Hey you guys! You probably saw the most recent A/N. This may be the last chapter. But hold on because I am gonna turn this shit up.
Izuku POV:
"Ya know, I am done with the pretending. Aren't you?" Shoto asks me.
"You know I am. Come here Sophia." I say opening up my arms at the end. Sophia runs back up to me and jumps onto me. I catch her before we both fall to the ground. Once she gets her legs around my waist securely I start laughing.
"I missed you, Soph." I say nuzzling my face into her neck.
"I missed you too Zuzu!!! It was so boring without you and Shoto here." Shoto chuckles.
She wraps her arms around my neck and whispers in my ear. "Can we do the thing?"
"Hell yeah." I respond, whispering as well.
Sophia loosens her grip on my waist, pulling herself closer to me. I put my hands on her butt as support.
"You cannot do that to a lady Midoriya! That is very disrespectful. Please take your hands off of her bottom!" Iida lectures. As he is still yelling and chopping the air, Sophia has her knees secured to my hips. I take one of my hands off of her butt and transfer it to the bottom of her foot.
"Still okay?" I ask her. She nods, telling me that she still has a good grip on me. I take my other hand off of her butt, putting it on the opposite foot. I feel her knees tighten more around my waist, but she still has a strong hold.
Iida is still going on about how scandalous I was. "Yo, Four eyes can you shut up!" Sophia yells. I laugh and so does Shoto and surprisingly Kacchan, though theirs was more of a light chuckle.
Iida is dumbfounded. Sophia turns her head back to look at me. "Ready for this!?" She asks, super excited.
"Hell yeah I am!!" I yell back at her. The class all stares at us out of curiosity and some shock to here me say hell. She loosens her knees and yells "GO". I push both of her feet upwards. She jumps upwards and I do a backflip landing on my hands she straightens up and lands with feet balanced on top of mine.
"TADA!!" Sophia yells. She does a frontflip to land on the ground again. I bend backwards so I can fold my self over so I am standing straight.
We both look at the class and teachers. All of them have there jaws on the floor, including Shoto.
"That was amazing you two!" Uncle Zaki says, clapping. We both bow, which earns a chuckle from Shoto and Uncle.
"That was really cool, but lets get you all situated before you guys get crazy." Uncle says.
We all nod walking to the dormitories that our groups got assigned.
A/N in case you forgot:First group: Aoyama, Ojiro, Shoji, Hagakure. Second: Mina, Kaminari, Jiro, Bakugou. Thrid: Todoroki, Kirishima, Sero, Midoriya. Fourth: Iida, Koda, Tokoyami, Mineta. And fifth: Uraraka, Tsuyu, Sato, Momo.
Kirishima, Sero, Shoto and I all walk into the 3rd dorm we see.
It isn't huge but it was enough for us 4 to be comfortable. As we start putting close in our seperate dressers Shoto looks out of the doorway.
"So it looks like there is a bathroom that we all share. So that will be crowded in the mornings. But really it shouldn't be that bad." He says closing the door again.
"Yeah okay. Do you mean that the bathroom is for everyone on this floor? That seems super crowded." Kirishima says.
"I think that every three dorm groups have to share a bathroom. So how crowded it is depends on who the other 2 groups are. Plus if we get a group with all girls then we wont have to share since the boys and girl's bathrooms are separate," He explains.
"That makes sense. After we finish unpacking and getting settled we should see who is in dorm 1 and 2. Those are the dorms we are probably sharing with." Sero cuts in. We all nod in agreement and finish packing as quick as possible.
After we are done we all walk out the dorm and start exploring. We find a small kitchan and lounge area at the end of the hallway. There are 2 bathrooms for boys and 2 for girls. There is also a laundry and trash room at the other end of the hall. The whole floor is practically once long corridor of dorms, bathrooms and a laundry/trash room and then it has a small seating area/kitchen at the end of it. So...Pretty basic.
The four of us walk to dorm number one to see who we may be sharing a bathroom with. Uraraka opens the door.
"Hey guys! What's up?" She asks, opening the door to let us in.
"Hey Uraraka! We just wanted to see who we might be sharing a bathroom with." Kirishima says.
"Oh well for our group the only one you will be sharing with is Sato. Our group is Sato, Momo, Tsuyu and I. So your bathroom won't be extremely cramped." Uraraka replies. We all nod our heads in understanding.
"Awesome! Well we will let you guys finish unpacking. See you all later!" Sero says.
"Bye guys. Talk to you all later!" Momo says from her bed that she is setting up. We all say our byes and walk out of dorm 1.
"Next group?" Shoto asks us. We nod. Sho walks over to dorm room 2 and knocks. A few minutes later Jiro opens the door.
"Oh! Hey guys what do you need?" She asks, opening the door so we can all walk in.
"Hey guys! We wanted to see who we might share a bathroom with. Also to hang out, if you guys are done unpacking." Sero exclaims. Making himself at home in Mina's bed.
"Yup, were done. What about you guys?" Mina says, sitting down next to Sero.
"Same. What do you all wanna do?" Kirishima asks walking over to where Kacchan had his bed made up.
"Whatever is fine. I think lights out are at 10 PM." Jiro answers.
"Yeah that is what Uncle Zaki said. Though we are allowed to be in others dorms for the night as long as we are not super loud and aren't wandering the halls." I explain sitting down next to Kaminari on his bed.
Shoto walks up to me and sits down on the floor between my legs.
A/N: Sorry this was the best photo I could find. This is the position that Shoto and Izuku are in. They just aren't eating and don't look like complete idiots or drunk people (no offense, but really some offense, to the people in the photo.)
I pull out two rubber bands I had in my pocket, I had banded my pencils together when I packed for the trip. I pick up the white half of his hair and put it into a pigtail, tying the rubber band around it. I do the same with the red side.
"Shoto you are the prettiest girl at the party." I say pulling my phone out and pressing record.
"Can I get a hyaa~?" I ask Shoto
"HYAAAAA~!" He says into the video recorder, throwing his head back and smiling at me.
"Yup." He grabs my collar so he can whisper into my ear. "Do you wanna round up the gang and go back to our dorm? These guys don't look like they would mind." He says.
"You know it." I say. He gets up and I follow. We walk out of the room, not before looking at the Bakusquad to make sure they are all occupied.
"Hey guys! We were just coming to find you two!!" Sophia yells from down the hall. She runs towards us, followed by our other 4 friends.
Omg over 1370 words. Damn, I am proud of myself. Anyways I will be doing 2 more chapters. One is just an A/N describing Shoto and Izuku's friends. The other chapter will be the last update I will be doing this story, it will not be as long as this one I don't think.
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