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Listen to the video while reading~
Not owned by me in anyway!

I updated! *gasp* feel happy!

"Robin" Artemis repeated over and over, not knowing she was practically acting like a glitchy robot. Her eyes were going red as she tried to bottle up her tears.

"Dick!" Red arrow screeched out from his frozen position, not caring about the sercet identity code. Everyone in the small cornered room knew that in the inside, he was trying to stop his silent cries to hug Robin.

The misery the two had shown, did not affect the little bird in any way, as he pulled back from the kiss he had with the speedster. He turned around and faced his 'teammates', his face held an emotionless blank stare, which made the team shiver.

Robin was never one to be emotionless, unless needed for a stealth mission. This was not at all a secret undercover mission as well.Was this a undercover Mission? They questioned silently.

The bird immediately faced the Scarlett Speedster and whispered to him,eyes drawn to them, and back to the speedster multiple times before finally facing his team.

Now that they saw Robin up close, they noticed that his costume had changed, in Colours.

The little robin stealthily walked towards the kryptonian who had his eyes shut. After waiting for a few seconds, Superboy opened his eyes, to see his little 'brother' facing him.

"What are you doing?"

Listening to his little 'brother' somehow made him feel slightly happier. He couldn't show that however. "Resting..what are you doing here?"

Robin had resisted the urge to say he knew Superboy was lying, and had the pending urge to interrogate him. "Fine." Wally knew what was going to happen, sped in the way of the two, and murmured to Robin.

Robin raised his eyebrow in suspicion, and nodded his head. He slowly blinked his eyes repeatedly, and when opened, smiled at Superboy, whispered something softly. That only Superboy and Wally were the only two that were able to hear.

"Release them...KF", they were so glad to have heard Robin's voice after their separation,they missed it dearly. Though, they questioned the way he said the nickname he gave to the speedster. It, somehow.

Wally rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers facing Robin with a smile. The Young Team slowly felt their body parts being able to move. All at once, they ran towards their bird, and like the flash, tripped and they all fell down together, knocking down Robin with them.

As they began to hug the birdy they loved, they heard a loud agitated growl come from one direction, behind them. They suddenly felt nauseous, with the feeling of being kicked, and punched on their heads. Kaldur slowly twisted his head to see Wally's fist inches away from connecting to his face.


The dark moody aura Batman had, was now rivaled by the mood Wally was in. The team cautiously stood up, except Megan, who hugged Robin tightly, her eyes showering with fear.

"Chill out, Whale Head. You're scaring her" This was Robin's turn to eye roll as he hugged Megan tightly, rocking her back and forth, almost as if they were in a slow motion clip.

Megan slowly got out of Robin's reach and nervously smiled, which Robin had returned. "You guys want to watch Any Category." Megan wanted to yell out her favourite movie, however she suddenly felt an overcoming sudden burst of hot fiery air surround her.

She faced what she thought was the problem, to find an angry Wally facing her and glaring her down. She felt as if her vision was clouding up with a cloud of haze from the anger that had gotten in her mind.

She felt like knives had pierced through her ever so slowly. She fell to the cold floor and screamed with tears, eyes beginning to become red. The team surrounded her in worry, asking what was the matter, trying as hard as they could to soothe her.

All of them, but Robin, who had held a uncaring look, as he faced the other side of the room. Wally was still mad but loosened up, it did nothing to help the Martian as she gripped her head and blacked out. Robin stiffed a giggle, and spoke to the red head.

"Just calm down Wally, you're not even my Boyfriend-"

Robin felt arms swipe in and grab his waist,and carried him bridal style to his room. He was about annoy the heck out of the teen in front of him, when lips smacked his harshly. Their kiss was silent, rough and a little bit of tongue. They stopped and pulled away, panting as their heads touched.

Robin peeled off his mask and wiped the saliva away. He was now Dick, with the most hypnotic blue oceanic eyes Wally loved so dearly. This would change however, as Dick's eyes glowed yellow and a tad bit of orange.

Making sure the doors were locked shut, he laughed out loud hysterically, hands keeping him in place as he fell down. Wally was partially annoyed at the sudden change of mood, but didn't think anything of it. He knew the room was sound proof, but that did not mean there were no cameras. Spotting one,he smashed it instantaneously into pieces, guaranteed to have shut down the mechanical technology.

Wally stared at his giggly laughing boyfriend, who was unable the stop, smiled a little. He stood in front of his beautiful bird, with a smirk, "Cute"

This had stopped Dick from laughing, frozen for a moment, he directed his attention to Wally and with glowing yellow eyes, smiled. "I needed that", dusting the floor with his boots, obviously making more messes,"I was being too nice"

"How did you notice?" Wally glared at him, "Chill out,Whale Head. You're scaring her."

"Yeah, too nice.." Wally fumed. Dick arched an eyebrow, "Hey, don't go all angry like that, it makes you look like an idiot..while even more of an idiot", he teased. Dick wrapped his arms around his lover, hugging him from behind. "I'm sorry. I know you were just protectingme..."

"It's alright.." Wally twisted his body to gaze at Dick. "You're forgiven, you know I can't stay mad at you for long"

"Elaborate long mustard and ketchup,it's been 20 minutes." Wally intensely glared at Dick, who smiled almost innocently. Dick flopped to the bed, muffling his voice.

"I'm bored Wally~
Can we play
a little game with them?" 

Dick sang with a singing tune in delight. Wally smirked and grabbed his girl-figured beloved, rose him above the ground, and twirled him around slowly. "Of course my little princess~"

Dick blushed, and smirked as his eyes flashed dark blue,"It's great to play, isn't it..



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