The Wedding

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About three months later......

I woke up, getting out of bed immediately. Today was the day I was getting married. I went to the kitchen and made eggs, toast, ham, tea, and coffee. Minato walked in, scratching the back of his neck with a yawn. "Morning." He said. "Morning." I replied. He sat down next to me and ate. We finished and got ready to leave for wedding preparations that needed to be done before the wedding at 1pm.

I got to the meeting lace we decided o meet at for the girls. Mikoto was my maid of honor, Yoshino(Shikaku's soon to be wife) was a bridesmaid, Tsume Inuzuka(who recently became a friend) was another, and a few other girls from my graduation class and past teammates from random missions.

For the guys, Minato chose Fugaku as his best man, and he chose Choza, Inoichi, Shikaku, and Rasuto.

I adjusted my dress top as we finished the last few things. "Kushina, Minato wanted to know if he could enter." Mikoto, who was outside of my dressing room, said. "I guess." I sighed. She nodded and my groom entered. "You know, you're supposed to wait until the wedding actually starts." I pointed out to him. "I know." He said. He wore mainly black, a blue tie, and his hair was normal. I smiled. I wore a long white dress with white gems on the top. "Kushina....y-you're........beautiful....." He said.

I smiled and walked closer to him. "You're so handsome. I love you so much." I said as I gave him a kiss. "I know I'm not supposed to be in here right now but I just.....couldn't wait to see you, my love." He smiled as we hugged each other. "Well, you should probably go back in case you forget something. Plus, I'm not quite done yet." I said. "Ok. See you soon, lovely." He said as he left. He was so weird.

Mikoto came in as I sat down. "How are you!?" She asked with a bright smile. "Nervous yet excited." I said. "Why are you nervous!?" She asked as she pulled a chair up next to me. "I don't know. I just am. Luckily I'm more excited than nervous. This is the day I've been waiting for since I first met him." I said. "I understand how you feel. I was the same way when Fugaku and I got married." She said. "You make it sound like you've been married for eons." I said flatly. "Shut up." She said, throwing a playful punch at my bare shoulder.

Minato's POV

I stood in front of the congregation, waiting. Everyone walked down. It was time. Time for me to see my soon to be bride. The music played as the doors opened.

There she was.

Her beautiful long hair fell behind her as she walked, head down. I cleared my throat and looked away, face red. She's so beautiful. "You good there, my man?" Fugaku asked next to me. "Yeah....." I said. "Don't worry. I was the same." He said as we both turned to her.

Skipping vows and crap

At the dinner/dance....

I sat next to my bride. She looked at me and smiled. We had a.....strange experience. After the wedding, Kushina had to change because she was renting the dress(due to costs). She had gotten changed and was in a dress but not her wedding dress. She had found the dress she wore to the graduation in her new size. She was beautiful like always. I stayed in my outfit, just taking off my overcoat every now and then.

We enjoyed the evening and soon after went to the home that my parents had bought and renovated for us. It was the first time walking into our house.

Hey!! So, this was a shorter chapter but PLEASE read this!!

So, as the story comes to an end, I will be going to start writing an original and probably a little more on that tips book.

If you could let me know what I should write next, it'd be awesome because I don't have a huge idea quite yet.

Not sure when I'll end the book but I'll finish up soon so we can get started on my original!

For the original, I will shout you out if you recommend the following:

-Character names/details
-Plot ideas
-Any plot twists

Even if I don't take the recommendation, I'll shout you out at the beginning of the book.

Thank you for reading this longer note!!

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