-| C11. Keys and Locks |-

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Album's POV:

It had been a while since that other person talked to us. But did I care? No, no I didn't. I kept sketching on the wall of the giant pool. It was taking me a while. Eventually, somebody else came to where I was.

"What are you doing?" It asked. I glared at the person who dared to interrupt me. I sighed.

"You wouldn't get it, Owen." I told him. I went back to sketching, with Pear beside me. He was still unconscious but again, I didn't care. I was going to get home whether everybody wanted it or not.

"I'll just go then." Owen said, sighing. After he left, I looked at Pear. I tried to get the large stick out of him but, it never came out. I looked back at my sketch. I didn't relise I was done. I threw the stick away and prayed it would work.

Liam's POV:

I woke up in a familiar room, with familiar chains. My head was spinning and everything swayed in an uncomfortable way. My ears were ringing. But eventually, I could stand up.

"Nice to know you enjoyed your little adventure." Airy said. He leaned near the door of the messy room.

"I've got a little surprize planned for you." He warned before leaving, making sure to shut the door behind him. I already knew what it was. Shit. I tried to calm myself down but nothing worked. Since when has anything ever worked out for me? All I could do now was wait for something to happen.

Contact Len's POV:

We were walking to the training area again. We were talking this time, about everything. It was hard to talk about it, but it also made me feel a bit better. We made a wrong turn though, while we were distracted.

"What's this?" Bryce asked, entering a room. He quickly shut the door and looked at me. I came up to the door, and looked though.

"Liam!" Bryce yelled into the room. He looked at us, one of his eyes turning a bright yellow. Was he ok? Huge wings spread across the room, and a halo glowed from his head. Bryce rushed into the room and stopped infront of the glass.

"Are you ok!?" He asked, tears flooding his eyes. I just stood and watched as they talked for a bit. I heard footsteps. I ran into the room and shut the door behind me, snaching Bryce and practically threw him into a shelf. I covered him up with beakers and other lab supplies. Then, I shoved myself under one on the desks, covering myself with papers and scattered documents.

"Wow, I sure need to secure this room more." Airy stated, walking into the room with a needle. It was full of something I couldn't quite make out. As he walked closer to Liam, something burned inside of me. Rage. I couldn't just say here and let this happen. I just waited until he was close enough.

Then, I lept onto Airy, causing him to scream. I snatched the needle he had and threw him at the door he entered from. His metal lid made a clang as it made a mark in the door. I quickly rushed to the door as Bryce got out of his hiding spot.

After we got him out, we all turned to Airy. He had gotten up and was ready with a loaded shotgun. This was going to be intense.

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