His Questions

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I sat by my window again, waiting for Minato to get home. It was about 5pm when I saw him running to the door. I ran to the front door as he opened it and gave me a hug. "Hey, beautiful." He said as he took off his ANBU mask and kissed my forehead. "Hey, idiot." I laughed. "Aw, come on, I don't get a compliment??" He asked. "I'm kidding, handsome." I smiled. "How was the mission?" I asked. "Tiring but good." He said as he took his vest off as we walked to his room. He put his mask neatly over his vest. He took the metal bands on his arms and legs and placed them on the vest as well. "Want me to wash them while you get ready for dinner?" I asked. "Yeah, thanks." He said as he hugged me and walked to the shower, a fresh outfit in his arms before leaving.

I took the metal bands. They were smooth and warm. I smiled and took them to the kitchen sink. I put a little bit of soap one the already warm metal as I scrubbed the first one with warm water running over it. I rinsed the soap off and looked at the now clean metal and put it on a drying towel on the counter as I moved onto the next one.

I was just about finished with the first leg band when Minato snuck behind me and hugged me from the back, scaring the crap out of me. "What the heck!?" I asked him. "Sorry, just a way of saying 'thank you' to my girl." He smiled as he began to laugh. "Wanna go out later?" He asked. "If I don't get pulled into a mission." I said as I began to clean again. "Alright." He said as he began drying the two bands that were finished as I finished up.

"Kushina. You are needed at the Hokage Tower immediately." An ANBU Member said. I looked at Minato. "Love you." He said. "Love you too." I said as I went with the ANBU Member.

"Kushina. There have been many reports about something on the Hokage faces. I'd like if you were to stay up there and fight anything that tries to do something suspicious or goes up there." The Hokage said. "Yessir." I said as I left.

I stood on the mount. It was sunset and it was really beautiful. I wish Minato was there. I smiled as I leaned against the stone of the Third's spiked hair.

I kept watching. Nothing suspicious here. Strange.

The navy sky began swirling with clouds, matching the sky's color perfectly. The starts glimmered as I continued to keep watch. My eyes were covered. "Guess who?" A voice asked. I lifted one of the hands. "Rasu?!" I asked as I turned around. "Dang, you got me." He shrugged. I gave him a hug. "How are you?" He asked. "Tired. What are you doing here?" I asked. "Well, Minato and I were racing to you but he had to pick something up. He's so slow." Rasuto laughed. "Whatever. Wanna watch with me?" I asked. "Sure....what exactly are we watching??" He asked. "I don't know. The sky." I said.

Rasuto and I watched the sky for a little while. "I better be going. I have to get up early for a meeting." Rasuto said. "Alright. Love ya." I said as I gave him a playful punch on the arm. "Love you too, rascal." He said as he put his hand on my head and ruffled my hair.

"Kushina." Minato's voice called from behind me. I walked to him. "Hey, Minato." I said as I wrapped my arms around him. "I have a question. Well, a few." He said. "Go ahead." I said. "What are you doing up here?" He asked as we walked forward to where Rasuto and I were. "I was put on duty due to suspicious activities around." I said. "Cool. You got to see the sunset didn't you?" He asked. "Yeah." I said.

"I need you to do something for me." He said. "What?" I asked. "Stay focused on what's in front of you." He said as he walked behind me. "A-Alright. You better not be doing anything weird." I said. "What!? Me, weird!? Never!!" He laughed. "You're a dork." I sighed. I held my hands behind my back.

He grabbed one of my hands and kissed it. "Ok, Minato, what the heck are you doing?" I asked. "Loving you before our busy week." He said. He messed with my hair for a little while and then he said he was done.

"Turn around." He said.
"No, you said to focus on what's in front of me." I said.
"Babe, turn around. It's fine now." He said. "Fine whatever." I said.

Oh my gosh.

"Kushina Uzumaki," He began on one knee. "Will you be my forever love?" He finished.

"Yes!!" I said.

He put the ring on my finger. He stood as I wrapped my arms around his neck and we shared a kiss. After we broke it, applaud was heard. We looked to the side. Rasuto, my soon to be parents-in-law, Mikoto, Fugaku, and the rest of the group.

We went back home after Minato telling me that the mission I was on was created by him and the Third was in on it. Man, was he a sly guy.

I went to bed as Minato came with me, making sure I was comfortable. "I'm good now, you should get to bed." I said. "No, I'm staying until you fall asleep." He said as he began playing with my hair. "But you have a mission tomorrow morning." I said. "It'll be fine. Right now, it's you and I." He said, kissing my forehead. "Thank you." I said. "No problem, love." He said.

"Goodnight." He said.

"Goodnight." I replied.

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