Chapter Nine ( He's Good )

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Cristal woke up stretching her arms out the alarm clock was beeping and she had the sudden urge to throw it out to buy a new one. Cristal had her sheet wrapped tightly around her body she almost fell while in a rush out of her bed to getting ready for school she remembered it was Thursday and she'd be walking to school since she didn't want to bother Milly or any of her friends then she remembered Tyler was to pick her up to go to Macdonald's this morning for breakfast  and they'd obviously have a one on one session  she really couldn't believe she agreed to him yes who would turn down a chance at a handsome  popular guy but she had no interest in dating or falling in love not anymore ,  not after her ex  Lucas hurt her long story short this occurred in her Junior year  when one morning, she caught him kissing a brunette in the school driveway he couldn't even hide her away in the  Janitor's room  this devastated her they were in a relationship for three years . That was the reason she broke up with Lucas nobody knew about this except Alex and Milly they were the only persons she trusted  enough to talk to about it. She went to the bathroom and took a bath taking a left turn she  scampered  into her room to get dressed she slowly brushes her long raven hair it  cascaded down her back as she did this she  placed her hair in a messy bun  combing the loose strands   to enhance her look , she placed on mascara then  she added the final touch shiny pink lip gloss unto her lips she felt like a goddess.  She wanted to look casual because Tyler and her  weren't  officially on a date and she didn't want to seem  serious. She pulled open her drawer revealing clothing  she felt comfortable  in  the outfits  a pink flannel with washed blue jeans and black and white Jordan's . She hadn't time to tell her parents she was going out with a friend so she left them a note on the fridge .She was famished even tho she was on her way out she took an apple  from the fruits bowl washing the red apple then biting into the fruit savoring the juiciness due to her hunger it felt even more tastier than usual . Cristal held her iPhone in her hand she needed to know if Tyler were to suddenly cancel on her . A figure  of a muscular guy stood at the foot of the staircase looming over the wooden creaking chair  she couldn't see his face  before she could scream the tall guy walked in front of the kitchen door and behold there was her brother Michael stood, in all his you just came out of nowhere scared her shirtless glory.  Sarcastic yeah maybe but you ought to get the irony she hadn't seen him for days because he was busy seeking work since he was bored out of his mind  sitting at home all day studying.
"Hey morning are you going out Sis is that all your going to eat  huh?" Asked Michael
"Morning Mike for one I  am going to eat at MacDonald's  with a friend so I won't be eating breakfast then I'll be changing for school." She  Replied with a  sigh. "I guess you can go out have fun  and take your time Speedy ." said Michael
I have to go I will see you later bro . replied Cristal.                            "Mm OK see you later I hope this guy know how much your worth yea ."     said Michael he was making himself a bacon , tomato and cheese sandwich it looks  delicious  and the crusts were  crispy .        
"Yeah I hope so too later." Cristal muttered to her brother who stood their munching on his mouthwatering delicacy . As she stepped outside on her porch gazing at her phone for any messages or calls from Tyler she  saw a black mustang pulled up at the gate ,  the  driver window was suddenly  wheeled down and a  guy in the seatbelt was staring intently at her whom she immediately recognized to be Tyler he was wearing a spandex black pants a white shirt with deigns and blue sneakers  ,his hair was tousled  . He waved to her a hello gesture also signalizing his arrival so she walked out the gate to the car opening the door taking the front seat beside him. The ten minutes drive to Macdonald's was filled with tension both not knowing what to say to each other, the only noise that could be heard was the car's radio playing the eccentric Harry Styles song  "Signs of the Times" Cristal hummed to the song being played she liked the words of the song and was memorized by each line . After  minutes of  absentmindedly gazing out the car window every now and then  the building of  MacDonald's had appeared a  good  block  away Tyler parked the car in the drive way. They went inside  took a seat beside each other   reading the menu card Cristal picked a strawberry syrup pancake and   coffee with milk while Tyler had a ice tea with a chocolate chip muffin the male waiter placed there orders and left .Tyler spoke up after an hour .

