Chapter Seven

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We walked into the room and Caspian gave me a moment to take everything in. This room was a lot larger than my last, it had the same large bed in the middle although this one had white silk curtains hanging form the border on top of it. The room was so large is even had its own library with a reading nook that looked out onto the front of castle, showing off its beautiful gardens beneath me. I felt giddy about the idea of reading there later. I walked into the en suite admiring the large bath that sat at the far corner under another window that looked out into the back of the house. As I walked back in to the main bedroom I noticed a painting I hadn't before, it pictured a naked women lounging on her stomach looking down to read a book. I admired her for a second, she looked so elegant even when engrossed in her book.

Remembering he was still here, I looked back at Caspian.

'Is the room okay for you?' he asked eyeing up the painting in front of me.

'It's perfect' I said feeling relived that at least this had worked out for me today.

'Ill leave you to it then' he said turning to leave

Lucien was not at dinner that evening, neither was Caspian. I didn't think it was concerning and was much too happy to escape any conversation with him and retreat back to my reading nook. But when they both didn't get show up to breakfast and dinner the next day, I started to grow worried maybe Caspian didn't clear things up the day before. I hoped I hadn't caused more issues between them.

I once again retreated back to my bedroom. I lookedout my window as the evening sun faded over the garden. A feeling of emptiness engulfedme and I felt a pit in my stomach. It felt like such a waste to be feeling so numb when standing in my dream bedroom, watching the sun sky explode in colours of pink and orange as the sun set over the hills beyond. I couldn't stop replaying everything that had happened over the last few day's , my brothers unexpected anger at my situation and Lucien's unbothered response to me talking about it . I should be feeling more but I felt nothing, only an intense desire to feel something.

I sat up reading unable to get to sleep It was midnight before I heard a knock on the door. Lucien's face met mine when I opened it. I could smell the booze on his breathe from a mile away.

'What do you want' I snapped, although relived that he was still alive. I was in no mood to talk to him especially if he was intoxicated.

'That's no way to speak to your prince ' he said jokingly ' Can I come in?'

' Well actually I'm verry busy right now'

'You don't look busy; you look like your reading beauty and the beast again' he said peering over my shoulder into my room.

I rolled my eyes and allowed the door to stay open as he walked in.

'Where were you I didn't see you at dinner ' I asked 

' I was out , I do have a life outside the castle' okay it sounds likes he's ready for round two of this argument.

'Lucky you' I retorted sarcastically.

'Don't be annoyed at me, I came see you because I wanted to say sorry' I looked into his eyes and was met with the same bloodlust within them I saw the other day. I scoffed liar.

'No, you came here to feed'

'Okay, maybe it would be a bonus' he said as he stumbled onto the couch on the end of my bed 'Listen Orla' he said grabbing my arm pulling me to sit beside him he must have forgotten his strength through his drunken haze as the grip was too tight.

'You're hurting me' I said grabbing my arm back. He looked up at me with regret in his eyes when he saw that disgust came over my own.

'I didn't mean to, I'm sorry' he said letting me go and laying his head back 'I just want to start again, we both said things we shouldn't have'

'I didn't say anything I shouldn't have' I quipped.

'You won't make this easy will you' he said smiling up at the ceiling. No I will not, I thought.

'It's not fair, I get that. You shouldn't have to waste your life to satisfy me. Maybe its some cruel twist of fate that I found you the most attractive and that I liked your blood the most. But something in me is telling me that it's a good thing you're here, you're the first person whose has truly challenged me and pushed back in a long time.

I was thinking about what you said about your brothers wedding. You right, you should be able to go. I think I will be able to convince my father to let you go if I'm there with you. I know its shit and you won't want me there but I can stand back and let you enjoy the day. What do you say?' he said looking at me for a reply.

'I could put up with it' I said trying to suppress my smile

'Oh and also' he continued and looked into my eyes ' If you ever fall in love with someone , or you think you might I want you to tell me and I promise I won't keep you here. I'll find a way to get you out. Then you can get married and have lots of babies if that's what you want, just maybe not with Caspian'

I smiled at him 'Prince Lucien are you just saying this to get into my veins' I laughed

'Like I said, added bonus ' he said laughing up at the ceiling before turning to meet my gaze. 'Now pull em up' he said jokingly looking at my sleeve.

He once again bore his teeth as they stabbed in my wrists 'Thank you ' I said before the high hit me.

'It was the least I could do 'He said after he pulled his teeth out of me . His voice sounded muddled as I fell back onto the sofa giggling to myself once again. He rose above me and grasped me into his arms gently placing me into my bed.

'Goodnight, angle' I swore I heard him say as I feel deeper into the clutches of sleep.


Once I was awoken and dressed Caspian appeared in my bedroom 'Are you ready for breakfast?' he asked. I nodded as my stomach growled.

He took my arm and we started to walk. I couldn't help but notice he was wearing the same clothes as last night. He looked to me as we walked and asked ' Did you have a nice chat with Lucien last night ?'

'Yes, how did you know he...'

'Because he asked me for advice' he replied as we turned the corner onto the staircase.

' I didn't realised you were friends' I said. Most of the time Lucien and Caspian looked at each other like they were annoyances in each other's life. Granted a lot of guards looked at Lucien that way, but Caspian seemed to be the only one who warranted a mutual scowl.

'We use to be, I guess it's been a long time.' He said looking deep in thought 'but we've been through a lot together. The other night when we argued was the first time he's talked to me in a while' he explained.

Although I wanted to I didn't probe any further as it seemed like a touchy subject 'Were you out together last night?' I asked

'Do I seem hungover' he laughed

'Only a little bit, where did you go' I asked

'Somewhere special Orla, maybe next time I'll take you with me' I couldn't help but let out a laugh. Like that was every going to happen.

'Why is that funny?' he asked but before I could answer we were entering into the dining hall and he was tucking me into my seat.

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