Chapter 2

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As hours turn to days, days to weeks... it was finally August 31st. The day before the mysterious, adventure of Hogwarts would start.

The day was beautiful, the sun seemed to be radiant, as It smiled upon Vela. Vela on her last day of the holiday, decided to just take a ride on her broom. The wind gently hit her soft, pale skin as she rode her broom swiftly through the grounds of Malfoy manor. Her father was out that day so she decided to wear a big black baggy jumper, so big it revealed one shoulder and a pair of white leggings meant for ridding brooms. The white bottoms where an off grey as been worn down. Her hair was in a high ponytail tied with green ribbon.

Vela slowly came to a stop, a small hunched elf had treaked outside calling for vela. He's eyes were a chocolate brown, big and wide. Nettle her very own elf, he looked worried, warm and tired. Vela tried to hide the pitiful look she gave him, but to no success.

"Hello their young mistress, you have been requested in the dinning room" the elf spoke not meeting the pitiful stare of his Malfoy, he was supposed to worry bout her not the other way around. She nodded to the elf and thanked him. 

Slowly vela made her way to her bedroom, dragging her feet, knowing what was waiting for her. She changed back into her dull clothes putting on a knee length green dress with a black waist cardigan. She rinsed the mud and sweat off her face. Untied her ponytail, replacing it with a half up half down doo. Finishing it with a small bow from the ribbon. Trying not to look herself in the mirror she made her way to the dinning room.

Echoing from the room was a small chatter. She put on the fakest smile she could muster, Slowly opening the door. Inside was her father, mother, Draco and the Parkinson family.

"Sorry I'm late" is all Vela said as she walked to take her seat.

"Vela you should know lateness is simply unexceptionable, we shall have words after this" mr Malfoy scolded the girl as she simply nodded her head, trying to hold her tongue to explain herself but excuses meant tone and tone meant punishment for her and her elf. 

Across the table was Pansy, proper and pristine. In the eyes to everyone she was perfect. Vela was always compared to her, always reminded what she should be. No matter how hard she tried she could never even go high enough to see the pedestal Pansy was placed on. 

Pansy Parkinson, however to vela she was a spoilt little brat. When Vela first met Pansy, pansy insisted Vela was adopted because she looks nothing like her father and Draco. So she moaned to her brother, that Vela was of filthy blood and couldn't be near her. 

Celis Parkinson, the eldest and first born to the Parkinson's. He was far worse, he was a violent git who always pulled Vela's hair and made fun of her. He was arrogant and vile, a beast vela never even had a chance against. 

 To vela's dismay he was seated next to her and she despised it.  

Quickly following taking her seat, the arse soon realised the black haired Malfoy was there, like a hit of reality;  he gave her a spiteful kick under the table. She let out a quiet "ow" followed by a chuckle from all the children.

Narcissa, vela's own mother obviously saw, how could she not she was the other side to her. Yet not to vela's surprise she started petty conversation. 

"Oh, Celis are you also starting Hogwarts tomorrow aswell?" He shot his head up replaced his toothy grin with a charming smile, cleared his voice to speak, deepening it. 

"Yes mrs Malfoy" He blandly answered.

"Oh that's lovely, hopefully you and Vela will join slytherin and become future prefects that would be swell wouldn't it darling" Mrs malfoy gestured towards mr Malfoy simply nodded his head, waving his wife off for a conversation with Mr Parkinson. 

"Prefect, Vela unlikely " Draco laughed, as pansy giggled mockingly with him. Scrapping her hand over his arm, making vela stomach heeve. 

"Draco!" Mrs Malfoy scoffed. Vela however drifted off into daydream, shuffling her food with her fork. To her there was no point on giving them a reaction, it would just get her into trouble. And she couldn't get into trouble now, not when she was so close to leaving Nettle. 

It took a couple of hours of miserable mute until vela could slip away to her room. The second they finished chatting In the dinning room, moving into the drawing room and public living room; vela made her escape. They wouldn't notice her absence, even if they did she doubted they cared much. 

She sighed loudly to herself as she looked out at the night sky. The sun hade had completed its tour for the day, and had now been replaced by myriad stars, which dotted across the inky canopy. A low, waning gibbous moon hovered tenuously in the twilight firmament, bestowing a very dim light upon malfoy manor. 

A gentle nock at the door, pulled Vela back to reality. She glued her eyes to the door awaiting who she knew it was. 

