Chapter 11

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On count of three...1...2...3-

A hand wrapped around your wrist and stopped you in your tracks. "You wont get very far if you run." You look behind you finding Loki. You sigh in relief. "Loki how did you get in here?" "I know a trick or two up my sleeve." He said. Snapping his fingers the platform door of the Quin Jet began to close and Loki let go of your wrist. You could here Clint ask where the ice on the plane went and Thor yell our name as Loki stepped to the front of the ship.

As you began to take off, you glanced at Loki and took a seat, buckling yourself up. You were kind of quiet and you thought about the things Thor told you. Was he right about Loki? Or was he as clueless about him as most other people. You stared at Loki for a while, his back turned to you. "Something on your mind?" He asked without moving. How did he know you were looking at him?

You sighed a little before speaking. "Was Thor right about you? Am just an advantage to you?" Loki spun around in his seat and looked at you. "No. You... you arent an advantage." He looked at his lap and sighed. "Then why did you run off without me? And why were you so mad after you kissed me?" You asked. Your anxiety levels rising. "I never ment to be mad... im just not the greatest at showing my emotions."

"Once I realized I had lost you I paniced. I looked for you and I followed after the big green one until I found you. And I wasnt planning on throwing the last of my kind under the bus." He explained not looking at you fully. You sighed a little in relief. But if he was so worried about you then...Does that mean he likes you? The two of you sat in silence for a long time.

An hour had passed before either one of you spoke. "You dont happen to know of a place where we can stay for the night do you?" Loki asked. You stood up from your seat and walked up next to him. "My mom and I used to own a cabin in Oregon. Its in the middle of the woods by the seaside." You said pointing out the general location on the map.

Loki nodded and changed the route on the plane for Oregon. "No one knows its there but Me and the realiter, so im sure we could stay hidden from the Avengers easily." You say. Loki smiles a bit for the first time. It was a genuine smile. After sitting in silence for a couple of seconds you turn on the radio.


You were standing in darkness. You could hear things scuffling behind you. You turned around and found nothing. You looked back inhead of you and your mother was standing in front of you. "Mom?" You tried to  move forward but it was like you were glued in your place. "Im sorry honey...Im sorry." She said with a smile. "Sorry about what?" You asked but she said nothing and turned to walk away. "Mom?" She ignored you and kept walking. "Mom?!"



"MOM!!!" You yell jolting up in your seat and looking around. Loki was looking at you concerned and was standing over you. "Y/N?" You looked at him still trying to wake up. "We've landed." Loki states as you look around. The platfom on the back of the plane had been lowerd and you could smell the fresh ocean are blowing in from the ocean. The green trees blew a little in the wind.

You stood up and Loki grabbed your bag. You took a step out of the jet and looked around trying to figure out what direction the house would be in. Loki walked up behind you and looked around before turning his attention to you. You noticed a small path in the distance and recognize it immediately. "That path over there should lead us to the house."

Loki nods. "Well then what are we waiting for?" He saids walking straight toward the dirt path that interwove through the tall green tree's. "Well? Arent you coming?" He asked turning to look at you. You nod and follow him to the path. "The house shouldn't be to far from here." You say stepping over some rocks and pushing branches out of the way.

After walking for a couple of minutes, the two of you reached the cabin. You smiled. You had a lot of good memories here. You walked up to the front door and stuck your hand behind one of the logs, pulling out a platinum key. You smiled at Loki. "Hidden key." He smiles and watches you unlock the door. Taking a step inside Loki looks around. You closed the door behind the two of you. "Quite small..." Loki says looking at the front room.

The front room had a queen bed and a t.v. in the middle of the room with a fireplace underneath it. Next to the t.v. on the right there was an area for the kitchen and a small table. There was also a spiral stair case that lead up to the spare bedroom with the balcony and the bathroom. You smiled. "It might be small but its homey." You said glancing at the picture frames on the wall of you and your mother.

Loki must have noticed you looking at the old photo's because he spoke up. "Is that your mother?" He asked stepping next to you. "Yeah... she died from lung cancer a couple of years ago." You said staring at a photo of her. Her smile never faded. Even during her treatments. Loki nodded solemnly. There was a quick silence before you looked at the time. Holy crap! 11:30?! Was it really that late? "I think I should head to bed." You say taking your bags from Loki. "I'll be upstairs if you need anything."

And with that you walk away leaving Loki alone to figure out how the t.v. works.

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