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Hyewon crossed her arms as she stared at Yiren who was looking really upset. What bully will not be upset when your all-time target finally stood up for herself?

"Can't you like, do something? I've ready done my move to Yuri but she didn't even got bugged." Yiren said. She sat madly on one of the chairs and stared outside.

"I already did a lot. I've separated them for countless times. What more should I do?" Hyewon said. "You were so confident of making them break up for at least a week. What now?"

"I didn't even knew Yuri will become so tough like, I don't know anymore."

"Yuri has always been tough. Not to you, though."

"I should talk to Yena." Yiren said, standing up again.

"Yena won't even talk to you. She's your ex duh."

Yiren ignored what Hyewon just said and headed out of the empty room.


Yena leaned onto the wall right in front of Yuri's classroom. They were still in class and Yena had been waiting for such a long time now.

She stood up properly and headed to the restroom just because she wants to. She smiled since she thought that she would scare Yuri when she went out. It's not yet happening but she can already imagine Yuri's expression.

She took a peek outside but when she did so, she saw Yiren's face.

"Oh gosh a monster." Yena said, faking her shocked expression.

"I'm not a monster?" Yiren said, getting inside the restroom and sitting on the sink.

"There's water on there." Yena said. Yiren quickly stood up and unfortunately for her (fortunately for Yena) the back of her skirt got wet.

Yiren sighed in frustration but since Yena's in front of her, she smiled. "How are you and Yuri?"

"Woah, that's scary." Yena said. "Wjy would you ask me about our relationship?"

"Just want to." Yiren said. "But hey, don't think that I don't know, you're just using Yuri."

"Psh, of course you know." Yena said. "You're my clingy stalker. So dangerous. You even know when and what time I was born. Geez. A creepy one."

"Do you really like Yuri?" Yiren asked.

"Nope." Yena said and leaned on the wall.

Yiren smirked right after Yena said that. "Knew it."

"Knew what?"

"That you're really just using h—."

"I love her." Yena said. Yiren looked at her in surprise. It was the first time she ever heard the sincerity in Yena's voice.

"You, what?"

"Do I need to repeat myself?" Yena asked. "I love her. I don't like her, I love her."

Yiren was taken aback. Her plan didn't work.

Then it's change of plans. Plan B.

"You know that Yuri's dad is sick right?" Yiren asked. Yena just hummed and took a glance outside, Yuri's still not out.

"Heck you even know that?" Yena asked and clicked her tongue.

"Oh you're looking for Yuri?"

Yena hummed once again, making Yiren frown. It must be true that Yena had already developed feelings for Yuri.

"Don't worry, she just in the office." Yiren said, gaining Yena's attention. "I cancelled the contest."

"Heck she was preparing for that!" Yena yelled, glaring at Yiren. "Why would you—"

"Well, she already got the hottest student in the university. Why would she want to win that right?"

"She must've been sad." Yena said.

"Ooookay. Back to the topic." Yiren said. "You know that Yuri's a smart person. Of course you do. Education is important for her."

"Yeah what about that."

"You surely doesn't want her to be kicked out right?"

"Who would kick her out? She's amazing." Yena said.

"Well, I will. You know that my great grandfather built this school. I can kick her out of her without lifting a finger." Yena frowned at the way Yiren threatened her.

"Now you're using your connections. What do you want?" Yena asked.

"Yena you know what I want." Yiren said, walking until she's the only thing in Yena's view. "Be mine again."

And leaned in to kiss her.

Did not proofread
Thank you for 5k reads everyone! I love y'all~♥
And also, classes will start soon. I'm gonna update whenever I can now before I get busy.

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