Chapter 7

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A few months pass, the warm summer breeze had over time turned icy and chilly. The bright orb in the sky was now tucked away by clouds. Over the forest a light layer of frost covered the  plants. Vela was in her second lesson of the day Herbology. She seemed to be in a daydream as she stared off into the persons head in front. Her dislike towards the subject seemed to of evolved with every lesson. She twiddled her quill in her hands, as Cedric went off about something to her. Her relationship with Cedric unlike the subject was quite pleasant, she actually enjoyed the boys company, he's hazel eyes and perfect matching brown hair seemed to intrigue her. They became quite close, to much of the other girls despair. "Vela? Where you listening?" Cedric asked amused. Vela as she always did during her daydreams replied with. "Mmhmm" Cedric didn't seemed convinced, raising an eyebrow and questioning the smaller girl. "Oh really, then why's a mandrake dangerous?" Vela seemed to flinch at the question, she kicked herself out of the day dream, then shot him a questionable look. "Ummm a mandrake let's of a deafening shriek, that could knock out a wizard for hours" she stated a matter of factly. Cedric's eyes widened then shot her he's charming smile. "So you do pay attention" as he popped he's head on he's hands, Turing towards her more. She smirked slightly "Well I know that, you'd have to be quite dumb to not" she rolled her eyes at him. "Touché" he smirked back. 

The class went swiftly as it was then break, and Vela met back up with Fred, George, Lee and Evelyn. Fred, George and her had managed to de-code the map a week ago, and to their delight it showed "messrs moony, wormtail, padfoot & Prongs are proud to present marauders map" it was a brilliant creation they had not yet had the time to use fully but it seemed to of been a phrase that opened it, that Fred wittily discovered "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" Vela and the twins went through hard times discovering the the phrase, every night spending hours during the night and even some breaks to find the right phrase. As soon as they did, they found it hade every corridor, every room and secret passage of the entire castle which they excitedly used straight away on a prank which it even showed where everyone was through a dot. Vela, the twins, Lee and Evelyn excitedly peered down at the map that break again, as Fred and Vela exchanged glances as they stood closest to it trying to memorise every secret it told. 

The day seemed to fly by the only thing on any of the groups mind was the map and the ways they could use it. They had only showed lee and Evelyn the Monday so they where pretty astonished by the thing. During flying the last two lesson, Fred and Vela skipped as they already knew everything the lesson taught. Evelyn wanted to learn how to ride, Lee and George where going to help her while messing with the Slytherins. 

"It's getting chilly" Vela stated, while they larked in their hidden room. She and Fred sat together on the big sofa at the top of ladder with the map spread out in front of the two. "Yeah" he hummed not losing focus on the map. Vela wasn't wearing her robe as she left it in her dorm, so her arms were revealed. "But you know what that means?" Fred laughed, looking towards the shivering girl. She creased her brows and leaned her face to the side slightly. "It means Christmas!" Fred seemed to smile brightly filling vela with a warm feeling, making her forget about her cold bare arms. "Yeah I guess it does" she frowned slightly realising they go home for Christmas and that she'll have to leave Hogwarts. "You ok velly" Fred questioned realising her worried look. She quickly gave the widest smile she could form as she changed subject back to the map. Fred knowing something was up, but decided not to push and change subject back to the map. "Who ever they are" Fred smirked, admiration dripping from he's words. "I bloody love them already" Vela let out a light chuckle, turning her head to look towards the boy. "It's genius, mapping out the entire school" Vela inspected Fred's face carefully, taking note of he's scattered freckles and stormy blue eyes. Fred studied the map, then turning he's head towards her, catching her stare. "Something interest you velly?" He's lips formed into a smirk, as his stormy blue peered into into her ghostly grey. She stuttered slightly, tearing her eyes from his. "Oh just wondering what they used the map for" one of the only things Vela liked about her pureblood family was her inherit of quick thinking. She was definitely not gonna tell him she was admiring his blue eyes and freckles he uniquely beheld. "Yeah I wonder" she sigh slightly as the two carried in memorising.

