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   Sina landed with a thud, the dragon's copper scales shining in the last rays of sunlight. Delila came down with her daughter on her lap and smiled when she saw her son.

—Delilah.— Denna called and hugged the first wife. Baleryon watched the woman in front of him, his heart racing and his breathing heavy.

"Mom," the call died in his throat when he noticed the brown-haired girl. Aury wore a cotton dress, but in purple linen she had a huge dragon embroidered on it.

Aury grabbed her mother's skirt, she was nervous about getting to know the capital of the empire, she read so much that she could visualize the words before her eyes. But nothing prepared her for seeing rivers of lava with her own eyes.

—Alvorecer, this is Lord Baleryon Ignivomus.— Delila saw her daughter wrinkle her nose, Denna also found the name strange, but did not comment, she looked at the girl.

—My brother.— Aury added, it wasn't what the lady would say.

—Half-brother.— Baleryon corrected and felt the brown eyes devour him.

—My son.— Delila pulled the boy into a hug and felt him freeze from the contact.

—Milady?— Aury called, uncomfortable with the look on her and Denna blinked, there was a shadow of a smile on her lips, she heard that the girl looked like the Andals. But she thought she looked like her sister.

—Would you like milk with honey? — She offered with a smile and saw the brown eyes widen before looking for her mother. Delila smiled and Aury nodded shyly.

Denna wanted to let her nephew talk to his mother and find out what her dream meant. An egg hatched putridly, there were many interpretations and she wanted to understand her niece better before being sure.

—Can I call you aunt?— Aury asked when they entered an airy room. Doors to death, free falls that were used to ride dragons.

—Of course.— Denna smiled pouring her milk. She observed the girl, she didn't look Valyrian, but she also wouldn't say she came from Westeros. —Tell me what life is like in the Valle.

"Mom," Baleryon called when he composed himself. The woman really was beautiful like a goddess, Sina raised her head and flew. The wind lifted the silver hair and made Delila smile with her son's open mouth.

—Your father told me that you tamed Ignos, I'm proud.— she declared, ruffling her platinum hair and laughed when her boy blushed slightly.

—Did you come to hunt Osiris? — He asked, maintaining his posture and saw his mother laugh aside.

—Of course your father is saying this nonsense to you. Dragons follow their natures, fools are the men who try to tame them without being their masters.— Delilah knew that Lord Barlock had just lost his third son to the awe of heaven, but she found the boys more to blame for their own deaths than the dragon.

Baleryon didn't respond, partly because he had no answer and partly because he didn't know how to talk to his mother. He didn't understand why she had abandoned him for so many years and resented the bastard for causing so much talk among the nobles.

Lord Celtigar arrived alongside Darlen, they were returning from the assembly. They wanted to expand the empire to the south, but faced resistance from the neighboring kingdom.

Darlen's eyes lit up with fire when he saw his sister, the age was reflected in her face, but not in hers. For Delila, it didn't seem like a minute had passed since they celebrated their twentieth name day, five years of marriage.

He could ride the third largest dragon on the continent, the largest tamed, but in his dreams the only beauty he rode was his wife. He prayed to the gods to allow Delila to give him more children, he wanted his boy to marry a blood sister, a daughter of his and Delila. But the gods were cruel and the only girl that Delila gave birth to was a bastard.

—Darlen.— She called, her eyes the color of sunset.

—My lady.— He replied, opening a smile.

—Lord Barlock convinced you to hunt the awe of heaven.

—Lord Celtigar has a son without a dragon, I have Ranyra. It's not all bad if we try to tame the mount of the world's king. — Darlen ran his fingers through his platinum hair.

—Lord Barlock has already lost three children, perhaps he will lose the ones he has left.— Delilah clicked her tongue, but returned her brother's hug.

—I can even close my eyes to your disobedience.— Darlen whispered in his wife's ear, he knew what his night would be like. —You brought proof of your betrayal to my home, right before the eyes of so many lords.

