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Dedicated to typedwordvomit

This near about killed me. I need to know if this met your expectations. 
Ah, Good day my little butterflies! Here is the much awaited Sanyukta- Vidushi talk.


"What are you doing here?" Sanyukta's stare was cold and devoid of all politeness.

"Look I don't want to play your games Vidushi. I have enough problems in my life." Sanyukta sat down on her bed, hands over her face. Her shoulders were slumped.

Vidushi knew that picture very well.

She'd been there too many times and she had picked herself up, stumbling and bleeding .

Bitter and sick.

She'd always prayed . Wished that there had been someone to save her. And if not save her then stop him and make them see the truth. But there had been no one and soon she'd given up praying altogether.

She'd started counting on the only person she knew would not let her down. Herself.

Her own well wishes for Randhir were not the reason she was going to make sure Sanyukta did the right thing by choosing for herself and not to placate her family.

Vidushi was Vidushi, she had a more selfish reason to help Sanyukta than just empathy for Randhir. It had only been a month since she had realized that Randhir was not the daredevil he acted like. Vidushi was doing a selfish selfless deed.

Vidushi was going to save herself by making sure Sanyukta did not stand where she was a few years from now.

This had to be done, and it would not be done so easily. Sanyukta was as stubborn as Randhir was when it came to something she had decided. To make her snap out of her decision one could not use a gentle voice. She had to be challenged. Shaken out of the ideal world she wanted to live in. Life was a zero sum game at the present time. She just had to see that she'd be hurting herself. Going down in flames, a sacrificial lamb. Not a phoenix. If she wanted to be a phoenix she would have to break free.

"Are you happy now Vidushi?" Sanyukta spat, anger and fear overcoming her gentle nature "I'll leave in 2 days. Get engaged. And I won't ever come back. You'll have the room to yourself. And in time you'll forget I was ever here. Your greatest wish wasn't it?"Sanyukta's laugh was hollow.

"Are you stupid Sanyukta?" Vidushi couldn't help the anger in her tone. Her words were almost a snarl "I thought you were smarter than this!"

"Well I'm not. I'm not. I am only a girl who had a dream. A dream she has fought for every single time. Against her own family. The whole college. Even the boy I lo-" Sanyukta bit her lip hard, trying to make herself shut up. But she had held it inside for far too long and there was only so long one could keep such deep feelings of pain inside oneself. Sanyukta erupted like a volcano that had lain dormant for years. Spewing lava and rage and embers. "I'm stupid. I love someone who probably thinks of me as a stupid girl with big dreams and a penchant for drama. My own family is ashamed of me for not being an ideal girl. But I've tried to be an ideal daughter. A good sister. A good student. A good friend. All I want to be is a good engineer, the best I can be. That is all I have ever wanted and I'll never have that. I'll spend the rest of my life being a good..." Sanyukta cringed "wife to Sameer"

Vidushi watched the unbreakable Sanyukta shatter to pieces on the dorm room floor.And it felt like someone was stabbing her own heart. Like she was looking at a mirror and could see her younger, annihilated self. She shivered.

'But you have a chance to save her. For your own sake. For her sake. For Randhir.' She reminded herself. She composed herself, telling herself that if she was in Sanyukta's place she would listen to a kinder voice rather than accusations and demands.

Honesty was the best policy, and this time she had no back up plans. No sly scams.

Just the truth.

She took in a deep breath to steady herself.

"I admit I don't really like you" Vidushi looked straight at Sanyukta. "But I don't want this for you. I won't wish the future you see before you on anyone. Not even on my worst enemy." Vidushi sighed.

"What do you know of what I am going through? What I will go through?" Sanyukta scoffed. She did not have the strength to disguise her frustration at Vidushi's words anymore.

"Because I went through it all. And here I am now. The one they love to hate." Vidushi whispered.

Baffled, Sanyukta moved closer to the other girl so she could hear her better.

"I wasn't always like this. I wasn't always a bitch. I had dreams too Sanyukta. Like you do now." Vidushi fought the urge to cry "As you know, I am not from a well off family. Money was tight. My mother was the only earning member. I'll spare you the sob story and get to the point. I was 16. Fresh out of school. Eager. Excited. Happy. Stupid. My parents noticed the way the boys looked at me. One boy in particular. He-" Vidushi grabbed the table to keep herself from collapsing on the floor. Her voice was soft and wobbly.

She hated showing weakness of any kind.

But there was no other way right now. She had to speak.

"His name was.. Varun" she felt herself shake. ButSanyukta had to know the consequences. "He wanted to marry me. My parents were only to get the burden I was off their back. They never wanted a daughter. Atleast not one like me. In the beginning, he was charming. And I agreed to marry him,even though what I really wanted was to learn more." Vidushi took a deep breath "I should have known really. The warning signs were all there. He did not respect me. Or what I wanted. It was all about pleasing him."

Sanyukta's eyes widened. She could remember her own words to Parth . Sameer not giving a damn about what she wanted. Not listening to her. Not caring about her engineering . Something told her Vidushi's words would not be happy ones.

"I should have listened to the instincts that told me not to marry him. But my parents were finally happy with me. With the fact that I was finally acting like the daughter they wanted. The obedient one." Vidushi laughed. A forced, less than happy laugh.

"I still wanted to learn further. Varun." Vidushi winced "He did not hesitate to show his displeasure. I won't trouble you with the details of how he did it. But I've lived through hell for 2 years. I refused to let him win. I fought for my dream. In the end, he got bored of it and divorced me. I was free, but I didn't trust people anymore. I have a hard time even now." Vidushi rubbed her shoulders as if to console herself "All I wanted was money, because no one can hurt you if you are powerful enough"

Sanyukta felt horror at what Vidushi had so openly revealed. A look at the other girl shocked her.

Vidushi had tears running down her face "I don't need your pity. I need you to do what I could not.Don't ruin your life. I regret it every waking minute of my own."

Sanyukta did not know how to feel. Or maybe she did not want to acknowledge what she did know.

"You know what to do. You've always known. You have to live with the consequences of your choice. Your family won't. They'll get over this. But if you force yourself into a life you don't want you will hate them and yourself ." Vidushi made herself look into Sanyukta's eyes "And as for what Randhir thinks of you, give him a chance to really speak. No ego, no taunts."

Vidushi started to walk out, without another word.

"Wait! Why would you try to help me?" Sanyukta grabbed Vidushi's shoulder.

"Because you would do the same for me. I have a heart . Just don't go around telling people " Vidushi smiled at her. "Make your own choice because you will have to live with it.

A soft smile. A genuine smile.

A smile that made Sanyukta's painful resolution of marrying Sameer for her Parents' sake fade into a thousand questions that she had avoided all this time.

I hope this met your expectations. If not, do feel free to tell me how to be better!

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net