"How did studying the map go?" Evelyn questioned vela, as she piled food on her plait. "Fantastic actually. I think I know now the entire south wing of the castle including secret tunnels" Vela proudly stated. Evelyn sweetly smile to Vela, as she watched the boys compete in another eating competition. Evelyn and vela's relationship, went from barely knowing each other, to extremely close. Vela and Evelyn seek female comfort in each other being the only girls in their main friend group. Everyone in the group was extremely close, however Evelyn to Vela helped her with girly things, she expected a sister also would. Vela always wanted a sister and with Evelyn it seemed she did.

After dinner was done, then first years retreated back to their common rooms, till it was time to meet back down for Astronomy . Astronomy Vela extremely liked, already being able to name mostly all the constellations. A sweet smile appeared on vela's face, as she gently hummed to herself, while doing her potions essay. Not surprisingly, Professor Snape hated Vela. From the moment of vela's first interaction with Professor Snape he made sure to embarrass her in front of the class by talking of her pure blood legacy, explaining how he expects utter perfection from a Malfoy. Fred and George, jaw clenched and ears pink, received their first detention by placing stink bombs by a Slytherin who happened to be passing Snape. Vela thanked the boys by sharing her lemon sherbet and fudge with them. 

As she nearly finished her homework, she felt two presents either side of her. Rolling her eyes, and biting her lips, Vela quickly rushed the ending before she gave the twins a chance to speak. "Velly?" Fred sweetly whispered on her right. Vela threw her quill down quickly, huffing with victory. "Come to the forest with us?" George whispered from the left. Vela chawed her inside cheek to fight a giggle, keeping a stone face. "Please!" Fred begged seeing by her expression it was likely a no. "We. Have. Astronomy!" She simply stated. They stepped back from her slightly "damn! It's astronomy!" George exclaimed. "She loves astronomy, she won't come to forest with us now" Fred moaned, the two acting as if She can't hear them. Vela trying but failing to hold a smile, rolled her eyes. "I can hear you" they both shot a look at her terrified. "Fine Vel we'll go alone right Georgie" "right" vela stood abruptly, the two flinching. "No your coming to astronomy with me" Vela looked the two, one by one in the eye, determined. "Right" she ordered loudly. Fred stood towards her looking down on the small girl. "No" George had nodded his head, intimidated as he watched the two. "Yes you are fred Weasley" she exclaimed not backing down. Their stormy and ghostly eyes meeting. "We'll see about that, Vela" 

Vela sat sweetly between Fred and Evelyn as she stared into the array of twinkling lights that flooded the sky. Fred slouched into his seat, avoiding eye contact with vela. Vela victorious, hummed sweetly to herself as professor Sinistra lectured the class. 

"Alright class, would you please look through your telescope, point out and name this star constellation"  vela excitedly shot her hand up, as she felt eyes burn into her cheeks. Professor raised an eyebrow as she held in a smile. "Yes miss Malfoy" vela's voice grew shaky, she swallowed a lump in her throat as she felt her eyes widened. "That's um... the Lucius constellation" a watery cast fell over her eyes, chawing her inner cheek. "Well done miss Malfoy" Professor approvingly congratulated. Vela however, her thoughts where onto her father, as she silently nodded. His disapproving glares she could already feel burn into her, his silent eye rolls sly comments, but mostly how he locked her away. Isolated from reality, and this sent terror into the girl. Vela tried not to think about it, but seeing and studying his stars in one of her favourite lessons, brought it all into light. She was going to go back to being alone with him. There was other residence, however she'll have to fight this battle alone without her best friends and she wasn't ready to do that. 

Evelyn caught eye of vela's behaviour. She was shakily holding her quill, chawing her cheek and staring into a cupboard at the back of room. Evelyn tried to place a comforting hand on her shoulder, however vela instantly cowards away. Evelyn knew something was wrong, Vela, being a Gryffindor never cowardly did anything. She always had a slight confidence and to Evelyn it looked it had completely disappeared. Leaving a scared shadow of her once self. Evelyn peered towards Fred, as he eyed the situation.

As the lesson ended, Vela without any interactions packed her stuff then quickly manoeuvres threw the crowed, gracefully sliding through much larger students. Vela finally let the tears run, as she felt her bones shake and fear engulf her. Tears began to stream down her pale complexion. Almost effortlessly she took secret passageways and hall ways till she found their cupboard. Her hands trembling, she fell into the room, fulling to her knees as she crawled towards the beanbag in the corner. Her shoulders tensed, arms around her legs, pulling her knees to her chest tightly.