"Mistress Vela" The only person who visited vela before sleep was Nettle. He was the only creature who cared enough to wish her goodnight. "Nettle came to wish his mistress goodnight and farewell for tomorrow" 

Vela frowned, hoping to her feet. "Why can't you say goodbye tomorrow Nettle?" She whimpered, it was sad how she couldn't see him before she left; promise him she wouldn't get in trouble for him. She hated when he was punished for her misbehaviour. He always was: he raised her, so indirectly in her parents eyes, he failed if she was inadequate. It blokes many things she enjoyed but she just hated seeing him suffer. 

"Because Nettle won't have the chance, master Malfoy directly ordered me to busy myself all morning" Vela wanted to scream and cry, her father had to take him from her just like he did everything else. Vela clenched her fist, sharply nodding. 

"Nettle doesn't want mistress vela upset, she sees what she does for him. Nettle wants Mistress to stop, he can handle punishment when Mistress is alright" 

"Nettle, what do you mean?" Vela's voice was shaky, if he asked her to do what she thought he was gonna ask, she'd feel so conflicted it'd hurt. 

"Nettle wants mistress to be herself, he sees what she does for him and want her to stop." Vela didn't know what to say, was he freeing her. It's ironic really it was meant to be vela freeing Nettle but he was doing it for her. She nodded sharply: she nodded because she agreed to being herself but also made a vow that one day she'd free him. 

"Thank you mistress, goodnight" 

"Nettle. Thank you" Moments after Nettle leaving vela stared at the door he left through, stuck in thought of everything she knew she wanted to say and do but was too scared of nettle being hurt and now she was given permission. 

 She decided to finally get into her large lonely bed. She felt lost in the covers, they all at once felt cold, empty and confine. The ridiculously large blankets creases and wrapping itself around vela in such discomfort.  

Vela couldn't sleep that night. Her mind flooded with possibilities from the permission she was given yesterday. It made her so excited it tingled. 

Today she would get to Hogwarts. That moment Vela couldn't be happier. 

Vela had packed her stuff for her time at Hogwarts days ago, the excitement that had been building up from the time with Fred and George, had began to become too much for the slender girl. 

As Vela ate her breakfast, she peered out the dinning rooms massive window. Out side, in that very meadow, was where Vela spent her childhood. Every bush, pound, tree she had climbed swam and adventured into was behind that very window. In the corner of her view stood the broom shed, the place Vela felt the most comfortable in the entire manor. (Nettle could only do so much, he was still vowed to her parents no matter how much he cared about her.) Inside Vela had made a small den and when ever her parents pureblood facade got to much for her she would escape into her den, just like a fox often would. She remembered when She was made to teach Draco how to ride his broom, and he fell off into the small pound at the very back of the premises. She and him had a giant fight, Vela ended up throwing worms at her spoilt brother making him tell on her. 

She had so much fun that day hiding from her parents. It may seem horrid to most, but to Vela she was able to escape and it brings a smile to her face, just thinking about it. 

A hour had passed and Vela had been told she would be going in half an hour. The girl got into her big black baggy jumper, tying her hair into a ponytail with a red ribbon. She carried her stuff to the front of house, passing by the dark, cold hallways. That day they would be taking a limousine to get to the station. She packed her bags eagerly waiting for her parents. Her mother dressed in her normal dress came swiftly out.

"Vela, I'm sorry dear, your father won't be coming he wants to take Draco to work with him. You know him and Draco." Mrs malfoy got into the limo not waiting for her to reply.

She watched as they zoomed past her emerald, countryside home as they approached the dull city of London. It seemed the sky had a foggy layer and the clouds a sour yellow mist. The smooth, stone filled her eye sight. The identical houses stood side by side as multiple people walked emotionlessly on the pavement. It was almost strange to Vela, no magic, no bright greens, no mysterious feelings it was so boring. Vela clenched the sleeves of her jumper as she stared out at the ocean of grey and white. 

However, one building caught her eye it was the king's cross station. The girl realisation hit. She was there. She jumped out the limo and quickly organised her stuff onto the trolley. It was beautiful, the browns whites, greys and blacks all different shapes as it came together in perfect harmony. Vela couldn't help admire the station.

Mrs malfoy and Vela made their way to the platform as Vela got glimpse of the train. It was marvellous, the reds and blacks merge together to create carriages and carriages of eager students ready to be brought to Hogwarts. Chatter and chatter could be heard from all angles, Vela smiled to herself seeing children clench to there parents and smile blissfully.

