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*two months later* (Late October)

"Hey, it's Mimosa, you know what to do."

I sigh quietly, running my hand over the balcony balustrade in frustration. Her voicemail again. I thought she'd be finished with her classes by now. My heart sinks as I clear my throat, ready to leave her a message. I think about telling her on her voicemail but it won't be the same.

"Hey beautiful, it's Gray. Wow this brings back memories. I haven't left a voicemail in so long. Um... I'm sorry for calling, you must be busy but I just called because I wanted to hear your voice. It's only been like four days but I miss it. Anyway, call me when you can okay? Love you." I hang up, jamming my phone into my front pocket.

I step back inside, taking a deep breath and slump next to Ethan on the couch. I feel his stare on me as I lean forwards, resting my elbows on my knees.

"Did you tell her?" He asks.

I shake my head. "She didn't uh... she didn't answer." I say in disdain, staring at the acceptance letter that lies on the table. I wanted her to be the first to know, after Ethan.

"She must be busy."

"Yeah." I sigh, feeling myself slip into sadness as I slump back on the couch.

"Nope," Ethan shuffles beside me, standing up and moving to stand behind the table in front of me. I peer at him in confusion. "I'm not gonna let you feel like crap because she didn't answer your call." He declares.

"What do you want from me, dude?"

"You're going to UCLA in the spring! Let's celebrate. Come on, stop being a downer." Ethan says with enthusiasm, gesturing towards me with his hands. "My little brother is joining me on the team in two months!"

I want to be happy that I got accepted. I want to celebrate with Ethan. I'm going to the same college as him in two months, I should be happy. But I'm not.

Mimosa being gone for two months has left a hole in my heart. Nothing feels right anymore. I feel empty. I miss her so much. Long distance is harder than I thought but thankfully, it seems to be okay for us. She loves New York, just like I knew she would and Juilliard is great for her.

I doubt UCLA will be great for me. But let's hope so because apparently that is what I want, it's my dream. But it doesn't feel like it anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I got accepted I just don't know what I'm supposed to do now. The reason I wanted to go to UCLA in the first place was because it was a college close to Mimosa. Now it's a college a thousand miles away from her.

"You're right." I force a smile.

"What do you want to do?" He asks.

I don't really want to do anything. I'd love to stay in but Ethan will quite literally force me out of the apartment no matter what.

"Let's get burgers for lunch." I shrug, not too thrilled about celebrating.

"You're cool with Claire coming right?"



I twirl the straw around the cup filled with pepsi as Ethan and Claire bicker about what to order.

"This one sounds good." Claire points to the menu.

"For sure." Ethan murmurs, kissing her forehead and she leans in closer to him. "And we'll get two chicken classic burgers." He tells the waiter who writes down our orders before walking to another table.

Watching Ethan and Claire being all touchy feely just makes me think about Mimosa, how she would always lean in close to me and how we would order the same thing at restaurants. I stare at the empty spot next to me and sigh.

I thought with Ethan back, I wouldn't feel so alone but with Claire with him, I just feel like a third wheel. This could've been a double date if Juilliard was located in the Valley. I know she would get along with Claire if they met, if she ever gets past what happened between Claire and I. I don't blame her if she choses not to.

"Have you guys moved into the apartment yet?" I ask, deciding to make conversation.

Ethan and Claire have been strong for almost three months now. They came back to the Valley together with all of Claire's belongings when Ethan started college. Claire's friendship with Alex and Aspen wasn't the same after what had happened. They ended on a civil note but she said it'll never be the same, especially after what they did to me and how they used her to get at me.

Turns out, Ethan decided against living on campus considering his relationship with Claire. They've been living at mom and dad's house. Mom and dad were glad to welcome Claire considering how happy she makes Ethan. They're made for each other. Besides, they agreed on them living there until they could find their own apartment which they did a week ago.

"I started moving our stuff in today so it's finally happening." Claire smiles. "Thank god the place comes fully furnished." She exclaims.

"That's great. Let's toast to that." I pick up my glass, determined to direct attention away from me but it fails.

"No. Today is about your acceptance to UCLA." Ethan corrects with a smile, grabbing his glass and clinking it with mine and then Claire's.

"Exactly. Moving into an apartment is nothing compared to that." She agrees, hitting my glass.

I force a smile, taking a sip of my pepsi before resting it on the table.

"How did Mimosa react?" She asks, resting her chin in her palm. Ethan panics, whispering something into her ear quickly. She looks at me, embarrassed about her question. "Oh, sorry Gray. I didn't know."

"It's not a big deal. She'll call back." I assure her and she nods.

"God, it's going to be awesome having you on the team, bro." Ethan says with a smile and I smile back.

I've wanted to play football again for so long and now I can. With my brother on top of that. Maybe this won't be so bad. Hopefully I can be happy soon.

