Headcanons|Various trainers X reader|part 2|Going to college

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Here is part 2! Also, I added another character to the list, Alain! Expect more content for him in the future.



- Gou studies in the same Faculty as Shigeru.

- He is often conducting experiments in the laboratory with Shigeru, you pay him visits to chat and eat snacks together.

- Although he seems a bit cold at first, it doesn't take long before Gou warms up to you.

- Though he often neglects important things like sleep and food because he is very enthusiastic about studying pokemon, you have to drag him out before he faints to eat.

- As for sleeping, you found a small abandoned area and claimed it as yours, Gou and you take small naps there every day while eating together.

- You both met for the first time when you were looking for your lecture hall but because you were still new to the whole thing you accidentally entered a different Faculty.

- "This place looks a bit different than the one I attended last time..." You anxiously muttered while wandering around the empty halls, repeatedly denying in your heart the possibility of being lost.

- Suddenly you had a feeling that someone was following you, step after step the speed gradually increased until you were finally running for your life.

- When you glanced back, you saw a small blue figure jumping... "Isn't that a Froakie–?! Why is it following me?!"

- You started shouting for help but since it was still very early in the morning, there weren't many students around these parts.

- You stopped at a dead end, you have no choice but to face the little monster that was chasing you.

- You turned around, eyes fixed on the Froakie as you took a few steps back.

- You generally don't have much experience with Pokemon, you don't know how to deal with them, and never cared enough to because you won't be working with them in the future anyway.

- "I should have prepared for emergencies like this... but wait–"

- Now that you look at it closely, it seems... scared? even though you are the one who should be terrified here as this thing can literally kill you with its bubbles.

- "Hey are you alright?" You asked in a calm voice as you squat down and spread your arm, gesturing to it to come closer.

- The little Froakie slowly made its way to you, allowing you to pet it.

- "Oh that's right, I have some potato chips in my bag, wanna eat?"

- Froakie seemed to like it a lot, at that moment you heard someone's voice echoing throughout the empty halls.

- "Froakie! Froakie please show up"

- Froakie shrank into a small ball in your arms, you quickly understood that it was probably seeking protection from that individual and you were the only one around.

- "Froakie! So that's where you ran off to! The professor will punish me if we don't go back, let's go" he strode toward you, he had a bag that seemed full of different tools, you could see a few sharp objects sticking out of it.

- It's obvious now why it is scared, what is he planning to do to Froakie with all these sharp objects?!

- "You! What did you do to this small innocent pokemon??" You yelled at him, arms hugging Froakie tightly.

- Gou was taken aback by your sudden hostility, he promptly explained "This pokemon ran away when I was about to do a quick check-up on its health, I'm responsible for it since I'm the only one at the laboratory currently"

- "I don't trust you, is it true that you won't dissect this poor thing?"

- "Dissect?! We never do something so harsh like this here!"

- "Then these objects are...?"

- "I borrowed them from Shigeru previously and I'm just returning them to him, I was never planning on hurting Froakie or any pokemon for that matter"

- Froakie eyed him suspiciously, and you suggested keeping it with you until Shigeru takes away his things, Froakie looked in a better condition later that day because you made sure to play with it all day.

- Gou was amazed by the results and asked you to come often from that day onward.


- It's not an exaggeration to say that she is very popular among her colleagues for her beauty and good grades.

- It's not often your country receives students from Kalos who are willing to study at your university.

- You both met online for the first time and she moved here specifically to attend the same university together.

- She is pretty good at cooking, you often cooperate together to make delicious desserts to eat after lectures.

- When you met face to face for the first time, she handed you a small Pikachu keychain identical to hers as a symbol of your friendship.

- "Listen (Y/N) if anyone asked you out, reject them directly alright?"

- "What? That will never happen anyway but where did that come from??"

- Serena was the only friend you had at university, you don't think anyone would even remember your face.

- She still seemed anxious so you shoved a small cookie in her mouth and said with a genuine smile "Don't worry, I don't like anyone here except for you, I will refuse if someone were to ask me out if that ever were to happen at some 4th dimension"

- She still seemed unsure so you continued "If I ever started dating someone, I will eat the puffins' Satoshi baked"

- She was surprised, you are willing to eat that thing to keep your promise? That made her feel at ease.