"Vela this is where we say goodbye my dear" her mother states. She pulled Vela into a small hug; The hug felt so awkward, it didn't feel natural like a mother's hug should. It was cold, like she hugged a stiff board, tingling through her body to push her away. vela smile at her mother letting go of the embrace.

"We'll send you an owl to see how your doing in a few days, bye dear" Mrs malfoy states waving Vela off with a hand. 

Vela made her way through carriages, struggling to find an empty compartment until she finally snatched one. She struggled to put her trunk into the baggage area, lifting such a heavy thing over her head was more of a challenge then she anticipated. she heard a small squeal, right before she almost had it in the shelf, vela spooked and flinched letting the trunk go. She dodged the falling trunk, letting it hit the rickety wooden boards used as floors, with a huge thud. It echoed through the carriage as  eyes fell on vela making her flush with embarrassment. 

"I'm so, so ,so sorry for scaring you I just got a bit excited" Vela turned her head, to see a slightly taller dirty blonde haired girl. She was wearing black muggle jeans with a bright pink jumper. Vela could smell a sweet perfume coming from her as the girl helped Vela put her luggage away, with somewhat ease now two of them. 

"It's ok don't worry about it" vela said quietly, shifting her feet. "I'm Vela Malfoy, it's nice to meet you" Vela raises her hand, awaiting the fellow female to shake it awkwardly. 

"Oh, it's lovely to meet you, I'm Evelyn Rattle! It's a pleasure!" She didn't seem to mind the awkwardness, raising her hands as she clasps vela's one hand between her two. Evelyn's grip was soft and gentle as she shook it fiercely. Her hands was slightly sweaty and vela could feel they were far larger than hers.

"So, can I join you? You also seem like a first year-er and it would be splendid to make a friend" the girls light brown eyes showed nothing less but hope and excitement. She eagerly waited for Velas reply, by holding intense eye contact.

"Yeah I'd love that, but as long As you don't mind sharing with my other friends too " Vela giggles slightly stepping aside so she could join the compartment.

"Thank you, I don't mind at all. Where are these friends?" Evelyn queried, keeping her highly hyper exterior. 

Vela laughed nervously thinking back to Fred and George as she looked around. Coincidentally she catches two red head boys followed by what she presumed was their new found friend. 

Vela took her chance swallowing the small lump in her throat excused herself with Evelyn and rushed out of the carriage. Fred and George seemed to be looking for a compartment, smiling brightly at the sight of them. 

"Don't tell me you boys already forgot about me" she sarcastically announces to the group of boys. They both instinctively hoped into action smiling at vela, their friend looking slightly confused. 

"Oh of cause not, miss malfoy, we just wanted to keep you on your toes" George throws back at her as she returns the smirk.

"Oh Well then I'll literally will be keeping you on your toes for that comment, George—" she playfully crosses her arms over her chest, stubbornly. 

"—as I was going to invite you to seat with me and my friend in our compartments, but I guess not—" Fred quickly steps forward, raising his arms, disagreeing hastily. 

"Wait Wait Wait! My brother is clearly a complete idiot, I don't think lee and I should be punished for his stupidity" Fred laughs at his words as Vela smirks at him. George places his hand on his heart mockingly. The boy she assumed was called lee chuckled entertained. 

"Well then, your lucky I still want to learn those wand pranks" she chuckles to herself leading the boys into compartment. Evelyn ambitiously stands, inquisitive of Velas friends.

"Oh Evelyn, these are my friends" she points to the three boys who smirk to themselves.

"Yes I'm George Weasley" George proudly states shaking her hand. She moves onto Fred as she shakes his .

"Fred Weasley" he simply states shaking hers back. She lingers for a moment then moves onto lee.

"Lee Jordan" he smirks at her making her cheeks slightly flush, making george eye the situation and Vela smirk at Fred.

"Well I'm Evelyn Rattle, it's a pleasure" Evelyn shares as we all take ours seats. 

Vela sits next to Fred, who takes a book from his bag to show Vela. The journey is full of amusement, roars of laughter, pleasurable chats and what Vela was craving for: fun. She could feel the strain of her smiling face as the train ride went further along, the body heat coming from Fred flushed her pale cheeks. Vela had never done that much laughing in her life and she knew, gazing upon her company, George throwing a chocolate frog at lee's vulnerable head, this was going to be a good year.

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