-| C4. One Step Forward |-

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Nobody's POV:

It was breakfast time at The Lab. Everybody was doing well. Bryce's new features were nearly fully grown and Contact Lens was doing well. Everyone was at peace for once. For about 45 minutes.

"Can Subject 02-2 please come to the testing room?"

Subway Seat's POV:

Oh boy, it's my turn isn't it. I look at my tag and yep, 02-2 is written clear and neat. I look at the door where I was supposed to go. It no longer looked like a door, but like the gateway to hell.

"Good luck dude." Whippy Creamy told me. I thanked him and went. There was a map  on a wall near the door. I looked at is as I shut the door behind me. Easy enough. Left, right, two lefts and straight forward. But something stuck out. There was a room on the map heavily scribbled out. Whoever made that room didn't want anybody to see it. Too bad.

The path looked easy. Right, left and second door on the right. I lifted myself up and went there. Door after door. Label after label. I slowly made my way there. The door was another heavy metal one. The sign to the room said. 'Subject 01-1. DO NOT ENTER WITHOUT PROTECTIVE GEAR.' Yikes! I slowly open the door. It creaked. I entered the room and closed the door.

For a moment there. I thought I saw an angel. A bright halo glowed. Giant wings stretched across the large room. It was him.

"Backpack?" I asked. He looked just as shocked as I did. I swore one of his eyes turned purple. He came up to the window separating his plain room, to this messy one.

"Hide." He commanded.

"Wait what-"

"Now." I paused. Faint footsteps could be heard. I ran to one of the large cabinets and stayed in there. The footsteps came closer and closer. They paused. The footsteps moved again. Getting farther and farther. I remained in the cabinet. The speakers turned on.

"If anybody sees Subject 02-2, please bring him to me." Airy was looking for me. He moves surprisingly quick for a lantern.

"You can come out now." Backpack told me. I came out. He noticed my tag.

"Are the others here?" He asked.

"All of them." I replied. His eye changed to a fierce red. He mutters some curses under his breath and his wings fluffed out a bit.

"We need to get out of here, you got any plans?" I whispered to him.

"Yeah, but I need to get out of here first" He lifted his arm up a bit. Some chains rattled with the sudden movement.

"I can help with that." I offered.

"Well, first you'd have to get though this bullet-proof glass. Then, break these titanium chains. Unless you got super-strength, I don't think you can." That shocked me a bit. I stood speechless. He chuckled a bit, his eye now a pale yellow.

"Sorry, it's been a while since I talked to anyone." He apologized.

"Oh no, no- It's fine!" I panicked a reply. The pale yellow turned into a brighter yellow as he laughed a bit.

He told me a plan. And wow, was it good. After that, I found Airy and got the thing over and done with. Well, I was going to.

Charlotte's POV:

The speaker went off again.

"Never-mind, I found him." I didn't care. It was boring in the room. And I made sure to tell everybody. But, it woke Charlie up and Bryce scolded me for it. So much for a way to cure my boredom.

"I never thought a demon would be so innocent." I joked.

"Yeah, well Charlie's parents are dead. So, we're taking care of him." He reminded me. His tail flicked in annoyance. It did that sometimes. Charlie was interested in it.

"Mhm, maybe he wants to play then." Taylor joked with me. Bryce's tail stopped flickering and the tip of it curled as he gave Taylor the type of glare that would say 'how dare you'. Charlie tapped on Bryce's arm, asking for him to flick it. He sighed.

"Fine, you win." He put Charlie down, turned around and sat down. Then, he flicked his tail back and forth. Charlie giggled and clapped.

"Happy now?" He asked me and Taylor.

"Guys, stop teasing him." Amelia said in a playful tone, while smirking. Bryce gave her an annoyed look. This was going to be fun.

Contact Lens' POV:

"Can Subjects 02-1 and 01-2 please go to the training room?" The speaker announced. Tray wished me good luck as I stepped outside, the door shutting behind me. I saw Bryce at the cafeteria entrance. I never bothered to read everybody's labels so, I guess he's 02-1.

We walked to the training room together. We were both silent as we walked though the empty halls. Bryce's tail swished back and forth though, he was carful not to hit me with it. Meanwhile I was holding mine. It felt fluffy and soft.

"We're here." He said. It startled me a bit as I wasn't paying attention. We stepped into the room. Subway Seat was standing on a white line, with Airy waiting in-front of it. Subway Seat had a pair of small dragon wings, and some parts of him were replaces with shiny bronze.

"There you are. Anyways, let me explain the process." Airy stated. Me and Bryce both stood on the white line. I let my tail go.

"You will be put into a simulation. This one is a maze. Your goal is simple. Find a way out." Airy instructed while opening another door. We all stepped inside. The room was huge! We were told to go in a random place in the room. I chose one of the corners. Then, the room turned into a maze.

Walls were everywhere. I looked up and saw a pale blue sky. I remembered my human's interaction with a cat. It had claws it used to climb up a brick wall. I flexed my fingers and, claws came out. I jumped on the wall and started climbing up. My claws digging into what seemed to be sandstone. When I finally got up, I saw Bryce flying, looking for the exit.

All of a sudden, there was a huge explosion where Subway Seat was. I jumped over gaps and sprinted to his location on all-fours. I caught Subway Seat mid-air.

"You're surprisingly light." I commented. Subway Seat chuckled.

"I had most of the metal inside of me removed." That explained it. We ran away from whatever that was and headed for Bryce.

"Can you fly?" I asked. Subway Seat's wings flew us up into the sky. Then, the maze turned into a battle field.

"Oh, and something else." I panicked. My fight or flight senses took over and begged me to leave.

"Survive this." Airy stated. A huge shadow swarmed over us.

A robot human!



also a fight cuz why not.

Edit 2: Grammer and spelling fixes.

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