(Meanwhile Satoshi in the background: What?! What do you mean by that statement?? Come back here!)


- Alain was already in the third year when you entered college

- He thinks it's his responsibility to make sure you don't embarrass yourself by guiding you around.

- You met for the first time when you were little and he helped you by fighting against the bullies who were constantly hitting and kicking you, they never dared to pick up on you again.

- "Thank you..." you muttered as he helped you up.

- "You, you shouldn't let anyone belittle you like this, be more confident, take their eyes out if it's possible, be strong," He said without breaking eye contact, you could sense the sincerity in these words.

- You looked down, hands clutching the hem of your clothes tightly as you thought of a proper response "But... but I hate violence... I don't want to be violent"

- The corners of his lips slightly turned up, he took a step forward and placed his hand on your shoulder "I know, I'm the same, but sometimes violence is the only way to defend yourself, especially against those who gain pride from making others suffer"

- Your friendship started on that day, he taught you a lot about self-defense and pokemon battles.

- He is a good student, you learn a lot by just hanging out with him, having someone like that by your side is a blessing.

- He helps you adjust your clothes or your hair when you are a complete mess after running all the way to the lecture hall.

- Even when the professor kicks you out because you are late, you will still get a lecture from Alain about how you mustn't sleep late and you mustn't miss your lectures, etc...

- He would lend you his books and lecture papers for each subject for free, he truly took very good care of them because they still look clean.


- Let's go directly to the main point, Iris is a delinquent, well a cute one at that XD

- You both magically became friends when she accidentally freed the Rhyhorn your professor instructed you and everyone to NEVER get close to, now you know why.

- Because it's usually in a very bad mood, it got angry and since there is only you - who was still processing what that girl just did - and Iris in sight, it decided to take all its rage on you both.




- She quickly climbed up a tree and stretched her hand to help you up.

- You had to stay up there for 3 hours until the professor came back, he was mad at both of you but at least you gained a friend.

- You both often skipped lectures to eat at the cafeteria or climb trees

- Or even sneak into places you shouldn't, you loved those adventures with her.

- When she feels sleepy she leans against your shoulder.

- Sometimes when she feels bored during the lecture she would play with your fingers under the table.

Shinji (Paul)

- If there is someone who is very suitable to be your rival, Shinji will win first place with ease.

- It all just started as wanting to surpass him in studying, then you had so many encounters with him that made you see him in a different light.

- You realized he isn't just an angry person who seems pissed off at everything especially you, Shinji is a kind trainer who aims to be better than his older brother.

- The reason he treats others this way is that he never had any friends growing up, he is probably very unused to having someone around who would simply try to understand him instead of trying to change his attitude.

- As time went on, the hatred between you gradually faded, and was replaced with mutual love and respect, both of you are the top students, after all, he can't underestimate you.

- One time, he noticed that you were unusually quiet, you wasn't talkative in the first place but he sensed something was off.

- After walking out of the lecture hall, he dragged you somewhere less crowded, you were confused.

- He unexpectedly put his hand on your forehead, then quickly pulled it back, eyes widened in shock.

- ".... You shouldn't have come to the lecture today, you are clearly sick"

- "But I can't miss something as important as that! Also, it's just a small fever, it will go away soon"

- "Are you stupid? no, I shouldn't have asked, the answer is clear"

- "Hey are you by any chance worried about me?"

- "I will bring you something from the pharmacy nearby, meanwhile stay still here"

- "Don't just dodge the question and run!!"

- "You are quite noisy, I guess you are fine then"

- "I already told you so-" you began coughing, to which Shinji didn't even bother listening anymore and walked away.

- When he came back he handed you some medicine and water, watched you take them, and handed you a sandwich.

- You were surprised, maybe your fever is affecting your sanity as well because no way Shinji would be worried about someone's health, especially yours.

- He also made sure you got home safely, Shinji made sure to send you all the lectures you missed while you were sick at home until you fully recovered.

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