"Flash 04, Black Canary 13" and like that, they all left,lights went out to save energy.With no one left,or so they thought, without them knowing, "oh, they thought I would leave without getting information of where they were..haha,armatures..😂 well, good luck guys,you will need it,as no one is going to get in the way of me knowing where my soul mate".
Red and yellow costumed person staring at the zeta tubes planning on what he was going to do next.
Wally POV (haha😘😈)
I ran into information on the computer..when I want a soulmate I guess I become desperate..I researched through hacking that taught me. Now I know where they are,haha,and they thought they could prevent me from finding them! The reason for me not targeting the people is that,I don't feel As close as I feel like with The Team. Ok,who's first? Obviously Artemis is out....Megan? Nah,she is sweet and all but not really into her now,just a bit like friendzoned...which leaves the girls out!
Boys,Superboy,Kaldur,Robin,and Red Arrow.. Roy is out since I previously saw him and didn't feel anything. Kaldur, not my type at all,too.. Calm? And serious,Out. Superboy and Robin is left. Superboy, not too serious but has an angry management...alright,no I Guess?
Which leaves, Robin aka Dick Grayson..yup, athlete,sexy, innocent, same interest,buddies and He is like the youngest and most beautiful one in my eyes.. Maybe I will go check at his place! Mm.. , I should go take a break and sleep for the time being,it is late after all.. Goodnight...Me ...and my SoulMate, I smile, letting the dark shadow engulf me into my dreams. Awaiting the outcomes and keeping my ears up for anything that might be a threat.
Dick Grayson POV
I feel a vibrating sound and feeling, I looked to see someone was sending me a message on my phone. It was Roy, I looked into the text and was shocked to see him texting me a surprising text about...WALLY!
Roy: Hey Dick! Don't go into the Cave,which Bruce has probably told you. You don't know what but I ask you to keep away for your safety as Wally has been acting strange towards me and Artemis and suddenly became violent and out of his mind!
Dick: what do you mean Wally became 'Violent'? He wouldn't hurt someone!
Roy: Oh, but he would now, he created a bruise on Artemis and pushed Artemis right on a brick wall,her back is in pain which is quite worrying since she does not have speed healing. Oh! And they broke up!Even Green Arrow,Flash and Black Canary came into this!Not to mention, he mentioned coming after you and the rest of the Team!
Dick was in shock,Wally wouldn't do such a thing without a reason right! There must be a good reason!! Especially since Artemis WAS Wally's Girlfriend and Roy is like his bro!I placed my fingertips on the phone,typing out a reply.
Dick:why would he? Did he say a reason??
Roy:he does, he..is a vampire..which is hard to believe I know, and kinda ironic since everyone thought the person who is suppose to be Vampires, are most likely you and batman. Next , he is looking you and The Team as he is trying to find he love one to be his forever love,like..Soulmates!!
Dick:WALLY'S A VAMPIRE?! What has been going on since I have been gone,damn,how did the party go? Was anyone hurt?
Roy: No one came which makes sense since their mentors or family didn't allow them too, maybe they were informed about the news, Others than Artemis,no one, maybe Barry since I kinda kicked him in the gut and behind his knee...
Dick:this is so Dramatic..Disastrous!!! Text you later Roy!
Roy:ok dicky,bye
-------End text-----
Ok,this is weird,my best friend is a vampire, ironic, he is going pyshco and my friends are in danger..just great.
Another text? From ...WALLY?!
----WALLY texted----
Wally: Hey Dick!!
Me: uh..hey?
Wally: what's wrong?
Me: Nothing is wrong!
Wally: there is so something wrong,I AM your Best Friend after all,I know when something's wrong!
Me: Well..
Wally: Spill
Me: Roy said that you were a vampire looking for your soulmate and that you went crazy and hurt Artemis and stuff..
Wally: ...
Me:is it true?
-Wally was Last seen on 6:25pm-
Me: Wally?? I can't believe you ditched me..
The Team(except rob &Wally)POV
Everyone,even Black Canary,Green Arrow,Flash,and Batman came down to the mountain to be certain they were safe and were going to tell them something.
"Do you all know why you were gathered here?" Batman said in a mono-tone voice, looking gloomy as ever as he couldn't bring dick with him to be sure he was safe,but Alfred ensured him dick was going to be safe at the BatCave. Though,Kid Flash knows where the BatCave is and sure enough, I doubt the Defence will tackle him down unless Dick fights him. I can't blame him if he doesn't though, and neither can I blame Alfred, I will know though, he will protect dick.
"I think we are hear to address the matter of Wally?" Kaldur answered and all could here the discomfort of saying Wally in it,as he was a member and it was strange to have the leaguers here because of him, and he was pretty sure it wasn't a good thing.
"Yes, but you all don't know why,do you?" Batman replied in the same tone,standing up still from his seat.
"No-nope" all came a bang of all voices responding at once, until they were silenced by Flash.
"Well, it has something to do with my Nephew Wally, you see-" as Barry continue to explain what has recently occured and why they were addressing Wally,as a threat. My was the very least to say Wally had made little discomfort, as it was big, they had came close with Wally, and for him to suddenly do all those things was disturbing. Especially since Artemis told them Wally and her broke off not because of that, but because of the rough path through their relationship.
Everyone was in shock, they all thought one thing though, did Robin know? After all, they were the best of friends and he wasn't here..how were they suppose to break it to Robin and capture Wally back, may be in a violent way. This was far from over and they all knew it.
Narrator POV
After all this, everyone was becoming distant, not knowing if one should trust the other, as they might be backstabbing them the next. Which was weird since, this wasn't Wally's fault, no, it was the Vampire who bit him. Yet, they still didn't feel secure.
Batman still came, with the other leaguers, to only RUN back as Batman's wrist started vibrating, Batman's eyes widened in worry,and shock.
Hi! Hope you like it!!;3 I know I am making you impatient that Birdflash hasn't happened yet. I am doing this cause I want an actually story leading up to it and also I don't want to write smut xD if my parents found out, I'm doomed 😂 banning me from writing on this book ever again..:3
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