Leaves (i)

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plural form of leaf 

Leaves are the main organs of photosynthesis and transpiration.


Two weeks. That was how long it had been going on. They had put each other on speed dial. On the second place of course, because the first place was always taken by those they loved. Even if they would never and could never, pick up the courage to call.

Kisses were they only way the impulsive duo could went their frustrations. And the frustrations were many.

It started off simple really. The fact that Parth taunted Vidushi at every chance he got. Insulting her. Calling her mean. Selfish. Characterless. Saying that she didn't know the meaning of teamwork. Or did not understand what friendship was.

Vidushi would bite her tongue to quiet her urge to scream that she knew what friendship was. Equality between two people who understood each other. Respected each other. What she had with Randhir. Empathy.

When the team was done with the task for the day, Vidushi had sneaked out of her room and to the storeroom. She did not really like it in there. It reeked of loneliness. But that could be fixed. Her fingers trembled as she dialed. Anger and Longing. A whole cocktail of emotions she wished she would not feel. But she did. And she had a way out.

Randhir was not in a good mood either, being called an MCP by the woman he loved did not make him cheerful. He did not like how Parth and Sanyukta were always together, openly mocking him. Randhir was more than ready to help his...

"What are we?" he'd asked her, his eyes fixed on her face.

Her lightly swollen lips parted. And she closed them again.

"Friends?" her voice shook.

Like she was scared of him rejecting her.

Because rejection was what they had both known.

"Friends." He managed a smile before lightly kissing her cheek. "You make me feel a lot better about all of this you know."

"I do." Her smile was equally radiant.

"And that's what we are then. Friends." He sat down beside her on the table and offered her the fivestar he'd got for her in the morning.

She accepted the slightly soft bar of chocolate and gave him a grin. "Well, that was sweet."

He sighed. "If only Sanyukta thought like that about me."

"How will she if you act like an asshole all the time?" Vidushi took a bite of her chocolate.

"Excuse me?" Randhir growled.

"You heard me. Asshole. You are supposed to be a genius Randhir. Why don't you figure it out for yourself?" Vidushi took another bite.

"Girls are hard to figure out. Give me equations any day." Randhir admitted

"But you wouldn't want to kiss an equation would you? A girl can kiss you back." Vidushi winked.

"Yes, I know, that is why I was kissing you instead of solving equations or hitting Parth" Randhir bit his lip quickly.

"Hitting Parth?" Vidushi frowned "But why do you hate him so much."

"He's always around Sanyukta. With that smile on his face and his goody two shoes attitude. His concern. And she talks to him. What does he have that I don't huh? "Randhir's voice rose to a yell. He heard a gasp and turned to see Vidushi wide eyed.

"I know you love him. But he's not all that great. He just pretends to be. I don't understand why you can't see it. Sanyukta and you. Why?" he grabbed her shoulders.

"Nobody is perfect Randhir. Not even Sanyukta. She's bossy and stubborn. And always makes everything her business, her problem to fix. Yet you love her. And let's face it. We aren't perfect either." Vidushi hissed "We are impulsive and egoistic and possessive. We have issues. "

"Yes, but atleast we admit we have issues. Parth bullies you. Calls you names. He doesn't see how wrong he is. And he mocks your feelings. How can you still love him?" Randhir shook his head.

"Sanyukta ignores you. Thinks the worst of you. Helps you and still won't let you be near her." Vidushi pointed out "Why do you love her?"

"Well if you love Parth so much why can't you try to be nicer to people? He's stop calling you names." Randhir offered.

"And if you love Sanyukta so much then why can't you treat her as an equal? As a person who loves engineering as much as you do rather than someone who should be living in a kitchen?" Vidushi pushed Randhir away.

"You don't get to yell at me!" Randhir grabbed her arm.

"I'll do whatever I want!" she yelled at him, her nails digging into his skin.

"Shut up Sanyukta!" he pulled her to himself, crushing her lips with his own.

She responded, biting his lower lip before pulling away "Don't think you can get away with that again. Kissing me and pretending I am Sanyukta is one thing. Calling me Sanyukta and then kissing me is another. I am nothing like her. And I don't want to be." Vidushi wiped her lips "And you are nothing like Parth."

"I'm glad I'm not him. He doesn't know how stupid he is." Randhir sighed "Look, I didn't mean to call you Sanyukta. It just..."

"I know. I think we'd better go back to our dorms. We have PKC's lecture first thing tomorrow." Vidushi picked up her shawl and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"I'll see you tomorrow then. Don't be late. I hate listening to PKC's power play speeches." Randhir shrugged.

"Yes." Vidushi gave him a small smile. "See you in class, buddy."


Yes, they had a small argument there. But both of them controlled it. Because they don't want to ruin their "friendship"

Next time: Sanyukta and Randhir have an argument. Parth starts suspecting that Vidushi is hiding something.

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