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~Y/N Shade's POV~
"BYE MOM !BYE DAD!" I shouted out through the window while the train moved . Next stop hogwarts .I kind of expected this to be a new year since I had gotten in shape but now I realize who's gonna look at me through the big ass robes. I swear sometimes I can just be an idiot .

I was about to leave my compartment when the Ron, George, and Fred came in and sat beside me. How rude of them to just barge in sheesh but you're not gonna lie you were about to go look for them .

"Oi y/n cover yourself up wouldn't want a twat looking at you" I didn't understand what George was saying until I caught Ron staring at something he wasn't supposed to.SMACK. "OW WHAT WAS THAT FOR" Ron said "STOP STARING WERE YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TOO YOU GIT" I responded. I heard Fred snicker beside me so I smacked him too just because I felt like it . " OI WHAT DID I DO" he said " Nothing just felt like hitting you" I responded while Fred mocked me afterwards.

When the train stopped we all got off . I kinda felt uncomfortable near Ron afterwards not gonna lie but I reckon he's embarrassed so that's something good...I guess. "HURRY UP OR WE'LL HAVE TO WALK" George screamed "ILL CATCH UP IN A SEC I RECKON I LOST MY EARRING IN HERE"I lied I don't wear earrings they're useless but I needed an excuse to say hi to Blaise. I walked through the compartments until I found him .
we hugged each other "I see you've gotten taller, guess I'll have to name you giraffe now" I said " Oi I see you've grown too and you really don't wanna call me that unless you want me to call you Big Melons"he responded.

I punched his shoulder "OW" he said while rubbing his shoulder " Guessing I should've noticed you've been working out"he said " well you shouldn't have acknowledged my big breasts Ronald already put it out there earlier " I responded .we ended up talking for 20 minutes and having to walk back to hogwarts

Should've known Malfoy would be waiting for Zucchini they're inseparable. "Oi y/n when'd you grow your lady parts"Malfoy said with his famous smirk on the side. "Oi Malfoy when will you stop being an asshole" I responded to his shitty comment.

~Malfoy's POV~
HOW DEAR SHE TALK TO ME LIKE THAT . Oh so now she grows boobs and an arse and thinks she tough enough to talk back to me huh. I might as well put on a hard on and punch her in the

~Y/n's POV~
I saw his smirk disappear which means it was time to summon mine. I see zucchini laughing which makes me laugh but then they walk away leaving me by myself on my way to hogwarts walking. It was nice though. Taking a stroll through the forest , the breeze hitting my face blowing my hair out of the way.

~Malfoy's POV~
I told Blaise to go on ahead since I forgot one of my rings back in the train and then I saw her walking . The breeze hitting her face and moving her hair back she looked enchanting . WAIT WHAT NO why am I saying this about the filthy mud blood who doesn't belong in Slytherin. You know what I don't need my rings I'll just catch up to Blaise and pretend nothing happened I'll just tell father to tell the train guy to bring me my ring I'm sure father will convince him.

When I got there I saw Zucchini sitting alone so I went to sit beside him . "Hey have you seen Malfoy he went back to get his ring and isn't here yet" he said " No I haven't , maybe I would've if I was walking with you guys but I guess you're to busy for your non pure blood friends" I joked "WOAH THERE not my fault you called him an asshole"he said. He was kind of right but I didn't care I just kept the conversation going

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