Mea Culpa

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for @typedwordvomit You keep writing or you'll be sorry.


Parth had zoned out, missed a few words of what Vidushi was saying. He made himself focus on the conversation and her confident words

"It's not ok to force her to leave her dreams for you. To make her sacrifice the essence of who she is. If you really want her you have to accept her. And respect her dreams. Sanyukta would love you more if you stopped being her obstacle and become her strongest pillar instead. You know her parents don't approve of her wanting to be an engineer. But can you see her being content as a little house wife? Some people can be happy that way. Not Sanyukta. She would resent it. It would be like killing her and making her still act as if she is alive after that. A freaking Paradox. Don't stop her from marrying Sameer just so you can marry her and to do her what he would do." Vidushi was furious now. Almost as if she'd been personally offended.

Randhir's jaw clenched. He clearly hated being compared to Sameer.

But Vidushi held up her hand , her words slightly louder " If you want to be with Sanyukta you have to be with her dream too. There is no other way. Her dream is her identity. Just like your passion and thirst to prove yourself is yours. Can you see yourself as a nameless worker in some factory? You want to be known as the best. The most capable. It's the same with Sanyukta." Vidushi shook her head "I know I've bitched about her and hated her and worked against her for as long as I know her. I envied her. I envied her strength, her willpower, her money. I thought she was secure and had her future set. I was wrong. She has as many troubles as you and me. If you want her to love you as much as you love her, be her strength."

And in that moment, Parth's only thoughts were that he had gravely misunderstood and underestimated Vidushi. She was much more than he had given her credit for. He had called her a selfish characterless woman. And there she was. Telling Randhir to man up and treat Sanyukta like an equal. Respect her dreams.

Parth's own thoughts that he had never really known how to put into words were now in front of him in Vidushi's voice.

Randhir's shocked face was depicting his own feelings. He too, had never counted on Vidushi standing up for Sanyukta .

"No, don't think I've suddenly developed empathy for her or something. Don't you dare call me some saint. I'm only seeing what my jealousy stopped me from seeing before. I'm just the same Vidushi you knew. And I know I can't change. I have no reason to. Nothing to look forward to yet. You do. You love her. Don't let her go." Vidushi wiped away a tear from her own face

"I don't mean to lecture you Randhir. You know how much I hate being told what to do. But you have a chance here. Don't throw it away because you are too stubborn to change your ways." Vidushi let out an impatient hiss.

"Ofcourse. Her dream. I should stop trying to make her feel that she can't do it. I shouldn't treat her like she's insignificant." Randhir was almost in a trance of sorts.

"And for shits sake stop being such a misogynist. That's your father talking not you." Vidushi added. "Women are just as capable as men are and if you can't handle the truth you don't deserve to have her."

"I grew up with my dad Vidushi. It's all I know." Randhir clutched at his hair.

"Well then it's time to actually grow up Randhir. And be a decent human being that you were always meant to be. You are not your father and Sanyukta is not your mother. Stop letting your fears make you jump to the worst conclusions." Vidushi patted his head.

Parth wanted to pull her away from Randhir. He did want Sanyukta and Randhir together but that was not why he wanted to keep Vidushi away from Randhir.

Intelligent . Stubborn. Impulsive. Focused. Ruthless.. Yet with a heart full of pain and longing. And potential to grow.

Qualities he had admired in Randhir once. Still did to an extent. Parth was slowly understanding how similar Randhir and Vidushi really were. And how much more sensitive Vidushi really was. He wanted to know what would have happened if he had actually given her a chance when she'd asked him to be her boyfriend. Now he had lost it. She just wanted to be friends. Even if it killed her.

And it was killing her. He could see it in her eyes now.

Parth felt that most of her advice to Randhir applied to him too. And if he wanted her to be with him as more than friends, he had to respect her dreams.

But he did not know her dreams. He'd always thought she was just a money hungry bitch.

He had done exactly what he mocked others for doing.

He had miscalculated and jumped to conclusions. He had been a hypocrite, advising Randhir and Sanyukta but never using his own advice and being nice to Vidushi.

He'd acted all knowing. Always right.

When all this time, he was blind.

Vidushi was not the person he had believed. She was more. But she hid it under a façade of lies . He wanted to know why.

It had taken him so long to see more than what he wanted to see. To see the truth.

And now, he felt exactly like Randhir did.

He feared it was too late to apologize.

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