/N: hello amazing people! Here's another chapter for you :) Good news is now that I have my school laptop back, I will be able to write easily. And I have a study hall this year! One whole hour I can use to write!! Going back to school seems to make things easier. But I love school.

Have you guys checked out my newest story, Prankster? No pressure, but check it out of you'd like to!! I hope it makes you laugh very hard. It makes me cry from laughing so hard.

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