59- Not Telling

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"You told him?" Mali asked. They were on the Hogwarts Express heading back to school.

"I told him." Venus nodded.

"I thought Sirius told you not to tell anyone." Ginny frowned.

"I couldn't stop myself!" Venus exclaimed, "it just happened. What if he tells everyone? I'm so screwed." She buried her face in her hands. Mali and Ginny exchanged a quick glance.

"Neville wouldn't tell anyone." Mali shook her head, "he wouldn't-" she stopped when Michael Corner, Terry Boot and Anthony Goldstein arrived and sat in the compartment.

"I'm going for a walk," Venus sighed, "I'll be back later." She left the compartment and headed off down the corridor, feeling utterly lost as to what she should do.

Eventually she found an empty compartment and sat down by the window. She stared out at the countryside that they passed in silence.

"Hello." Venus turned to see that Neville stood at the compartment door.

"Hi." Venus said glumly. Neville slid the compartment door closed behind him. "If you've come to tell me that you've told everyone-"

"Why would I tell anyone?" Neville frowned.

"I just thought-"

"Venus it's not my business to tell people."

"Oh." Venus replied stupidly. "Well if you're here to tell me that you don't want me to tutor you anymore-"

"I don't want that either." Neville shook his head, "you're the only person who can help me understand half of the things Professor McGonagall goes on about."

"So you're not angry at me?"

"Of course I'm angry at you." Neville shook his head, "but only because you didn't trust me enough to tell me."

"It's not that I didn't trust you!" She assured him, "it's just- well last year I was ashamed of it, I didn't want to talk about it and I just tried to pretend that it didn't exist, and then when I got more comfortable with it I was told not to tell anyone else because it might put me in danger."

"Danger? From who?"

"From the Ministry, from Umbridge, from the Death Eaters. No one likes Werewolves, plus I haven't registered."

"Well, I won't tell anyone I swear." Neville said, "just as long as you promise me that you won't keep massive secrets like this again."

Venus nodded, "but you have to promise me the same thing." She said referring to his parents.

"Of course." Neville responded.

"What are friends for other than sharing massive secrets." Venus grinned. "Anyway, so how was your Christmas?"


"Neville?" Venus bounced up to him in the first week of February.

"Yes?" Neville asked her.

"Please tell me that you're not doing anything on the next Hogsmead visit." She asked, "only Ginny is hanging out with Michael and Mali said that Terry asked her to go, and I don't want to be alone."

"You mean the f-fourteenth?" Neville stuttered, turning a bright shade of red. "Valentine's Day?"

"Yes Valentine's Day." Venus laughed, but turned a slightly pinkish shade herself.

"Like on a date?"

Venus's cheeks turned more red, "if you want to call it that then okay."

"Okay." Neville stumbled over the word.

"You're amazing Neville." She grinned widely and then she hurried off down the corridor.

Neville watched her go with a strange sensation in his stomach that he couldn't identify.

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~Em xx

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