Sobs echoed throughout, the small room. Vela let the water in her eyes full freely, as her ghostly eyes widened and eyebrows frown. Vela was scared to leave Hogwarts, and in a week she'll have to do so. Return back to the Malfoy Manor. Return back to being alone. Return to her angry father. She let herself be engulfed by the darkness, the terrifying thought of her father darkening her bright personality.

A small creak, echoed through vela's head. She shot her eyes towards the door, finding azure blue eyes meet her ghosts. "Velly?" He choirs softly. Heat immediately rushed towards her cheeks. Holding down a sob of dread, she averted her eyes. He dwelled by the door, contemplating what to do. As he felt his feet move. He gracefully kneels down, finding a seat next to the darkened girl. Vela clenched her eyes shut, feeling his warm arm around her. He slightly pulled her towards him. Engulfing her in a warm hug.

Vela slowly began to stop cry, as she rested her head on Fred's shoulder. Fred stayed quiet, he was never good with comforting people with words, that was what George was good at. He just was going to be there for her, as a someone to cry on. It seemed it worked. 

 Vela felt the darkness in her lighten. The dark hole she was engulfed in was now a warm pair of arms. A single tear escaped her eyes, as it was the last to fall. "Do you want to talk about it?" Fred quietly spoke scared to push her, but wanting to help. Vela stayed quiet contemplating, if she wanted him to see the darker sallow side. But she knew it was too late to say nothing so she bobbed her head up and down. Fred lightly pulled away, looking her in the eyes. The storm met ghost. "It's about my father..." she gentle spoke above a whisper. Fred frowned, his jaw tensing. "I'm scared" vela cried, holding off water. "I'm scared to go back to the manor!" She stated cleansing her fists. "It's so stupid but I don't want to go back there not now. Not when I'm not strong enough to leave" Fred frown grew as he contemplated speaking. "He hates me! He hates I'm not like Draco he hates I'm a Gryffindor and he hates how to him I'm not perfect" vela felt tears slide down her face but not from sorrow but anger. Her fists white from how hard she clenched. "No" Fred spoke barely above a whisper. "No. Don't say that, he may treat you like your not perfect but who is" vela tensed, not leaving Fred's eyes. "He can't expect perfection when no one is. Not Draco and certainly not him. Forget Him Vel" vela let a small smile fold onto her lips, her face wet and puffy. "And if your scared of going back this Christmas you can come back to mine with me" Fred fiery spoke. Standing as he helped vela to her feet. "But my parents wouldn't let that" vela frowned. Fred stayed silent in thought. "Ok well tell them you're staying in the castle so you can do extra homework" Fred exclaimed towards her. She stayed quiet momentarily, before a sweet weak smile appeared upon her face. "What about your parents?" Fred let a small laugh, finally breaking eye contact as he massaged his neck, with left hand. "I'll send her an owl asking" 

Days went by, Vela regained herself again. Fred explained to George briefly the idea of vela spending Christmas with them, and he loves the idea. The two sent an owl, and within 24 hours mrs Weasley responded agreeing. It saying 'Freddie, Georgie it's lovely you want to bring a friend. They're more than welcome to spend Christmas here, Ginny is extremely excited to me them...' 

vela was extremely excited with her agreeing, ecstatic about meeting the Weasley family. She also sent an owl home. It took longer to return and as it did, it certainly wasn't as warmly as the boys letter. Vela chawed her cheek again, the metallic taste lingering. However, her warm friends didn't let her get the chance to feel sad. 

Evelyn, was told the night. She also engulfed vela in a hug, as Fred explained why he brought her back, puffy faced. Vela and Evelyn spent most of the rest of night, snuggled under vela's duvet giggling and chatting. Evelyn definitely, to Vela resembled an older sister. A unbreakable bond, formed.

It was a frosty morning, the birds singing gently. The sky, formed a bright grey. They chased through the forest, leaping over bumpy terrain, while manoeuvring past towering trees. A light laugh was echoed through, the five troublesome children absorbing the last of each other till five became three.   

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