1: A Rough Night

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"Get out! Get out!" Aka shouted at the now trembling boy about her age who had wandered into the earthy cave where she slept that night, "never show your muzzle around here again, wolf!"

The boy eagerly did as she told, not wanting to provoke the wrath of a bear, and scrambled out of the entrance. He didn't go far though, he was lost and couldn't find the hunting party's scent. "Wonderful, Eli," he scolded himself, "you managed to get lost on your first hunting trip and you almost got yourself killed or maimed by a bear! Stunning survival skills there." He listened carefully as the low growling sounds from inside the den slowly lessened, and were soon replaced by rumbling snores. Still, he waited in anticipation for a massive grizzly bear to come barging out and chase him deep into the forest.

Dawn came, and with no sign of stirring from within the cave, Eli fell asleep.

Bears were widely feared, as well as respected in Eli's pack, and the only ones who dared challenge them were rouges. Eli shuddered in his sleep as he remembered the horrific scene where a gang of rouges ambushed the hunting party on their way back to The Yellow Moon Pack with a large buck draped over the shoulders of the Beta (his father) and the Luna. The rouges severely injured his father and made off with the deer. In the struggle, he was separated from the group and had found a seemingly empty den

Ignoring the smell of bear, he walked in. He froze when he saw a girl sleeping in a bed. Trying very hard not to wake her, he curled up into a ball in a corner and tried to get some sleep.

He saw her stir and her nostrils twitch, and she was up in a flash.

Just as she was about to shout at him in his dream, he was awakened by the smell of a different bear approaching the girl's den.

"Aka! Get up! It's almost time for school!

"Yes, mother." A groggy voice replied

"I smell someone here, did you have a boy over, Aka? He smells wolfish."


Aka's mother chuckled to herself and ducked around a corner to wait for her daughter.

Eli marveled at the girl who walked out to greet her mother. She looked so human! She was wearing brown leggings and a mahogany sweater. On her back was a moss green book bag and a dull orange messenger bag for slung over one shoulder. She wore tall black boots that looked both comfortable and fashionable. Eli glanced at the school's logo. He instantly recognized it as the same school he went to, Mountainview University.

"Ready for school, Sam?" Another girl about Sam's age caught up to her and started walking beside her

Wait, so is she Aka or Sam? Eli pondered, I'll ask her at school.


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