"I like your outfit you look mesmerizing I know we aren't on a date but truly you look pretty in anything ."    said Tyler whom was sipping his ice tea .
"Thank you  that was one huge compliment same to you , I didn't want to go over the top with my outfit I'm glad you like it tho." Cristal gushed out a dark shade of blush covered her cheek .
"So you've lived her in Kanter Ford all your life or you've recently moved here liked I did and what do you like to do for fun huh ?."
"Yes I've lived here since birth my parents and I so I like reading and listening to music and taking a walk to the park mostly to rid my mind sometimes its quiet there so what  about you what do you do for fun I have a big brother any relatives do you?".    Said Cristal playing with her fingers .                                               "I usually listen to music hang with friends I occasionally swim back in Colorado and  I have a sister around seven now I hadn't seen her in a while." Michael replied he had to feign a smile thinking of the reason. Cristal place her hand on his in a supportive way he suddenly flinched at first realizes this  then genuinely smiled at Cristal she returned the smile and Cristal finished her cup of coffee .   "Can you drive me home to change my attire then pick me up for school please I have no ride and I don't feel like walking." Cristal asked                    "Only if you think you can get dressed under 20 seconds then ." said Tyler with a quizzical look.  "I can ."   Replied Cristal while  Tyler glanced at his phone for the time it was getting late He paid the bill so they both left for Cristal's home it wasn't long before she reached home due to Tyler's fast driving she arrived home and  bolted  inside her house entering her room she ransacked her bed side drawer searching for a faded blue denim  pants and a red and black laced spaghetti strap and red converse shoes. Tyler had left for home a while back he lived in the neighborhood he went  quickly for his bag to maybe change his clothes himself .
Cristal  re applied the lip gloss finishing in record braking time she looked outside through the window gazing out when the loud honk of the car alerted her he's back she smirks he's good, she grabbed ahold of her phone and school bag and ran out the door with a thud the front door slammed shut behind her. The black mustang she previously drove in  was parked up at the gate and this time Tyler held his head out of the car window enough for him to see Cristal briskly walked to the car and got in  Tyler  was on his i phone . Tyler had decked out  in a pair of brown vans  a blue blazer and black ripped jeans he had on earphones in his ears and was rocking along to the sounds coming from the ear phones  rapping  the car drove off Cristal was checking the time on her phone until the  Alastair Bay High school came into view the car pulled up in the parking space and Cristal followed by Tyler went to their lockers putting in their combination and went to there classes Cristal met Alex Mackoy in the locker room and waved to him on her way to class he had on black and gold Jordan's with purple sweater and baggy pants it suited him perfectly. Cristal met up with her best friend Milly whom had  her  hair  perfectly styled in French braids, blue denim pants and pink crop top she was in her Arts class ,their teacher Mr Hughes was choosing a partner for every member to redo the painting of Mona Lisa in their own way being creative.  Cristal was glad she was stuck with Milly they got to talk during  breaks about their day and she mentioned Tyler and her going to MacDonald for breakfast and him driving her back .Milly was excited and began shipping them which earned them the disapproving looks from Mr Hughes so they kept quiet until after class.  After there classes were over and Cristal was about to  going home she  stopped at the front of the school talking with Alex and Milly .
"Hey Beastie we really need to talk you could not tell me you and Tyler were in the secret meeting phase tell me that's the only thing going on ." said Milly in a sing song tone , she was not giving up .
"Hey I thought I told you Milly its nothing special just breakfast with someone I consider my friend and he drop me home and took me back to catch classes nothing else ." retorted Cristal she was very much infuriated with Milly .                                              "I think you might think he's your friend but at least admit you like him I'm not agreeing with Milly just think you might have feelings for the guy. "                    "I have to say I like him just not keen on a boyfriend . " said Cristal   stating the obvious.             "You know girl its time to move on don't be holding on to the past ." replied Milly she was sad that her friend kept thinking of  such a loser he didn't deserve her . Cristal spent time with her friends up until Alex dropped her home and when Cristal came home the house was quiet nobody wasn't home the note left by her mom,dad and bro was on the fridge it read they went out that they'd be coming home soon but she must eat something since there wasn't any dinner with no further explanation to there whereabouts she spent the rest of the day watching random I tubers  on her phone they  do funny stunts the reaction makes her  laugh  herself excessively to tears even though she was alone she liked having the house to herself  and tried to have fun whilst alone  she  made popcorn in the microwave and watched episodes of Star Wars (Attack of the clones) drinking a canned soda and munching on chocolate cookies . After hours of watching movie clips Cristal cleaned up making sure she was alone in the house she locked all the doors and windows downstairs and went to bed she was exhausted from the day and the pillow put her to sleep quickly.

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