Chapter Three(Luke Perkins pov)

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I've had a rather interesting day. My friends Nathaniel ,Cody , Mark and I went out to hunting and by hunt I don't mean animals but humans as scary as that sounds .We were not like this before ,we once were humans until one mysterious night we were all going home back at my old apartment building where my friends would  have crashed for the night after attending a  wild party  when we walked into four muscular strange men on the street alley ,  who later introduced themselves as Bob, Tom ,Max and Joe set by a secret vampire organization  to continue the vampire species they had bounded us and pushed us into a nearby alley where they  had left vials of blood for us the next morning .I had a bad feeling inside from the start but the guys thought it had to do with my horrible break up with my ex girlfriend Liana Kendrick. That in itself was enough for a guy to want to stay in however I obliged that night and it changed our lives forever. I am the only blond of the group. We all were born in different places I  was born in  San Francisco but moved here in Michigan two years ago  and lived  with my  mother Courtney before she died  and younger brother kyle he was fourteen then. I met Nathaniel Blacksmith when I came here and  started my school  Quest Burg Kindergarten we bumped into each other in our first years at our lockers, then we started talking and he told me he was born in London  near Birmingham tower with his sister and parents,  supposedly where the Queen lives. I thought he had a cute accent  we became friends ever since. The other two were both cousins , I met Cody first at  our high school playing sports   after school practice ,the same day  i was going to try out  for  the same sport basketball on that day when I thought I was the only person  standing in the gym trying out so there I was about to leave when I saw Cody  Stanley  practising alone and he was real good. We introduced ourselves talked about random boy stuff laughed and I the next day  tried out and was chosen became on the team Cody and I practiced together and we had a mutual friendship with him revealing  where he lived he told me he's from Sunny side Michigan and he lived with his father Carter ,cousin Mark Livingston whom I later met he was only  six years older than us and grandmother Eden he was too secretive to say anything else on the matter. I however  met Mark his  lively  cousin at his house when Cody and I had a partner school project we got a B and I had a blast with Mark I didn't realise he was that humorous and such a party animal. Another reason why I went to the most unusual party that night to begin with but that's not solemnly on Mark but all of us.  Today was just another day I dread I could never fathom  drinking blood from the innocent people but I have no choice this was the only way my  friends and I can

survive . We  do our  feral 
activities far away out of the reach of humans inside the forest   where no one would go,
near the park we usually go during the early nights to like for passer by but chose to do so  from now on in the mid afternoon we vampires have to lay low so people cannot suspect  a thing about us we have rules  too. We went to the park this  afternoon  after nabbing two annoying twin teenage girls that constantly bothered us by coming to the apartment to flirt none stop how vain can humans be  sometimes when we arrived at the park we looked around and saw people preferably  minding there own business so we slipped pass the adults and a pretty teenage girl sitting by herself underneath the tree she was busy on her iPhone. We used our vampire speed to kidnap the two teenage  twins girls  scampering behind us to the forest. When we reached the forest I could have sworn I felt like someone was watching us from the distance but us vampires have low eye vision and weak skin protection from the sun rays   we wear eye contact and take special  pill we bought .  I took a hold of the twin girl stepping forward the girl gazed up at me with terrified eyes as I changed into my form and  sink my fangs into  her neck  filling me up of rich sweet blood this was our basic food we cannot eat anything else. I felt her  thrash around and kick violently .  When I was done feeling contented I walked back to my previous spot the girl I bit was staring into space, her dim yellow eyes staring at me lifelessly she was dead. The boys all looked at the other girl who was bounded and seemed struggling with the ropes they  looked  hungry as ever. The girl was  screaming but her voice was muffled the boys took closer steps as predators  to kill  its victim the next thing they did was vandalism the latter bit her and drank her blood till she was no more .I stood watching but while I was watching I heard the sounds of little feet running past the tree to my left when I looked I saw no one .Could there have been the human girl that had followed us into the forest and had seen what transpired a while ago. I was thinking in deep thoughts pertaining to this when my friends all bought me back to my senses as they called me over to help them burn the laying human bodies and bury the evidence of murder then we all went home. On the walk from the forest to home I saw the trails of foot prints in the mud left in the forest leading to the park that enabled me to  ponder about the ordeal what could happen to us vampires if humans knew about our secret.

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