—Then leave me in the Valle— Delilah replied and felt her brother's hands feel her waist.

—I want your help hunting that magnificent creature.— Darlen laughed, but the smile didn't reach his eyes. Her sister was vindictive, if he slept with two others, even if out of duty, she would do the same without hesitation, all to hurt him as he hurt her.

—Lady Ignivomus.— Tyler greeted before the couple forgot about their surroundings.

Baleryon blinked seeing his father hug his mother. He thought of his aunt clinging to the lord's arms and how marriage had always felt like a burden, but not now. Now it looks desirable.

—Lord Barlock is waiting for us, we plan to corner Osiris with Vulcan as a distraction.— Darlen began to explain, but Delila remembered her daughter.

—Baleryon, show the castle to...— "your sister" the speech died in her throat, not in front of a lord as important as Celtigar.

—I'll take her to watch my training.— Baleryon replied promptly, his other half-sister also saw him training and there was always room for one more in the audience.

—Ranyra should try to tame him only after we are tired of him, we can use sheep to tame him.— Darlen analyzed the pieces in his possession. Vulcan would be ideal if he wanted to kill the beast, but they wanted to tame it.

—Let Joffrey try first.— Tyler declared. The children in question sat in the courtyard, the twins' eyes lit up when they saw Aury.

—Do you really believe that Drana's daughter can tame the awe of the heavens? — Delila questioned, looking up, she hadn't yet had the displeasure of meeting her sister.

—I dreamed that Baleryon would do it, but the gods never heard my prayers.— Darlen laughed looking at the friend who accompanied him.

—Sina is the fastest, I can distract Osiris and lure him to the ground.— Delila embraced her brother's madness and received a smile that reminded her of their wedding. —We could invite Lord Sothorys, our families could have deeper ties than commercial ones.

Darlen's expression contorted and his sister conveyed.

—It's not a bad idea, we can unite our children, a marriage would make us emperors without having to tame the biggest dragon.— She suggested leaning on her right arm.

—Lord Sothorys killed our father.— Darlen whispered harshly, his voice hoarse and his gaze steady.

—The father of the present Lord Sothorys killed our father, our mother killed him. Sin begets sin, but grace begets grace.

—Lady Ignivomus, you can discuss such formalities later.— Tyler suggested running his hand through his sparse beard, his wife had ordered him to do so in the morning, he should have obeyed.

—I think about your boys.— Delila replied, at the end of the day she had also grown up with Tyler. —Ranyra doesn't need to marry her brother, we can build blood ties.

—And who would our Baleryon marry?— Darlen retracts his voice, Vulcan roared beyond the walls.

—With Lady Clary Sothorys.— Delila replied, sighing.

—We'll talk later.— Darlen cut the conversation short and turned his attention to his friend.

—How many of your boys can ride?

—My heir and the twins, the others are very young and Joffrey will try to ride.— Tyller analyzed, his daughter-in-law was not a rider and his wife never knew how to control her beast.

—So there are nine of us.— Lord Ignivomus muttered to himself.

—Aren't you counting on Baleryon, are you? — Delila raised her eyebrows and her husband looked away.

—The boy is my successor.

—The boy is the future of our house, he should not be risked by meaningless adventures.

—Baleryon does not need to fight, but he must be present. His dragon is Ignos, there is no reason for us to fear.

Before Delila could respond, the doors opened and one of her ladies-in-waiting hurried in, her gaze falling on the men and returning to her lady. She didn't need to be a seer to know that her daughter had caused trouble.


—In the training arena.

Darlen overcame her anger at the interruption, she knew her son was training and should at least know he was okay. Tyler didn't think about the boys, he thought the maid was very beautiful, even though she didn't have Valyrian blood.

Darlen was the first to step into the arena.

At that moment, he saw the bastard's eyes shining with fire, a true Ignivomus, daughter of Delilah.

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