"I'm excited." I say, genuinely meaning it. Ethan notices my slight change in mood, smiling wide before containing his happiness. "Just so you know, I'm going to have your ass handed to you when I join the team. For the second time." I smirk.

Back in the day, I always scored more touchdowns than Ethan and I never let him hear the end of it. Despite me teasing him, we always had the best time playing together.

"This isn't junior high, Gray. Or high school for that matter." He rolls his eyes and Claire laughs.

"Sorry, Gray but you haven't seen Ethan play in a long time. Better watch out." She taunts playfully and I chuckle.

"I'll believe it when I see it." I challenge him and he raises his eyebrows in remark.

As we chuckle, the blare of my ringtone echoes around us and I immediately grab my phone, seeing Mim's contact flash on the screen. My stomach flips with excitement. I get to hear her voice.

"Sorry guys, I gotta take this." I say with a stupid grin on my face. I barely wait for their response as I quickly exit the restaurant, phone in hand.

I lean against the wall outside and answer it, bringing the phone up to my ear.

"There's my favourite girl." I take in a sharp breath.

I hear her soft giggle on the other line and my heart melts.

"Hey, gorgeous. I'm sorry I didn't answer your call." She says and I can visualise the frown she has on her face.

"Did you get my voicemail?"

"Yes." She exhales deeply. "I missed your voice too."

"I'm glad." I chuckle and she joins me.

"I would've answered your call by the way but I got caught up in class longer than I thought and then I went straight to the music room to practise. You'll never believe what she said Gray-"

"Breathe, Mim breath." I calm her down as she strings all her words together. "Take a deep breath and then tell me what's going on."

She breathes heavily before continuing. "She told the class we have an individual performance assessment coming up but this one is different. You know how Professor Rodwell is strict on us?"

I think of all the times Mim has ranted on the phone about how tough her music professor is on her class. I'll never forget the stories she's told me.

"How could I forget?"

"Right well, she's making us perform in front of an audience and it's everyone's first time. I guess you can say I'm freaking out." She laughs at the end of her sentence, making me smile at her nervousness.

"You'll be fine. You're incredible at what you do-"

"This is different." She interrupts me and I tilt my head in surprise at her tone.

"Well, I know it'll be your first time performing in front of an audience but you'll do great. Just pretend I'm in the crowd." I say to make her less stressed. She's quiet on the other line and I furrow my eyebrows. "Mim?"

"It's not just an audience, Gray. She told us we can bring family." She reveals and my heart pounds faster. "So I want to ask you if you'll come to New York and watch my first performance." She says quietly in a shy, hopeful tone.

I feel the butterflies in my stomach. She's asking to me come to New York. I wouldn't miss it for anything.

"Of course I'll come." I breathe out and I hear her squeal on the other end, making me grin.

I can imagine it already. Mim killing it on a grand piano. Me giving her a standing ovation. She can show me around New York and see what living with her in the city could've been like if I went with her.

I haven't seen her in two months and the thought of getting to embrace her is overwhelming.

"Great." He gasps. "It's next week on Friday." She says I make a mental note.

"I can't wait." I admit and she sighs contently. "Are your parents coming?"

"They'll be too busy with their schedules." She brushes off with lack of enthusiasm. I frown.

"You didn't invite them?" I ask.

"No. I don't think I want to. They have very high expectations of me and I can't deal with their inputs. Especially for my first performance you know?"

I nod, "Yeah, I know what you mean." They would put a lot of stress on her to be perfect, especially Tony.

"Aside from that, how have you been? What's new?" She asks with interest.

I contemplate telling Mim about my acceptance to UCLA. Is it something I can say over the phone? I think I want to tell her in person next week.

"I've been good. Well, much better now that I get to see you soon." I say and I can tell she's smiling on the other line. "But I figured we can properly talk in person." I suggest and she quickly agrees.

"Yes, sure."

Movement on my right catches me off guard and I look to over to see Ethan walking out of the restaurant, his hands raise slightly in question.

"Dude, we just got our food." He says, pointing at the restaurant. I groan.

"Give me a second." I tell him but he rolls his eyes, snatching my phone out of my grip. "Ethan!"

"Sorry, Mimosa. You'll have to talk to Gray later, his burger is getting cold." He speaks loudly, shoving the phone back to me. I bring my phone back up to my ear and listen to a confused Mimosa.

"Is that Ethan?" She asks.

"Yeah, that was him. Sorry baby, I have to go. But I love you and I'll text you okay?"

"Okay. I love you, Gray." She says and I hang up, glaring at Ethan.

"I hate you, you know that." I tell him, rolling my eyes.

"Sure sure, come on." He drawls, pushing me back into the restaurant.

All I can think about when I walk back inside is that I get to see the love of my life next week, after two months apart with only texts, facetime and phone calls is sustain us. Now, I get to see her and hold her and see her perform after almost three months and I can't wait.


this story only has a few more chapters omg I'm excited to write it all but sad coz I dont want it to end :(

thoughts on the story so far/this chapter?

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