"So are they coming to my party or not Jimin?!" Pacifica yells at Jimin.
"I don't know probably, chill your tits pacific ocean." Jimin said annoyed.
"Don't tell me to chill my tits rice cake. I'm so close to getting what I want. I'm so close to getting him." Pacifica said with inlove sigh.
"Ugh don't start again. All you have to do is do what you planned and everything should work out." Jimin said
End of call
"Of course the hoe hangs up on me."
Pacifica's p.o.v
The party's today so I need to look my best. So I go shopping. Nothing is really catching my eye until I see this
"This'll definitely get him." I said and bought it.
How the boys look tobight.
Taehyung and jungkook walked into the party. Loud music and the smell of alcohol instantly hit them.
Jimin then walked up to them with a smile.
"Hey guys. Hey jk is it? Can I steal Tae for a sec thanks byeeee."
And with that Jungkook stood alone with a blank expression.
"Oh kookie bear!" He heard from a distance. He recognized that voice.
"It's sooooooo lovely to see you." She said with too big off a smile.
"Yeah you too."
"Let's talk, I have something to tell you." She said dragging him away from the entrance.
"Oh Taeeeee you look so pretty." Jimin slurred a little.
"Are you drunk already Chim?" Tae said.
"Not enough yet! Let's get wastedddd!!!"
They drunk and drunk and drunk.
"Aishhhhh tu mhake meh droonk gimin!" Tae slurred.
"Dats de pointeyyy." Jimin slurred back. He then started at Tae's lips.
"Heyyyy u u kno ur lips tey prettyyy."
"Bartender get this fine man a beer please." Pacifica said.
She handed him the beer and noticed there was white stuff at the bottom it almost looked like........medicine?
"Cif what's that?" He said pointing to the stuff.
"Idk they make them like that now." Pacifica said suspiciously.
"Now drink up I have a lot to say."
"So I'm just gonna say it I like you. I've liked you every since we met and I thought you felt the same but that stupid nerd snatched you away from me. The Jungkook I know and love would never date a nerd. So if he's paying you or something just tell me." Pacifica said getting closer to his face.
Jungkook just sat there and said nothing, he couldn't say nothing. He wasn't shocked or anything it's just that drink he felt weird after drinking it.
His vision was blurred and he could barely speak, move, or comprehend anything.
"Oh right you can't talk." Pacifica said with a smirk on her face.
"So tonight I'm gonna have a lot of fun with you." Pacifica said sitting on his lap.
Jungkook mustered up all the strength he had and pushed her off of him and limped down the hallway. He started to scream but nothing came out his mouth.
A stranger looked at him weirdly and all he could mutter was the word "water" weakly. The stranger handed him a cup of water. He gulped it down and he better but he was still far from well and ok because he then realized the bitch drugged him. He crawled down the stairs and walked him way over to where Jimin took Tae trying to find him and broke down in tears at what he saw.
"Wut u men meh lipsss r preety gimin?" Tae slurred confused as Jimin kept getting closer to him still staring at his lips.
Jimin smashed his mouth onto Tae's moving his lips slightly. Tae was too drunk and confused to figure out what was happening. And when he finally pushed Jimin off ready to yell at him it was too late cause Jungkook was standing right there.
"W-weell I-I hope you g-uys have a hapoy life." Jungkook slurred out threw sniffles. He then ran out of the house onto the streets no knowing where to go to or what to do.
"WHAT THE FUCK GIMIN!" Tae screamed.
"Uh I-I pacif-"
"Just forget it, this friendship is over NEVER.TALK.TO.ME.AGAIN!" Tae stormed out the bar trying to find where Jungkook went leaving Jimin all alone.
He started to bawl.
"What have I done?" He whispered to himself in tears.
ooop sorey but I did warn u stuff was gonna go down.
Plz dont hate meh
If you don't hate meh then don't forget to vote. I'll see you next Tuesday :')
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