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Frank P.O.V

I sat at the bar, drinking drink after drink. I would keep telling myself, "You will not drown your sorrows," over and over again, but eventually I succumbed to my demons. The bartender himself didn't help me by refilling my glass, but he was the only guy in town that would serve me- and, he needed the money. I could feel a strong sense of nausea clawing its way menacingly up my throat. I didn't like the feeling, but it was all too familiar. I finished my last shot of vodka that was sitting idly in front of me, then said goodbye to the bartender. He laughed to himself, and upon turning around, I pulled a face directed at him. I needed to stay in his good books- if I wanted to keep going there without being reported to the cops.

Staggering outside, it was getting much more difficult to walk in a straight line. That's what I get for drinking too much, I scolded myself. I needed to get home. I sighed as I knew that I'd have to walk, crossing my arms moodily. Avoid the dark alleys, avoid the police station- that's all that I had to do. Besides getting run over or something more hyperbolic. That would've made my mother loathe me more. She never showed it, but I knew. A group of rough-looking teenagers were walking my way. I didn't know them personally, but I knew that they attended my school. They had a problem with me because of my sexuality. Why, in this day and age sexuality was a problem, was beyond me. They usually beat me up so badly that my bones would give in, shattering like glass. I decided on walking into an (out of bounds) alley to avoid them, thinking that I would hide there for a short while. I could hear them talking as I hid behind a dumpster, I watched them pass, breathing a quiet sigh of relief. That was when my plan backfired, right in my face. One of them doubled back, slowly walking down my alley.

"I know you're here Iero! Come out. Although, technically you already have." He said laughing to himself. There was only one. I could make a joke out of it- I thought- I can escape with a few cuts and bruises.

"You got me." I slurred, walking out into the middle of the alley, my arms up in mock surrender. He had his hood up, his tracksuit bottoms were almost hitting the floor.

"Max! I found him!" He shouted. Shit, I thought. Once again, the plan had backfired- even more so this time. Soon enough, my main bully- Max, and his dunce cronies arrived. He was laughing hysterically like a madman, squaring up to me. The smell of his cheap cologne burnt my airways.

"Looks like you're more vulnerable than usual Iero. I like it." He sniggered. I laughed obnoxiously without thinking. Great, I'm going to end up with broken bones, I couldn't help but jump to the sticky conclusion. That would've been fun to explain to my mother when I got home; if I got there alive. Max swung at me, knocking me to the ground. I could feel my warm blood dripping down my neck, staining my white shirt. What a wonderful end to a shitty night. He began to kick me in the sides, with his equally cheap sneakers. I thought that my ribs were going to crack with each intense kick. Then he stopped, suddenly. I rolled over, unable to see very clearly, being very drunk, and very injured. I heard a deep growl. From what I could see, there was somebody standing at the other end of the alley. Their silhouette twitching and flickering under the dull light coming from the street lamps.

"Who the fuck are you?" Max called out, his voice shaking. He was terrified, which was abnormal. I saw that as my cue to get up and leave. "No, you're staying." Max spat, kicking me in the leg, knocking me back to the ground. I started to crawl out of the way, all of Max's limited attention span was now on the mysterious figure. Max called out various curses at the figure, but that didn't provoke them. What did, was another kick to my body. The figure moved in a blur of colour and an uncomfortably cold breeze. My vision was even worse now, it was like 'old guy with cataracts' vision- pretty fucking terrible. I watched it get close to Max.

"Leave. Him. Alone." They said, their voice was ice cold, no emotion present- only anger. Max laughed, until the figure's grip on his throat tightened. Max hesitated, his friends paralysed with fear. His terrifying ordeal amused me. One of them went to run away, immediately finding himself being thrown across the alley, landing with a sickening crunch as his body smashed against the cobbled floor. The same happened to the rest, one by one. The only one left being Max himself, who's face had a bluish tinge to it from being held by the throat. I tried to get up. The situation had begun to overwhelm me, feeding my anxiety. I fell to the floor, my body limp. Max let out a bloodcurdling scream, but in all honesty, I couldn't have cared any less.

Shortly afterwards, I was scooped up into their arms. My rescuer smelt incredibly good, however that couldn't mask the smell of the iron from somebody's blood. I hoped that it wasn't mine.
Song Of The Chapter~ Fuck Machine by Mindless Self Indulgence.

I do know that the song has nothing to do with any of the chapter, but it's the song that came on as I stopped writing ;)

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