School was back in session and everyone was minding their own business. (They were on a break).
Taehyung was getting his things out his locker when suddenly the locker was slammed shut with his hand stuck in it. "OWWWW!" He screamed and cried. He looked over to his right and saw Pacifica.
He glared at her, his hand still hurting.
"This is only the start." She whispered into his ear as she walked off. "Wow that BITCH." Taehyung thought. He went to nurse with his badly bleeding and bruised hand, hoping it wasn't serious. Taehyung entered the room and the nurse looked like he wanted to puke from the sight.
In the end though the nurse ended up just rapping it up and telling him not to use it. And boy did it hurt like hell. It felt as if an elephant was dropped on it.
Taehyung was walking through the halls when he passed the principle. "Oh my! Taehyung are you ok? What happened?" She gasped worriedly.
"I'll give you one word. Pacifica."
It was lunch time and everyone was going to sit at their normal tables, well at least almost everyone. "Move dipshit." Pacifica said as she pushed Taehyung away from sitting by Jungkook. This caused him to fall straight on the ground. Taehyung welped. He tried to catch himself with his hands but that made him help more. Jungkook jumped over the table as fast as an Olympic sprinter and picked him up.
"Baby are you ok?" Jungkook asked holding Taehyung close to him. "I would be if she didn't exist." Taehyung spat at Pacifica.
"You little-", Before she could respond her name was called on the intercom.
"Pacifica Northwest to the principal's office. Pacifica Northwest to the principal's office." It roared all around the school. Everyone stopped what they were doing to look over to her. "Oooooooo's" roamed the cafeteria as she got up and walked to the office. When she go there she wasn't met with a nice face.
"Sit down." Principal Rose said sternly. "I called you here to talk to you about the incident that happened today. Many students have reported and told me that you purposefully slammed Taehyung's hand in his locker. That is a violation of school rule #93: 'Violence is prohibited on school property.' So I'll be calling your parents and you'll be getting ISS (in school suspension). Let's hope these punishments will help you learn from your actions. You're dismissed." And with that Pacifica was sent out of the office.
"Oh you're really getting it now nerd."
It was the end of the day and Jimin was contemplating whether or not he should talk to Jungkook. He decided he should. "Hey Jungkook can we t-" Jimin started. "Sorry I don't speak to realasionship reckers." Jungkook said putting his in Jimin's face.
"I don't know if your dumb or something but Tehyung wants to be friends with me. And it would hurt him to see us fighting. He has a lot of stress right now as it is with your friend bullying and harassing him." Jimin huffed.
"I don't listen to liars. So scram you rat." Jungkook yelled.
"Whatever ignore me. But you know it's true." Jimin said with a vicious smirk.
Jungkook balled up his fists and punched him causing Jimin to stumble.
Jimin wipped his mouth, "At least I care about him." "Care about him? You broke us up just because you were too pussy to stand up to Pacifica." Jungkook said, even more mad than before.
"Yeah cause you're an asshole who never deserved him." Jimin said punching Jungkook.
This caused everyone in the hall to gasp. No one punched Jungkook.
Jungkook growled and kneed Jimin in the head causing him to start bleeding. Jimin punched Jungkook in the stomach then in the face.
"You never loved him anyway! Sure I didn't stand up to Pacifica but at least I cared. You've never cared for him that's why you're fighting me isn't it?" Jimin spat blood from his mouth.
Jungkook decided enough was enough so he was gonna finish off Jimin until Tae jumped in front of him. Causing Jungkook to punch Tae in the arm.
"AHHHH." Taehyung screamed. "Baby I'm so sorry! Are you ok? I'm so dumb. Please forgive me." Jungkook rambled.
"I'm f-fine just stop fighting." Taehyung started to cry. Jungkook picked up Taehyung for the second time today and carried him out the school.
"You're dead next time." Jungkook thought as they walked off the property.
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