Life in the afterlife

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Some time ago, Shu and Valt died from mysteriously choking from something, but no one could figure out what. Anyways, life has changed a lot not only for the loved ones they left behind, but for them too...

"Huh, where am I? Mannnn, I miss Shu so muchhh!"

"I miss you too, baby."

Valt jumped and whirled around at the familiar voice. His heart soared but pained at the same time when he saw his husband in front of him, walking towards him."Wh-Why are you here Shu? You should be living on Earth...what hap.." Shu grabbed Valt's face gently and kissed him deeply with passion and fever. His husband meowed and moaned into the kiss, joining in and pulling Shu closer to deepen the kiss.

Once they pulled away due to lack of air, their foreheads came together as they breathed heavily."Valty, I'm so so sooo sorry for breaking your heart and asking for that divorce. I'm glad you didn't go through it at your untimely death. As for me, I don't know exactly how I died. All I remembered was not having air." Tears streamed down Shu's face as he spoke, guilt and sorrow piercing his heart. Valt cupped his cheek, wiping away his tears."It's all forgiven Shu, don't worry." All of a sudden, a voice thundered out loudly.

"I know what happened to you two."

The two lovers leaped away from each other in fear and sudden embarrassment. "Who are you?" Shu asked. That voice chuckled lowly. Suddenly, a yelp came from the lovers as they were lifted into the air.

"I am who I am. I'm the one who created heaven and earth and all of human kind. This place is for people who followed or at least tried to, all my rules and commandments, except for one little thing. I see you two as good human beings. I am really disheartened,though, when I see people target hate towards others like the disabled and LGBTQ+. I said in the book of my teachings to treat others respectfully or else your not truly mine, but for Satan himself. Do you want to know how you both died?"

The bladers nodded their heads.

A screen magically appeared and on it, was captioned 'Valt's death.' After the explanation and video, it was Shu's turn. In the end, both boys were shocked, and saddened.

"I will leave you for now, gentlemen. Goodbye and Valt...try not to break anything."

They landed on the floor with a hard 'oof!' and just laid there."" Valt nodded his head in agreement, rolling over to hug his lover."At least we're together again and happy. Shu smiled and kissed the top of Valt's head."Got that right, sugar. I love you." Valt beamed a wide, toothy grin.

"I love you too."

Viewers: WTF! That's not fair at all! You didn't even tell us what happened with them.

Author:*smirking evilly* Be patient dearies, remember this is mah story. Hehe!

Viewers: Fuck y..

Author: Hm? Did I hear something, does some people not want to know what happens to them someday? If that's the case..

Viewers: Noooo! We want to know, sowwwy!

Author:*smirks as she sashays off(yes I'm a girl)*

Viewers:*secretly scowls and curses at her when she wasn't looking or in ear shot*

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